
A lfe which I love to hate (Not)

    Me and Jungkook were having a debate of the clothes I would wear for dinner with the royal family. We debated whether I should wear MY clothes or THEIR clothes.

"This is the royal family! You need to wear your best for dinner!"(Jungkook)


"Taehyung, please! For once!"

"Can't I just wear me?! This is ME!"

"At least", he sighed,"for me"

"Why should I do it for you?!"

"For the king then"


    I snatched those ing clothes and just ing wear them!




    The clothes made me look a lot like them, a....shirt(I think) and a jacket embroided with gold and red that kinda suits perfectly with my (just dyed accidentally since I thought it was normal shampoo) red and blond hair (the blond was when I started to panic and get a bottle without reading the lable and used it). I swiped the fringe of my hair to the side to gey a closer view and went out.

That's....when I regret. Jungkook. ing Jungkook.

"See? It suits you especially your face-", as I pushed his face away.

"Lets get over with. I only come because I'm starving"

"That's why I love you",he gave me a grin which I strongly trying to avoid.




God, this is awkward.

    The royal family eyed at me in curiousity. The princess, a true beauty was sitting across me, looking at me judgingly at my face with her brother(I think or his cousin. What can I say I didn't know) looking at me with those big doe eyes (he's about 5 months old) in the arms of the queen holding him lovingly. He reached for my finger then plays with my hand, smiling repeating the words,

"l-ike! l-ike!"

"Aww~he likes you", she cooed at her son.

"Thanks", I smiled and that made the child giggled in delight.

"", the king took a glance at me unsure.


"Well Taehyung, this is my niece", he gestured to the princess who is now pretty grumpy, "Haeri"

"Niece? Not daughter?", I thought I saw the resemblance.

"No, we took her in after the death of her parents"

"I see.."

      I moved my gaze to that child.

"Ngh ngh", he reached his arms to me,wanting me to hold him. 


"Go ahead", the queen beamed as the child went to me.

    I held him closely to me and he cuddled to my chest as he touched my face smiling.

"This is my second son, Caz", imtroduced the king.

"Second? Where's your first?", I dared to pry as the great hall fell silent.

"My long gone. He should be 19 by now, a marrying age"

"So he's the same age as me. Cool"

     Caz pulled my hair a bit giggling.

"Caz...I hope you don't mind...I'm not used in addressing anyone-", my words then got cut off by HIM.

"Trust me, I know" (Jungkook)

     I ignored his words as the king gave me a nod of approval. A while then, we ate dinner in peace kinda. Caz opened his mouth while cutely asked, "Ah?:

    So everytime he did that, I gave him a spoonful of porridge to his mouth as he eats. A smile was edging out when Caz touches my face while his nose brushed mine, giving out a toothy grin as I let out a chuckle.

"He seemed to like you. If only that's not true", Haeri scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Haeri",the queen scolded then turned to me ,"it's amazimg how Caz likes you he's usually shy among the new"





"Ngh ngh ah", Caz reluctantly being pulled back to the queen from me.

      He seemed upset and started to cry. His parents tried to assure him but to no avail. Caz cried that is until I sdecided to hold him once more. He stopped crying and stayed on my chest.

"Um...why don't I take care of him for once?"

     They gave me a nod except Haeri who gave me a glare. Caz happily playing with my (ruined) hair. I trudged down the hallways with Jungkook following me.

"I don't see why you should take care of the young prince", he basically sighed.

"Yeah yeah shut up"

     I laid myself on the bed with Caz on my side, playing with the fabric of the sleeve.

"God! Now I'm jealous!", he blurted out.


"Why can't I be the one sleeping next to you?!"

"Uh...I'm straight"

"Nnah ngh",Caz giggled.

"Jungkook, get out"

"I can't. The king stated to be at your side the whole time. Plus ot's not like I want to leave your side", he smirked.


     Caz let out a yawn and fell asleep soon after. I shooed Jungkook away, giving him a glare (he reluctantly leaves, giving me a faint smile which I didn't give a about it) as I went to sleep with Caz in my arms.

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RabvyScythe #1
Chapter 3: Now that I remember, wasn't this a fanfic that you made from school?
RabvyScythe #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha....
RabvyScythe #3
Good luck then Ryel...
Don't mind if it is mature, at least... enjoy-_-