Salty, Spicy, with a touch of Iron(y)

Stranger Affections
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Why on this night, of all nights, did Sungmin have to be out for a schedule? That was the question for the night as Ryeowook stirred the stew in front of him, trying his hardest to ignore the happy shouts and whoops coming from the living room. Kyuhyun had invited his “Kyuline” over to play video games with Eunhae accompanying them, and since Leeteuk and Kangin had also come home a while ago, all grumpy and hungry, Ryeowook was stuck in kitchen duty to keep everyone happy. Usually he would have obliged happily, but an hour ago he was totally ready to fling his spatula across the room and run into the night.


It all had started a few weeks ago, after that stupid dressing room incident. The worst thing was that Ryeowook still wasn’t sure what he had done wrong. All he knew was that Kyuhyun had suddenly exploded at him, which had led to a fortnight’s torment.

As he sat in the leather chair to be fussed over by the hair and makeup stylists, Ryeowook took a glance at Kyuhyun’s direction. The younger man was playing with his phone, not even bothering to notice his existence.


‘Hasn’t he said it to you enough times, Wookie? Hasn’t he made it clear that it’s all just fanservice to him? You are a friend. Nothing more.

So you should just give up.’


Sadly for Ryeowook, one’s heart doesn’t give up so easily, and although he was able to shake off thoughts of Kyuhyun from his mind momentarily by engaging himself in a conversation with the coordi-noonas, the familiar twinge of pain in his chest persisted.


The way he saw it at that moment… there was no way out for him. Unless he found someone else, who would somehow be better than Kyuhyun…


But that wasn’t going to happen, now was it?


Sighing a bit Ryeowook pulled himself out of his thoughts and focused his energy into talking to the coordi-noonas for a change. It was always rather fun, being pampered by the work staff around them. Most of them had him figured out already, so they didn’t mean anything more with their constant cooing and flirting. And he had to admit, someone playing with his hair or rubbing his shoulders was in no way unpleasant.


One person seemed to object though.


“"Fine! And continue being a manwhore while I play with my phone!"


And after that, Ryeowook’s own personal little hell started.


He knew Kyuhyun was called the Evil Maknae for a reason, but he had never, never, been as cruel to him as the night after their fight in the dressing room. Ryeowook had been ready to put it behind them, no matter how much Kyu’s overreacting hurt (and after all, hadn’t Ryeowook been childish as well?), but instead of meeting him half-way and trying to apologize, Kyuhyun had taken the time and effort to bully and annoy him as much as he could. Even later, when things had cooled down a bit, Kyuhyun could have apologized, could have made up for all the undeserved he made Ryeowook go through, but everytime they were alone, Kyuhyun would just shut himself off from the world, avoiding Ryeowook’s gaze like the plague.


Ryeowook glared a bit harder at the stew he was making and contemplated for a while pouring half a salt shaker into the pot, but since only Kyuhyun was responsible for his current demise, he didn’t want to anger the others, especially his hungry hyungs. Well, maybe Changmin deserved some of his ire as well. Because where the hell would Kyuhyun have gotten that idea to bully him like that?






The idea of Kyuhyun stalking around a forum established by Tumblr users of all places was a ridiculous one. He was the one causing trouble in relationships, not having them himself.

“If only you knew how much you hurt me,” Ryeowook mumbled at his stew, feeling his eyes glazing over. Goddamnit. Hadn’t he cried enough lately already?


“What has the stew done to you Ryeonggu? Tell me and I’ll beat it up for you!”


Ryeowook almost knocked the pot over as he heard a voice coming from right next to him. As he turned around, he saw Heechul smiling innocently at him, smelling of crisp winter air and at least five different hair products.


“Hyung! Don’t scare me like that! I thought you were supposed to eat with your film crew today?” Ryeowook exclaimed as Heechul bend over the pot and took a deep breath.


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cmngcm #1
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating despite all the school projects but I think Kyu is the one who caused a scene because the words he said to our baby wookie.....kyu line deserved to be treated that way!!! But I m not happy because Wook always hurt by Kyu .......
Chapter 3: I feel really bad with Wook enlistment, thanks for writing
xmichelle #3
Chapter 3: UGH KYUHYUN !!
Chapter 3: I.......... JUST FOUND THIS!!! Like I once mentioned, I havent been lurking around stalking the kyuwook tag on aff for months now, so I have no idea this fic even existed :(( BUT DAYM THIS IS A FUN STORY!! And I always love my otp being y, fighting, jealous and in denial, just to make up with hot steaming in the end (( see? Im already asking for when I just found this today xD can't I atleast request the queen Julia to do this? LOL )) oh. And you're asking who wrote which huh? O.o hurmmm

How can I be so sure that both of u did this separately? what if both came into the mix? Like julia did some parts of a chapter , and sabi doing the rest? That can happen too right? But well of course then the flow would be awkward af but dude. YOU BOTH ARE ALREADY GENIUSES IN WRITING ! or not, you guys cant come up with such a great and annoyingly cute fic xD I bet you guys could mix and match your writings and make them blend well with just a few types on those keyboards here and there xD but...... Since u guys are determined.....

Im betting,
First chap is Sabi's, second is Julia's and. Third is made by both? :D and. THANkyu for these 3 chapters guys !! ^^
ryexwook #5
Chapter 2: i love the plot. i love jealousy wookie and kyu kkkk
jesyuchiha #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha amo cuando se comportan así xD esos dos son tan lindos~~
Espero la siguiente actualización! :3
cmngcm #7
Chapter 1: First story written by moonbreeze and second one by the Sabilandako? Haha the 2 lovebirds are loving each other so much but yet keep hurting each other......sigh....this is different and I love this.....more please and please don't let Kyu hurt our baby....
Pls continue to support Cosmic and RW looks gorgeous and his voice is just like sound of an angel!
Thanks authornims !