Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Noël

December 25th, 2xxx


The Grand Avenue of Seoul was always crowded, not just on special occasions. Every time, at every corner, it proudly showed a splendid custom that titles one of the top Asian cities.

Snow was falling, thousands of shimmering, silvery snowflakes relentlessly graced the ground. Children became more and more excited with all the games and joys coming along with these pure, shining crystals. Officers and workers hurriedly crossed the noisy roads, leaving behind all the hustle and bustle of city life for the one and only dear call of a cosy Christmas gathering at their home. And, of course, there were happy couples. Under the umbrella together, beside the one you love, the coldness of winter didn't seem to matter anymore.

A girl slid her hands on pockets, wearing mittens still could not prevent the night cold. She was wearing goggles, had on a giant hat, hiding all her pretty features. Why would she dress herself so ridiculously, unfashionably in such a holiday? Because she was the image of one of the lead Korean music bands. Because she was known by almost everyone for her egg-like face, her alligator-mouth laugh, and her perfect natural beauty. And because she was Im Yoona, the certain girl that more than half of Korean men wanted to get married to.

Yet all the while, her eyes kept wandering back and forth. At the deepest of her mind, she was envious of those couples, who was happily chatting, smiling with their hands intertwined. Those simple yet full of love interactions were enough to make a stabbing pain in her heart. The shadow of loneliness hovered over her, swallowed her soul. A Goddess that she was often called, she was still a human. A girl. And she too, couldn’t bear the feelings of loneliness. That terrifying feeling was like an ocean of sadness. The more she struggled, the deeper she sank down.

Lonely, lost in the stream of strangers. Seemed like she was having a boring, meaningless Christmas… again.

With a little hope of getting rid of those happy adolescents, she found herself turning to Grill Street. As it was called, this place had everything from everywhere in the world: grill meat, grill shrimp, grill cuttlefish,… no wonder why this place was quite warmer than out there. The fire basket, barbecued meat with honey scent was able to attract everyone, let alone the famous shikshin here. Plus, Yuri had always said in her dreams, wishing to taste the unique, unrivalled barbecued pork chop once in her lifetime. That’s why she truculently jumped headfirst into the nearest – which was the biggest store.

Walking out of the store with a stomach full of barbecued chicken and a pocket of barbecued pork chop on her hand, she glanced at her watch. It was only 9 pm, still early and she didn’t want to go home yet. She knew there would be no one to greet her at home, they were all busy having fun. Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny and Hyoyeon must have been going on a date. Fany, Sooyoung, together with Seohyun were shopping in some accessories shops. Only Yuri were probably at home. And she – she was wandering in the street like a homeless child.

Suddenly, she felt anger rise up inside. That idiot, how could it ever be possible for him to be in Super Junior M? Speaking broken English, semi-broken Chinese, and his communicating, oh, just like a fish blabbering chicken’s sound. Only quite good at dancing and, ehm, passable singing – but that group was never lack of professional dancers and singers, HE was not that needed! Ah, she got the reason now, that face was a fan-magnet. Then why it had to be M? There were still T, H, other subgroups for God’s sake! Her unnies were so happy that their lovers were not leaving Korea for now. Only she, just she had to cope with a Christmas–without-lover now.

The green-eyed girl only became more and more frustrated. As she eavesdropped from her unnies, Super Junior M would have the chance to meet Miss China. Oh, and they were going to have a masquerade ball too. He must have been laughing flippantly, whereas she was eating her heart out for him. The image of SNSD she was, how could she come anywhere near the girl that billions of Chinese were infatuated with? She felt pity for herself.

Now, Christmas was drawing really near. She missed him dearly. And she wondered. Was he missing her just as much? Was he, by any chance, thinking of her now?…

Still sauntering down the streets, she suddenly stopped at a small café at the corner. Unlike the animation and boisterous brouhaha outside, this place was comfortably silent and warm. Yoona had the feelings, as strange as it could be, that this place was specifically made for her.

Without hesitation, she opened the door, the bells jingled as she stepped in. The decoration of this place reminded her of some villas from the 80s: all the walls were painted in dark brown. There were some cute, colourful present boxes under the giant Noel pine – which was beautifully decorated with bright-coloured lights. And there were some red socks hanging on above the fireplace. She could hear the melodious sound of violin coming from a small music box, feel the impetuous smelling of coffee and ardent spirits filling the air. This place… definitely suited her. She ordered a hot cocoa and silently enjoyed the music.


Closing time was near, Yoona was the only customer left in the café. She found herself a spot beside the window, facing the street. Looking at a little girl clamouring her mother for Noel presents, a smile unconsciously formed on her lips. How long is it since she last received Noel presents from her family? Perhaps, since she debuted. Everything in her life had been changing since then. She couldn’t do anything she liked anymore. She had to act contrarily to what she thought. And dating was just like a luxury, she always had to date in the fear of being caught. She knew the consequences if she was. Both him and her were members of most famous groups of Asia, have the largest in number of fans. If their relationship was revealed, their success, their efforts will turn into a zero. And an obscure future would be waiting both of them.

Shivering at the thought, she sipped her hot cocoa cup, enjoyed the tasting deliciously buttery, grasy of cocoa. She could feel cocoa drifting down her gullet, warming up her stomach.

If only he was here to warm up my heart...

Snow started to fall again, the street became more and more deserted. Yoona let her thoughts flow in her favorite melody – Ave Maria. In a moment, her loneliness vanished and her soul was filled with music.



Her phone rang, broke silence. Yoona startled a bit and looked at the ID.

Yuri is calling.

Oh, Yuri. Why was she calling her now?

- Hello? Yuri unnie?

- Where are you now?

- I’m in Grill Street. Why? Anything wrong?

If her ears didn’t deceive her, she heard giggles from the other line. But she didn’t care much.

- Ah, no. Nothing. Bye, see ya.

She quickly hung up. Yoona wondered a bit.Maybe they’re worrying for me. I should go back now.

Yoona stood up and went to the cashier, who smiled upon seeing her coming.

- 10000 won in total.

- Okay.

Yoona rummaged in her wallet, grabbing the accurate amount of money. Ahh!

She yelped in embarrassment. A small photo of… her boyfriend accidentally fell out. She embarrassedly, clumsily picked it up. Red started to tint her cheeks. The cashier smiled at her.

- You’re his fan too?

Not knowing what to say, she just hummed and hawed to slide over the business.

- He’s so handsome and lovely and nice, isn’t he? – She was lost in her own reverie – He’s my ideal man you know. Who wouldn’t love him?  She laughed shyly. Anyway, Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas. Yoona answered shortly and swiftly went out of the shop. 


Ideal man? Yoona chuckled lightly. Yeah, right. Ideal man who left his girlfriend wandering alone at Christmas like this. But with that stupid face of him (naïve – according to most of girls in this country), no wonder they all fell for him.

Not too perfect like Siwon. Not too pretty and vainglorious like Heechul. Not too cute like Ryeowook, nor too feminine like Sungmin. Not too mature like Kyuhyun, either. But all of them made her one and only dear Fish, the Fish that she loved so much…

Yoona walked slowly along the street, kicking pebbles, her eyes staring in space. Another boring Christmas was about to end. Her mood had been better a bit, now all the same. She closed her eyes. A tear silently dropped out of her beautiful eye. Yes, she was crying. She hated to admit, but it was beyond her strength. She missed him. She missed him so much. She missed him like crazy.

Donghae, why don’t you come back? Do you know… how much I miss you?

A pair of hands suddenly covered her eyes from behind. Yoona stopped walking. Those hands, so warm, so familiar. Is it possible…

- ­Guess who? ­A sweet, warm voice resounded.

Her helix unconsciously reddened. She froze. He… he really came back? That idiot. Why did he have to choose that moment to meet her? She hated him seeing her cry. She didn’t want him to look at the weak side of her. She wanted in his eyes, she was the strongest girl in the world. But she just couldn’t, as tears came out one after another, uncontrollably.

Donghae, on the other hand, was shocked as much at the situation. He hadn’t expected her to react this way, it was completely contrary to his expectations. He didn’t know what to do, either.

-­Yoona ah. I’m here. - Donghae said.

Silence took over. He slowly removed his hands from her eyes and pulled her back to face him.

- Yoona…

- YOU! GO DIE NOW LEE DONGHAE!!! – Yoona shouted. Her longing, her grieve, her tears now all became anger. It led to her hitting him hard on his chest.

Never in her life had Yoona been so angry. Her love for him was more than enough… That fish… so stupid!

My dear Yoona. Don’t cry. I don’t want to see you cry. I don’t want my angel to shed a tear…because of me…

Donghae pulled her in his embrace. He had been yearning for this feeling for too long. Even when he was in China, standing beside the girl who was loved and admired by billions of Chinese, his mind only went to his own angel. He wished to be by her side, to have her in his arms, and to kiss her.

Yoona just stood there, completely silent. Her head now rested on his firm shoulder and she had stopped hitting him then. She just wanted to enjoy his presence, as though she was scared if he was to disappear again.

Donghae slipped his hand into her thick black hair and came closer. Yoona could feel his warm breath tickling her skin. She slowly closed her eyes. Their faces were only inches apart… 





The bell of the Grand clock rang and resounded, the two hands striked at number 12. A new day has come…

The two love birds awkwardly pulled out, Yoona shyly looked away.

- That damn clock… - Donghae grumbled.

Neither of them said a word then.

- I…

They tried to start up conversation at the same time. Silence then ensued yet again.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed up in Yoona’s ingenious mind (as so she thought). She turned to Donghae, grinning sweetly.

- Close your eyes.

Needless to say, the face of the poor fish now looked even more dim-witted. He didn’t have any clue of his girlfriend’s 180 degrees changed attitude. Still, he obediently closed his eyes like a docile child, not having time to see the mischievious smile that formed on her sly face.



A big white, cold snowball landed exactly on his face.

-WHAT THE… YAH!!! - This was the very first time he had been fooled by her like that. – GET BACK HERE NOW, IM YOONA!!

Yoona giggled victoriously, her eyes became challenging as she ran around.

- ­Catch me, YOU FISH LEE DONGHAE!!!

The jetblack yet shining magically Noel night filled with laughter and happiness between two young lovers.

Future now bright of hope, wide open before them, made up for days of loneliness and longing.

That Christmas

Someone sighed, expecting a melancholy holiday alone…

That Christmas

Someone crossed the ocean to come back home…

That Christmas

Two pabos met

That Christmas

In the snowflakes, two people playing, laughing, being happy…

That Christmas

Still the same as others…

Only one difference...

That Christmas

Named Lee Dong Hae and Im Yoon Ah.



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Chapter 1: Yoonhae ?
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
NICE ! (y) loving the cute yet sad and heartbreaking longing. It was cute when he showed up to her like that ! >< But then, I bet he was dead shocked when he saw her crying. ><<br />
Great job ! Keep it up !
Joon15 #4
Yoona is so cute in here! Nice fic. Great job. ^^
chas_ssmentrok #5
this fanfic is really cute ^^<br />
i especially like the 'this christmas' part
I congratulate both of you for the good teamwork!<br />
<br />
Okay, I may not be the best critic, but as you've requested, I'll try to give my opinion here. The plot is nice, nothing too original, but nobody could ever guarantee originality. In that case, it's actually the flair to the writing that could boost the score up. I think it's fulfilled here. I'm assuming that your friend who wrote this is also 14-15 years old? If so, then I'm impressed, because I think there is a very promising author in the making, and that's great. I admit I have slight...discomfort in the way Yoona's characterized. Only a minuscule part though. I understand that she was frustrated and lonely without Donghae, but her reaction was slightly too...whiny. Note, slightly. I actually enjoy her partial angst portrayal in the beginning, and the happier one in the ending. <br />
<br />
What I have to compliment, again, is your writing style. I think it's where the teamwork between you (sushisoju) and your friend: because like what one of the comment below me said, I also really, really, really adore the "Not too perfect like Siwon. Not too pretty and vainglorious like Heechul. Not too cute like Ryeowook, nor too feminine like Sungmin. Not too mature like Kyuhyun, either. But all of them made her one and only dear Fish, the Fish that she loved so much…" part! Witty and cleverly written! That's where I think the original author is good with the writing style and the translator can also keep it up in the same level. <br />
<br />
So yeah, that would be my comment for the story. Keep up the good work! ^^
chechaee #7
This is really adorable one-shot :) Haha. Thank you for sharing and translating the beautiful one-shot :D ♥
Thank you for commenting guys, I appreciate it so much <3. I actually didn't expect anyone to read this :P This is the first time I've ever translated a story into English, plus English is not my native language. So I'm sorry for any mistake I've made. Thank you again for reading this story ^_^
devilyoong #9
the perfect one-shot to read this holiday! thank you to your friend for writing this wonderful story, and to you for taking the time to translate and share this with all of us Pyros :))