The Beginning

You Help me, I'll Help You


Donghae silent for a while and replied quickly. “Ah.. I have holiday here.” Donghae smiled. He did it because  he want to covered his nervousness.

“Ohh.. Lucky!” she mumbled.

“Heh?? Why your face so confused. Any problem?” Donghae ask.


‘Croouuunnngg..’ it’s Yoona’s stomach sound.


“Ahahaha.. come on. We go to the nearest cafe.”


They walked together to the cafe. Donghae still trying to covered his nervousness. They chose the table in the corner. Because just there who still available.

Yoona Think that Donghae can help her. Because she know that Donghae have a lot money. So.. she can borrow money from him. But she change her mind. ‘No.. no.. no’  She think that her friends can helping her.

“So what’s the problem?” Hae asked after they ordered the food.

“My father take all of his money from my bank account.” Yoona pouted and tears almost make her cheeks wet.


‘ I’ll keep on feeling every time. Kokoro ni wa kimi gairu. Baby don’t cry is alright now. Futari de itai yo.’ Yoona’s phone rang.


“Um.. wait. I’ll answer it.” Yoona walking outside. And press the call button.


“Jessica Unnie..” She said with slow voice.

“Hey.. how about your holiday?” Jessica asked. And heard she’s very interesting with her question.


Yoona took a deep breath “It’s very very failed holiday. I have a big trouble here. I lost all of money in my bank account. My father who take it...” she told Jessica everything that’s happened to her. “Can you help me?” Yoona asked. She already tell her that she want to borrow her money.

“Sorry.. Yoona. My money also take over with my father. As you know that if we have holiday times, our father always take over our bank account.” She told her.


That’s true. Their father – The girls’ father- would take over the money from their daughter account. Because as we know that girls like shopping. Especially this is holiday times. The girls will spend a whole day just for shopping. So their parents decided to take it over.

“Aissshhh.. I forgot it.” Yoona tap her forehead and shook her head. She saw Donghae. “Jessica.. I’ll call you later. I’m already with Donghae.”

“D-Donghae?” Jessica stuttered. Jessica want to ask why she can be with Donghae but Yoona hang up the call.


Yoona little ran to their table. Donghae still sitting there while playing his iPhone.

“Sorry... I take a long time for calling.” Yoona sit in front of Donghae.

“Nope.” He replied.

Their food already on their table.

 “My father take his money in my bank account. So I don’t have a money again. Can you... can you.. help me?” Yoona pouted.

Nothing the other way, except she borrow money from Donghae.

‘She don’t have money. I can give her.’  Donghae said in his mind. And grinned.

“Help for?” He said as he don’t know the next words she would says.

Yoona look at the table. She can’t look at Donghae. She feel nervous and shy. “Borrow me some money. I need to holiday here. And after I go back to Seoul.. I’ll take it back to you. Can you?”

“It’s easy for me. But.. You can help me too??” Donghae change her face become a sad face. He's acting. Actually he doesn’t know what things who filled in his mind.

Yoona just raise her eyebrow wait Donghae continue his words.

“I also have a problem. My parents want me to have an arrange married with my father’s friend daughter. I won’t do it. Because it’s such a crazy idea. And they will cancel the idea if I have a girlfriend. That’s why I go here.” Donghae lied. But he doesn’t mind it. The important, he trying to make Yoona become his girlfriend even it must use this way. Lied.

‘Ohh.. it’s very not good advantage. What will I do?’ she keep thinks hard in her mind.

Yoona just nodded.


Donghae make sure that Yoona wouldn’t change her mind. “Are you wanna be?”

Yoona looked at Donghae’s eyes, and says “Umm.. But.. how long we act as a couple?”

‘DEG!’ two of them have a same heart beat when their eyes meet each other.

‘What is this, huh? And I’m being nervous? It’s not my style at all.’ she talked in her mind.

“Just for 2 months. How is it?” Donghae covered his nervousness quickly. He won’t let Yoona know his true feeling for Yoona. And he smiled again.

Donghae’s smile make Yoona’s heart beat become more fast.

“Tw- two months?” she asked with blushed face and stuttered.

Donghae nodded.

“Ok!” both of them make a deal. “But it started when we arrived in Seoul, right? Not here.” Yoona told him.

“Of course. So.. how much money you need?” Donghae said.

“I want to borrow  ₩ 1.000.000 . But if I think that’s not enough, I’ll call you.” Yoona told him.


They both continue their eating with silence.


“Okey! Where you stay now?” Donghae ask her and break the silence.


Yoona look at Donghae and she found sauce near Donghae’s mouth. “I stay in Horizon Hotel. Not far from here. Eh? Sorry.. there’s any sauce near your mouth.”

Yoona quickly take a tissue and mop the sauce. Donghae look shocked. He never expect that Yoona will do this to him.

“O-Ohh.. Thanks. I stay in my sibling’s house. He work here as an architect.” Donghae stuttered at first. And he explained about Ki Bum.


Now Donghae feels very happy. Because Yoona deal about the agreement and something who happened while ago. Yah.. even though he must beg a help to his parents. But is not a big deal. After go back from here he want to call his parents and talking about his plan. Actually Donghae isn’t a type who talking about his love to his parents. ‘It’s for my future.’ Donghae thought and giggled in his mind.

After finished their eat. Donghae decided to accompany Yoona to back to her hotel room.

“Do you want to drink something?” Yoona ask Donghae who sit in the sofa.

Donghae just shook his head. Donghae think that it’s good if he can spend the whole holiday with Yoona. Because Yoona alone here and maybe Donghae just people that she know in Italy.

“When you’ll go back to Seoul?” Donghae ask her.

Yoona sit next to him. In fact, she feel very awkward when she realize that now she with Donghae is the same room.

“Maybe next week. Actually I want to go back two weeks later. But if the condition like this, I’ll quickening my failed holiday.” Yoona show a smirk.


Donghae look at the clock. It’s 1 pm. “Ohh.. same. We must go back together, ok?! Umm.. I think I must go back. But give me your bank account numbers first. I’ll transfer the money after this.”

Yoona give him a piece of paper that Yoona’s already write her bank account numbers.

“Then.. this is my phone number. You can call me.” Donghae give her his name card.

“See you.” Donghae leave and waved to Yoona.

Yoona just show a fake smile. She feels very confused.




 Two days before Yoona back to Seoul. She meet with Donghae. They want to talk about their time for go back to Seoul. In the way to the park. Yoona feel her heart beat become very fast. “Issshh!! Calm down Yoona.” Yoona suggested to herself.

She found Donghae who sit in one of the bench there. Donghae look very.. handsome. Yoona thought. She approached him.

“Hello Donghae.” She bowed her body.


Donghae stand up and looked at Yoona while he gave his best smile. He feels that Yoona become more beautiful. ‘She always be more beautiful if she doesn’t use make up.’ Donghae thought. And invite Yoona to sit next to him.  

“How about your holiday? It being more better, right” Donghae asked.

Yoona just nodded. “How about yours?”

“My holiday here just spend with playing Play Station and walking around in Mall.” He raked his hair. He look Yoona laughing.

He really want to grab Yoona’s hand and says ‘I Love You’ but it’s too fast. She would confused with his act.

“Ohh.. I will go back to Seoul two days later.” Yoona informed Donghae.

Donghae’s eyes look so excited. “How if we go back together?”

Yoona said that she doesn’t have a problem if Donghae and her would go back to Korea together.

Donghae ask Yoona to walking around Italy for today. Because today’s their last day in Italy.


“Ok! Where will we go?” Yoona asked.

“I don’t know. Just let the time who bring us.” Donghae giggle.

Yoona laughing loud. “So disgusting words. ‘Just let the time who bring us’” Yoona immitating Donghae’s words.

Donghae also laughing and mess Yoona’s hair.

‘DEG. DEG. DEG.’ Yoona’s heart beat become faster. She like when someone mess her hair.

“Yeppo.” Donghae said.

‘Omo!! What happened with my heart? Is there a problem? Mom.. help me.’ Yoona thought and suddenly blushed.

They walking around. When they found a souvenir shop. They entered the shop. They looking for a gift for their friend.



Hey.. Sorry for not update Yesterday.. Hehehe..

Am very busy. Kkkk

Ahh, sorry. There's not a poster. I can make poster.. :(

Hope you like it. And I guess This chapter is very boring. But this chapter, Yoona slowly realize that she love Hae. Hahaha.. :D

See you in teh next chapter... ^^



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Chapter 1: update soon please
putrilovefishy #2
Chapter 4: update soon please...
HuiMin #3
Update soon!!!
muteeara #4
I'm new reader !! i like your story<br />
misslove08 #5
i"m a new reader and i like your story ... update soon~ ^^
chubbygirl #6
@all thank you for comment. It's updated.. ^^
choiminjung #7
awesome update soon ^^
cjfishyyoona #8
UPDATE SOON!!! <br />
<br />
from,<br />
CjFishyYoonA a.k.a Fishy
Awesome starting!!Update more!!