Blue Lagoon
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Orange. Bright orange. Her eyes fluttered opened to only see the color orange in front of her.Her body felt weak and inmobile.She could feel the slippery tarp underneath her body that rolled like waves giving her a headache. She mussled up the strength to turn her head to the side and finally realized she was on a life raft.On the opposite side lounged a drenched Sehun looking out at something far away from her. He noticed she had woken up and turned towards her.Everything started to click.The fall, the orange liferaft, the feeling of waves.Her eyes grew big and she finally found enough energy to spring to life. She quickly looked over the edge to see nothing but the soft waves of a dark blue almost black water The ocean Sehun watched her dissemble as she franticly looked over the edge.She turned back over to look at what he had been gazing at before.He watched as the Seagulls pecked at the fish grabbing them out of the water and flying off. His eyes narrowed. Penny had finally calmed down, but the lump in hadn’t left-she felt like throwing up.She looked at herself covered in itchy, wet sweats and a see through shirt twice her size.Her hair had dried out into the little natural wavy curls she had.She looked a mess. “Where is the ship?”She croaked.Her voice snapped Sehun out of his gaze. “Don’t remember.I think it...Sunk.”He said.She laughed at the odds.Of all people, she was stuck with an old crush from college. Sehun grabbed from beside him a box.He dug inside pulling out 3 pencils, 2 journals, logs, and looked over the varies food items inside.He seemed so unaffected by this, like it had happened before. Before she knew it, she started to sob.Her wails alerting Sehun and he rolled his eyes. “Im supposed to be in class right now.Enjoying life, kissing my teachers for an A, hanging out with Marley, and... And now i’m going to die!”She screamed.Sehun sighed packing up the items back in to its protective case “And i’m supposed to be in Japan living out my dream, but I’m stuck in the middle of the ocean with one of the most annoying girls in School.Now shut up your not going to die.”He replied sarcastically.She listened to Sehuns dominating command hushing her whimpers. “I’m not that annoying.” she mumbled under her breathe to his amusement. “’You are.”He chuckled. “ Penny
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