Chapter 2

Jeonghan's Kisses
Chapter 2
IV. Kiss No. 4 – Survival
A month has passed and Jeonghan broke off his ties with Mingyu after coming into a conclusion that both of them only had been using each other to get a move on from their previous broken relationships. As drastic a story as it may sound, they do end in good terms and are now becoming quite close friends.
Despite the happy ending between them, Jeonghan had a problem.
He craves for the taste and feel of someone’s lips on his. He longs for the soft fluid flush and languid movements along with the sparks that it could cause. He tries to distract himself through joining the art club. It wasn’t long before he gained popularity among the different students and members due to the paintings of flowers and landscapes that he’s left to dry on the club room’s window.
Lately, he has been spending the rest of his hours after class staring at a blank canvas, brush dipped in water but has not touched any of the colors on the palette. It has been that way ever since he has stopped receiving kisses from Mingyu.
“You’re pathetic, Jeonghan. Now you’re using other people’s lips as your life source.” He said to himself with a pitiful laugh, poking the dry pointed end of his brush at the canvas, tracing small patterns on it.
“Sunbae, you seem to be troubled.” A voice startled Jeonghan, almost knocking the palate and cup of water off the table. The figure was forcing back a laugh, trying to look apologetic to the older.
Lee Chan, the art club advisor’s son, has always been a regular sight at the club room, marvelling at both the paintings and artists as he realizes his dreams of soon becoming a successful painter.
“I’m actually trying to look for inspiration but I think I’ve run dry. Is it normal to get episodes like this for a week? I haven’t been contributing to anything lately.” The frown on the younger’s face mirrored that of Jeonghan’s and it wasn’t long before Jeonghan finds his gaze landed on the other’s lips.
Damn it Jeonghan, not this kid. Don’t even think about it.
But his lips move faster than his self-control because before he knew it, he just blurted out a “Can you come closer for a sec, Chan?” and the younger, being his naive innocent self, obeyed. Before they knew it, their faces were only inches apart as Jeonghan grabbed the guy’s wrist and pulled him over to where he is.
Of course Chan wouldn’t deny that he’s harbored an admiration for the long-haired male considering that not only his paintings were beautiful, but the guy was also walking aesthetic. And so when he felt a pair of soft lips on his, he couldn’t protest. It was quick, but also chaste and gentle, and yet it was too quick to savor, as Jeonghan slowly came to his senses.
“I- I’m so sorry Chan! I didn’t mean to-” but the younger just laughed it off, cheeks an obvious shade of pink, although a small hint of disappointment in his eyes were evident. “I guess you needed that to find motivation to paint again,” he said.
The next day Jeonghan was at the club room at the usual time to check on his panting. This time, the output was a different form of nature. It was a painting of two people, lips attached to each other. Both their eyes and lips were smeared and blurred on purpose.
He painted human nature.
At the same day, Chan wasn’t seen in the club room. And for the following days, he never came back, his father telling the students that the boy was off to pursue a different dream. Dancing.
If it was his fault or someone else’s, Jeonghan would never know.
V. Kiss No. 5 – Addiction
A week has passed and Jeonghan decides to give up on the hopes of seeing Chan again in the club room. Admittedly, he was expecting that not having the younger around would cause to have the feeling of something missing in his day to day life. However, he was more surprised that he was craving for the younger’s lips. Or so he thought.
It wasn’t until he noticed that as he was simply roaming down the streets, all he could notice were the pairs of lips from people, imagining how soft they would be on his, how the pairs taste like, and what stories they hide.
It was six in the evening and the streets are slowly getting packed with students and the working class, eager to get some of the stress off their shoulders and face the weekend ahead. However, it was unexpected of Jeonghan to fall into some kind of daze. He caught of a stranger’s scent and followed it as if his feet are moving on their own, and to his delight he found a lost-looking foreigner in the middle of the huge crowd. He wasn’t surprised anymore that his gaze was fixed on the stranger’s lips.
I wonder if foreigners taste different. He thought to himself while approaching the male. Without hesitating, he grabbed the younger male by the wrist and pressed his lips on the obviously shocked individual. It was heavenly, Jeonghan thought, and finally felt his strength being regained.
“Hansol!” The distant voice caused the other to flinch and pull away, giving Jeonghan a look of both disgust and confusion. The older got hold of reality, finally, and looked at the other with surprise before running away without saying anything.
I must be crazy. What the heck just happened?!
One thing’s for sure though, Jeonghan was thankful for that kiss.
“Hansol! Bro! Are you okay?” A guy, about the same height as the foreigner but with a slimmer built, called out in English.
“Dude, someone just gave me a kiss on the lips! He’s crazy-” Hansol quickly wiped on his lips with his sleeves.
“Let’s go wash that off with milkshakes. Don’t worry, my treat!”
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