-Chapter Two-

Blood Scent | 2jae

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I jerk my head up to the sound of gunshots in the far distance. Confused and startled i rotate my head everywhere for the source that caused the gunshot but I saw nothing at all. It's dark and no one is here. Then I realized my location...This familiar place that I will never forget. I recognize those bright colors, the stuffed toys and little things you can win, even the cotton candy...I approach it cautiously and grab some for myself. I stare into the pink fluff and take a bite. It's still fresh even though this place is completely deserted. ' Where has everybody gone and why am I here?' I wonder but no matter how much I push in my mind I'm still not able to remember how I got here. 

The world seems so dark like If the moon is not shining....In fact where is the moon? It's night but there's no moon. " What in the world?" It is supposed to be a whisper but out in the distance my voice echoes repeatedly and just when I thought it was gonna descend i heard the echo again. I look straight up ahead but I couldn't see anything because it was humid. 

I hear a twig crack from behind me and spin towards the direction of the sound but nothing, no one was there. " H-hello?" It might be stupid but I called to see if someone stepped out. This is why I won't survive in horror movies. Anyway my idea worked, someone's small figure is approaching me and out came a kid from the shadows. My worries subsided and my expression on him soften. 

" Hey there little boy." I smile and bend down to his level. He is crying silently while hiding his eyes with his arms. " What's wrong little buddy? Are you alone? Where are your parents?" I ask.

" H-home~" He whines.

" Home?" I furrow my eyebrows. " How did you get here alone?" 

" I didn't!" He sobs louder. 

" W-who did you come with?" I hesitantly ask. I feel like I'm asking too many question and that in the end he won't want to tell me no more. I really need to know where this kid's guardian is so that he won't be alone and I would be able to find an exit out of here. 

" With my big brother and sister." He responds. He seems to be more calm and he stopped crying. " They told me to hide over there." He points at the place I remember hiding when I was little. My dad had told me to wait for him there.

Cautiously I walk up to the hiding spot and suddenly the earth started shaking oddly. The feeling and the shaking begins to get stronger and soon enough I needed to hold onto something in order to not lose balance. I think of the boy scared, lost, and crying and I figured I should comfort him but when I turned around the boy seemed just fine. He isn't shaking, he isn't out of balance and he isn't scared. But what confuses me the most is the feeling I have as I stare at him with my eyebrows furrowed. 

' This isn't over...' I thought as the boy hides his face under his palm. Then the strong feeling stopped and I begin to feel pulled by something. I feel like I'm being in a portal and I reach my hands out to the boy!...wanting to call for help but he's not even reaching for me! 

He opens his mouth...

" Youngjae." He calls and I answer. " Youngjae." He repeats my name again, making me find it hard that I told him my name. 

" Youngjae!!" This time a stronger voice arises and I jerk up in shock. My heart pounds hard against my chest and my body feels sensitive and sour. I frown as I notice I'm in a different location again. I see my three best friends Bam, Mark, and Jinyoung laughing and pointing at me while we were at lunch. I feel lost and tired, plus numb so I have no idea what's going on. It feels like a blur but I know this is happening now. 

" Youngjae~ I didn't know you eat with your cheeks!" I here Jinyoung comment with a sly smile, however I do not know what he is talking about nor do I know how to respond. I look at Bam who is giggling while drinking on what looks like apple juice. 

" Yah you okay?" Mark shakes his hands close to my face and I nod slowly and very groggily. Mark reaches in and removes something from my face which shall be a freaking pickle! 

" Who put a pickle on my face?!" I finally somewhat feel more energized. I look at Bam who seems to have a few pickles on his side dish and I frown disappointedly. The boy shakes his hands and shakes his head. 

" I-It wasn't me Hyung I swear!" He blinks cutely but I won't buy it. " It was Mark Hyung I swear." He rattles on but I know Mark wasn't the one because even though he plays a lot and is kinda irresponsible he is not the type....Or is he? 

" No it was Mark. I saw." Jinyoung claims and I roll my eyes slightly. 

" Forget it.....It doesn't matter anymore." I say and yawn. 

" Hyung how can you fall asleep while eating? Did you not get rest last night?" 

" Nope." I rob my eyes." I was up all night finishing up an essay." I inform them. Jinyoung goes on his phone again like always probably reading a vampire fanfic or something. 

" What essays?" He asks still not looking up from his phone. " An essay I have in my separate class from all of you." I respond and Bam sighs in relief. 

" Bam did you even do your homework?" Mark the computer nerd with circular glasses, and a lab coat responds. He is very good when it comes to using technology and playing video games or watching old monster flicks but if he's to be told to study for the math test he will definitely throw himself out the window. Note that this isn't exaggeration. 

" No...." bam lowers his voice to make it barely audible but we all heard him loud and clear, he didn't do his homework. Again. 

" If you keep going like that you will fail your classes which means you'll have to repeat grades which means it will take longer for you to grow up and become a rapper. Not only that but your parents won't allow your phone or to go at a sports party, and we won't allow you to go at that cafe we all love." Jinyoung's motionless voice's made me want to start laughing but I know that If I do, bam won't take him seriously. 

" Really hyungs?!" He dilates his eyes and we all nod our heads at the same time. " Okay fine I will do it!!" Bam pouts and shakes Jinyoung's arms however the eldest doesn't move at all. I decided to help Bam out since I can't stand my friends being not even the slightest upset. 

" Hey Hyung but we will go to the cafe today right? I'm really craving for that new drink." I whine becoming my self again. 

" Yeah let's go today Jinyoung!" Mark joins, his eyes dilating in excitement. 

" Nah you guys go ahead. I have some forest that needs experiments." 

" Uuu! Can I come Hyung! I like the things you do!" Bam smiles.

" How about we go help Jinyoung at the experiment today and then go to that cafe place." I suggest and even Jinyoung nods his head. " Stop reading so much hyung~ You're gonna become a book worm." 

" And you're gotta become the actual chatter box with all your talking." He grins at me mockingly before going back to his book. I frown and pretend to be Hurt. 

" Aww look, you hurt sunshine Hyung." Bam smiles, feeling sorry for me but he is literally teasing me to! 

" Hehe he'll become the actual sun." Mark joins too and I start laughing too. I am a bright person, even when I don't feel quite alright. I smile because it makes other people smile. 

" Alright so it's settled right!!?" I cheer and they cheer with me except for Jinyoung who is stuck on his phone. We continued eating until it was time to go to our next class.


" Jinyoung are we there yet!?" Mark pants loudly in front of me. We have been walking deeper and deeper inside the forest and even though on my phone it says 5:45pm my surroundings keep getting more and more darker and I feel scared. Not only that but we just left school so our uniforms are gonna get dirty and I'm really tired. All I wanted is that drink and now I think I don't even have the appetite anymore. 

" Nope. Just a bit more up ahead." He replies looking at the map of his phone. I'm tired of this. He has been doing and saying the same things for a while and it's just making me more desperate to reach there. It looks kinda pitch black but the flashlight that Jinyoung has made me keep up. 

" Hyung! You have been saying that for a while now!!" Complains bam. Come to think of it Jinyoung is crazy if he thought he was gonna go here alone in the dark while we at the cafe slurping on smoothies. He might just become a crazy scientist....

" Mark Hyung tell us a joke to pass the time." Bam whines.

" Do I look like an entertainer?" Mark replies.

" you kinda do...I mean look at your hair and how you dress! You're like a classic cartoon." I laugh at Bam's reply but he earned a punch. 

" Admit that was fu-" Just when I was about to say something I loss my balance....Or rather said I no longer felt the ground under me. I panic thinking that maybe I am falling down and I am!! My hand automatically grips the edge of the cliff that I might be in. My chest begins to hurt and my grip is becoming loose. " Jinyoung help!!!!" I shriek before finally losing my grip and falling down.

-End of Chapter- 

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haruharumei #1
Keep writing authornim! I'm waiting for you~
EuniceIm #2
OMG I can't wait till the next update :))
I wonder if I can translate your story into Vietnamese. It'll be very great.
Thank you so much :))
BtsKeepRuiningLives #3
Chapter 3: Ohh this is sooo good! Love this, keep up the good work! (: I hope i don't die because i don't know how to wait.
amaranta17 #4
Beenzy #5
Chapter 1: I'm so excited for the next update
Katey90 #6
Chapter 2: Whaaaaaa the last scene got me excited to know what going to happen next ^^ i love how Youngjae is such a bright boy although deep down he's so sad' my babyyyy <33333
Chapter 1: A www poor young jae ...
You're fic seems interesting
can't wait to know what gonna happen next
Looks so nice!!

I'm looking forward for this fanfic ~~~
Chapter 1: Omg im so excited to read more