

"Where have you been?"


"At this hour?"

Taeyeon glanced at the clock, it was quarter past six in the morning. "Yeah, at this hour." 

"You went to that girl's house again, didn't you?"

Taeyeon furrowed her brows, contemplating whether to answer the question or not. "So what, mother?”

Mrs. Kim shook her head. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop seeing that girl?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I will see whoever I want to see?" Taeyeon crossed her arms, undeterred at her mother's reaction.

The middle aged woman took a deep breath to calm down. "We're allowing you to see anyone but that girl."

"Why do you dislike her that much?" Taeyeon internally knocked her head for asking that stupid question.

"Their family has a bad reputation!” 

"But..." Taeyeon let out a frustrated sigh. "For the umpteenth time! I don't care! And what do you even know about her?! All you know is how her father manipulates people to get what he wants." She balled her fists as she tried to suppress her anger. "She's not like that, mother! She's far from that. Way too far!" 

Mrs. Kim looked at her daughter in disbelief. "You..." She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to ease her aching head. "Fine! Do whatever you want! You don't even care about this family anyway." 

Taeyeon felt like she was stabbed right into her heart. She had never heard her mother like this and the accusation was too much. "Fine! I'll do whatever I want! At this point, I don't even care if you disown me." She immediately stopped at that, she went too far she thought.

Her mother's eyes widen in shock, not believing the words she just heard. She knew that her daughter didn't mean what she said but it did hurt nonetheless. She was about to say something but Taeyeon already stomped her way up to her room.



Tiffany inhaled sharply upon the contact. “Tae…” She smiled as she felt the arms around her waist. “What are you doing here?”

“You’re always asking me that question.” Taeyeon smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Because you always sneak up like this.” Tiffany gently pried the arms away and turned around. “So?”

“I was looking for a book for research, then I saw you.” 

“That’s kinda hard to believe.” She narrowed her eyes as she looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon chuckled. “I’m serious.” She reached out and tucked the stray hair behind her ear. “You look beautiful today, love…” She smiled wider when she saw her looking away. “When do you not, anyway.” She leaned forward but the hand on her shoulder stopped her. “What’s wrong?”

“Not here, Tae…”

“Why?” Taeyeon looked around. “Nobody’s looking.” She grinned mischievously.

Tiffany crinkled her nose at the stubbornness. “Fine, just a peck on the lips.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips gently against the other girl’s. She was about to pull back but Taeyeon swiftly held the back of her head and deepen the kiss. “T-Tae…” She pushed her lightly by the shoulders. 

“I missed you, love.” 

“Stop giving me that look. We just saw each other yesterday.” Tiffany playfully hit her arm.

“But still…” Taeyeon opened her arms and Tiffany gladly hugged her. “Do you have plans after this?”

Tiffany only shook her head as she savored the warm hug.

“Then can I ask you out for dinner?”


“You choose.”


“Great choice.” Taeyeon smiled widely as she hovered above Tiffany.

“I know how your erted brain works.”

“But I seriously wanna take you out for dinner…” Taeyeon leaned in and brushed her nose against her neck. “You’re the erted one, love…” She smiled and bit her neck lightly, earning her a low moan.

“Your erseness is contagious… I should reconsider my relationship with you, Tae.” Tiffany held the girl’s face so she could look at her in the eye. She couldn’t help but chuckle when Taeyeon grinned.

“Stop blaming me. Just admit it, you’re a closeted ert.” Taeyeon poked her girlfriend’s cheek. 

“I’m not.” Tiffany pushed herself up and sat on the mattress. She reached out and held Taeyeon’s cheeks as she looked at her. “I have something to tell you, Tae.”

The smile on her face instantly faded at the serious tone. “What is it?”

“Daddy wants to meet you.” Tiffany looked at her with worried eyes.

Taeyeon exhaled in relief. “I thought you were breaking up with me.” She held the hand on her face. 

“Why would I? Daddy doesn’t even care who I’m dating.” 

“I don’t know… The thought just crossed my mind.” Taeyeon shrugged. “So he wants to meet me?” She shifted and moved closer.

Tiffany nodded. “Who would not want to meet the daughter of one of the country’s richest men?” She asked teasingly.

“Oh, stop it. It’s making me cringe.” Taeyeon crinkled her nose. “Mind you, we’re on the same boat.” She lightly tapped Tiffany’s nose.

Tiffany only chuckled.

“Seriously, he wants to meet me?”

“Yeah, I was surprised too. He never bothered meeting anyone that I dated before.”

“That’s kinda fishy…” Taeyeon grinned apologetically when the other girl looked at her impassively. “Okay, my bad. I’m sorry. I was just joking.” 

“I’ll forgive you since you’re Kim Taeyeon.” 

“What does that even mean?” Taeyeon chuckled amusedly.

“I’ll forgive you because I love you.” 

Taeyeon almost squealed as she scooted closer and hugged Tiffany. “I love you too. I won’t joke about that again. I swear.” 

“Fine.” Tiffany pulled back and held her hands. “So… You’re okay with it?”

“I feel nervous, though.”

“You should be.” Tiffany smirked.

“Hey, don’t say it like that!” 

“What? I’m just warning you. You don’t know him exactly… Who knows what he’s going to do with you?” 

“Oh god, stop it!” 

Tiffany giggled at the other girl’s reaction. “You’re so cute when you’re like this.” She leaned in and kissed her gently.

“You’re so mean.” Taeyeon smiled into the kiss and pushed her down the mattress. “You should make it up to me.”

“What did I do?”

“You teased me.”

“I didn’t tease you, Tae.” Tiffany giggled again when Taeyeon nuzzled her nose against her neck. “It tickles, stop!” 

“You’re so cute when you’re like this.”

“Now you’re just copying me.”

“I like copying you.” Taeyeon pointed her chin to her shirt. “See? You’re really a closeted ert.”

“You were talking too much, I started to get impatient.” Tiffany parted the shirt and held her waist, pulling her closer.

“Snap.” Taeyeon said as she unclasped the other girl’s bra. “I really love this one. So convenient.” She placed her palms on the girl’s stomach and slowly trailed its way up until it reached her chest. “You’re so beautiful, love.” She leaned down and kissed her passionately. 

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Chapter 5: sad but still happy ending! 😁
Chapter 5: I forgot that this story does not have a happy ending but I still love all of your stories been re-reading them though
Mihyun101 #3
Im gonna binge read all of ur stories lmao
girlofeternity_ss #4
Sometimes it's takes a lot of time for things to work out. Acceptance is hard to receive from people who are not open-minded and is still stuck in their own beliefs.
Chapter 5: Would you like to give me an epilogue? im kinda sad that Tae's family still didnt approv their relationship :(
Chapter 6: Yeah, it's so hard for people to accept this kind of relationship. I thought you'd make them separate, but i'm glad you didn't because it's frustrating to read sad story, for me it is. ><
gollysweety #7
Chapter 5: Author shi!!! You make me red as tomato in this
story ;) ,.gosh so et, so cheesy, so clingy and so on!! Hahaha, awww I'm shy when tae so cling, what funny is I thought fany angry at first but suddenly ' surrender ' hehe can't help with the charm from tae huh. :) I like it!!!

Thanks for the story!!! :)
tipco09 #8
Chapter 5: These types of relationships are hard to accept for some people, especially parents. I'm glad that TaeNy is staying strong despite the set backs.
czankx #9
Chapter 5: Now this is what i'm looking for!!!