Chapter 1

Jeonghan's Kisses
Chapter 1
I. Kiss No. 1 – Desperation
At first glance, people would say that Jeonghan is a pro when it comes to dating. He contains an undeniable and natural charm that would be able to woo both guys and gals even if all he has to do is stand on a corner and smile. It had also been a sight to see him with a girl in hand, going out on dates and giving her occasional surprises. They’re never a flashy couple but people still label them as a couple they’d want to be like in life. But despite all that, there is no such thing as a perfection when it comes to humans.
Jeonghan isn’t good with break-ups.
One night she tells him that he’s already satisfied her longing, for being the receiving end when it comes to love and affection, that she’s already bored. But still he holds her hand before she leaves and kisses her long and hard, in the hopes that it makes her realize that she was wrong to let him go.
But in the end, she does let go.
And when she leaves, Jeonghan finds himself on a standstill. He never did expect this moment to happen, for the love of his life to desert him out of the blue, and so he loses focus and panics.
Do broken hearts really make the worst decisions?
II. Kiss No. 2 – Validation
Not long before the breakup, Jeonghan decided to clear his stuff and move to a dorm within the university he’s attending. It was a quiet and cozy however it was for the first time in his life that he had a roommate.
Choi Seungcheol, the enthusiastic and chatty business major who was either cooped up in his side of the bed with his books or is out for an entire day or two to God knows where, only to come home with various scents. One night it’s coffee, then sometimes it’s chicken, but the scent that Jeonghan hates the most would be the mixture of smoke and alcohol.
He also sees lipstick stains on his roommate’s collar one night and he suddenly thinks of how nice it would be to actually find comfort in the company of strangers. And in that same night, a semi-drunk Seungcheol was sleeping soundly on his bed and Jeonghan couldn’t help but examine the older’s face.
He wasn’t sure how to feel but he knows that his heart rate accelerates each time the male arrives home, no matter what state, and Jeonghan finds himself dreaming of that handsome face that sends him off with a goofy grin the next day.
It’s now or never, he thought, as he takes the chance to place his lips on Seungcheol’s, who was both oblivious and vulnerable to the entire situation. Albeit soft and flavorful, there wasn’t anything that sparked within him in the kiss.
From then on, he decides that he only sees Seungcheol as a person he’s come to admire. Only pleasing to the eyes, heck he’d probably tear down his physical walls for him, but Seungcheol wasn’t the one who could open up his heart and soul.
From then on, they continue with their normal lives, Jeonghan never speaking of the kiss. Ever.
III. Kiss No. 3 – Deceit
A month has passed since Jeonghan’s kiss attempt at Seungcheol and even though no sparks have formed, he actually misses a pair of lips against his. He thought that at that moment, nothing mattered but the curiosity of feeling another pair of lips on his, and in those few stolen seconds, he’s forgotten about his first and worst heartbreak. But there was a catch he just realized as well.
He has to kiss a guy.
All his life he grew up to be straight, and Jeonghan knew that even if boys have caught his attention, his attraction was solely directed to females, women, anyone without a ding dong down there. But when he kissed his roommate that one night,he couldn’t see why he would also be attracted to guys.
Today’s sight isn’t as uncommon as when he was in middle school and high school. Though old school, he enters the room for the last subject and finds a letter patiently waiting on his seat.
Dear Jeonghan,
I know this is too soon but I’ve been watching you from afar since the moment I saw you and I want to confess to you properly. Is it alright if we meet at the rooftop this 5PM?
I’ll be waiting.
Being the courteous being he is, he would find it unfair to have someone wait for him in disappointment, so he decided to actually meet with the anonymous admirer that sent him a letter.
And the sight that greets him is stunning.
The boy was almost at six feet, his figure lean, tall, and defined, the school uniform fitting him perfectly that he looks more of like a model or an endorser of a uniform rather than a student. Jeonghan wonders why he has not caught sight of such an admirable person when the other has already laid eyes on him since long ago.
The moment that the other boy caught sight of Jeonghan, the smile that formed on his face made Jeonghan’s world seem to move in slow motion.
“Hello Jeonghan sunbae. My name’s Mingyu, Kim Mingyu. And I’m here to tell you that I like you. Will you go out with me?”
If being charming was a crime, Jeonghan would definitely sue Mingyu for it. Without saying anything, he takes the boy by the hand and pulls him closer, the six footer almost tripping, but Jeonghan caught him easily as their lips landed on each other.
There were definitely sparks, a rushed heartbeat, and probably a good feeling welling up inside Jeonghan. However, he tries to push a very tiny nagging thought at the back of his mind.
Something was missing.
“Sure, I’d date you, cutie!”
And just that easily, the two of them became a couple.
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