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It Has To Be You

I'm feel sorry for not update yet ... Well now all my exam finished.
I planning to update it as soon as possible. I need your support with subscribe my story , read my story and dont forget to comment my story. This my first fanfic. My english not really great but well i hope you could understand with my story.

Well for project this story? What you think guys? Could you give me an idea? I still blur mind with the next chapter :D
I'll try update as soon as possible

This extra for you .. Yonghwa and Hyun Joong pic together. I forgot when it is. But at least they have pic together, isnt they really twins? Haha lol

Yonghwa and HyunJoong


AGAAIN :D YongHyun



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LoLobabygirl12 #1
Chapter 5: please update soon ive been waiting for what feels like forever to me.........cant wait^^
LoLobabygirl12 #2
Chapter 5: Pls update ^_^
PurizunaYuuki #3
Two of my bias are inside too!! Update soon yeah? <3!
PurizunaYuuki #4
Kyaaaa!! This fanfic is so awesome!! Really enjoy reading ss501 fanfic!!
mm are you asking for an idea? i think they should all just hang out or meet up accidently and then spend a day together so there is more build up to the actual story, don't worry too much about your english, i can still understand it, it just feels like at times there are words that should be there to make it gramaticly correct or flow better but since english isn't your first language, it's not too big of a deal to me, i think it's nice that you're trying :)
kpoplover88 #6
Yay he appeared!
he appeared :) he feels like a mix of his ji hoo character and seung jo so far
jess501 #8
@sillyhappyperson sure x3 im done with KHJ xP he's appear
:) yay update! i'll be waiting for hyun joong's appearence in the story ^.^