
A lfe which I love to hate (Not)

Wow! I didn't know he could eat that much. I watched Hoseok in amazement as he consumed a dish fit for..10 servings, I guess? Plate by plate as it began to disappear. Jungkook looked at him in such horror I want to laugh.

"I have doubts you actually knew him", Jungkook stated.

"Hey! Food is essential to a guy's stomach", he argued.

"R-ight" I was so mesmerised by those two idiots when I felt something on my legs. Moving my sight to whatever that is to know Caz crawling there trying to get my attention. He reached his arms for me as if asking me to hod him and yes, I did.

"Tae. You had to be kidding me! With this man infiltrating these borders it will be a disaster known to history!", Jungkook clearly pressed 'disaster' to me.

"It's not my fault he sleep walked!"

"How did I even get here?", Hoseok, eventually innocently spoke.

Oh, how I wish I could strangle him.


"Sheesh Tae. Please. Anyway how did you get here?"

"Got kidnapped"

"Aw~I feel bad for ya'"

"Sure you do"

"Come on Tae..."

"Wait.. Tae?!", oh damn you Jungkook!

"Tae for short! Am I not a genius thinking it out and used it to this guy?",

Hoseok proudly presents his masterpiece. I sighed. This is gonna be a looong day... ___________________________________________________________

I went to see the king to gather information. This son of theirs got me curious more importantly the date he was kidnapped was the same day I was found in my parent's garden on the ground then was taken in. However when I asked the king he gave me no replies of what held me up and decided to leave me hanging with questions, especially when he clearly said he doesn't want Caz to be involved at al cost. Yet, what are they hiding that made everyone left into silence when I brought it up. Is it so confidential that I must not know about it?!


Jungkook had been pestering me these days. When I told him to quit it, he would my hair with such affection when I asked him why his only replies are,"I just don't want to leave you alone.."

"Jung..if you want to die, I can kill you right away", I left him as his words quickly came to annoyance that I just want to shout, ' OFF' to him. I mean I can, can I?

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RabvyScythe #1
Chapter 3: Now that I remember, wasn't this a fanfic that you made from school?
RabvyScythe #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha....
RabvyScythe #3
Good luck then Ryel...
Don't mind if it is mature, at least... enjoy-_-