Clearing the Air

Arranged Love

“Talk.” I sighed while I spun my coffee cup in my hands. I didn’t want to be here, and I didn’t hide it either. My father and I…after my mother died we just grew more apart. We didn’t come together like a family should and support each other. My father became violent and had regular drunken nights. I still, technically, live with him but most of the time I crashed at Dongwoon or Junhyung’s place. Anything to escape him.

“You have to understand why I’m doing this-“

“To better your company.”

He glared at me. “Enough with the attitude.”

“Sorry. Force of habit.” I spat.

He leaned back and started rubbing his temples.

“I’m trying my best here as a father. Gikwang is a good man-“

“Do you know that? Have you actually sat and talked to him? Asked him about his life?” I raised an eyebrow at my father’s silence that answered for itself. He hadn’t talked to him. Gikwang was as much as a stranger to me as he was to my father. Just great. I could be marrying a serial killer but as long as it benefits the company, right?

“It’s obvious you don’t have much to say. So, let me talk.” I squared my shoulders. “I will go through with this marriage. Only because I don’t feel like fighting with you and it will help the company. As the heir I need to make sure it’s good and strong before I take it over. I don’t want a crumbling empire. But when I’m married never call on my again. I owe you no more favors. This will be the last.”

He nodded.

“But, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, if I have children with him you have, have to be in their lives. You will not be absent for the most of it like you were for mine. Araso?” I asked. I have to admit, I was probably being a little harsh as a daughter. But I thought of this as a contract and I was a business woman right now.

“Araso.” He agreed.

“Perfect. Call this, Gikwang, and set up a dinner date for him and me. I will talk to him about our current situation before anything else happens.” I sighed and stood. My father just sat there. “I’ll be leaving first.”

I placed a tip on the table and walked out. I was glad it was Saturday. No work. And I really needed my friends. I pulled out my phone and called Junhyung. “Hey. I need to hang out today. Are you free?”

“Hang out?! YOU?!” I chuckled. “I am totally free for you. Especially when you want to hang out.” I could practically hear his smile.

“Good.” I tried to sound serious but a smile was playing around my lips. He’s already making me feel better. “Call Dongwoon.  And let’s…” Uh-oh…I want to hang out but I don’t know where to go!

I could hear him laughing. “Let’s meet at the mall and talk about it then.”

I nodded. “Araso.” We hung up and I started walking for the mall.

Whenever I got the chance I chose to walk. I got tired of drivers and people constantly doing things for you. It frustrated me. Like I wasn’t capable of handling myself.

“LET GO!” I turned around and saw a familiar lady trying to pull her purse out of the grasp of a teenager.

“Hey!” I ran over. The guy panicked. He looked like he was not even in his 20’s yet. I sighed.

“Let go of her purse.” I warned.

“Or what?” He growled and pulled harder. The purse slipped out of her hands and he started running.

Despite my heels I pursued him. It turned out to be easier than I expected to out run him. When I did I spun around and brought my arm out. It caught around his shoulders and I took a step forward bringing my arm down and slamming him into the concrete.

I stepped on his chest to keep him from getting up. “Or that.” I said with a smirk. He was groaning in pain and the lady, who I recognized to be Gikwang’s mother, came running up.

“Thank you.” She said panting. I let the kid up and handed the purse to her. Her eyes widened when she realized who it was. She immediately bowed.

I sighed, frustrated. “None of that. We’ll be family soon.”

She smiled at me. I cleared my throat and said goodbye to her.

“Wait! What can I do to repay you?”

I chuckled. “Just take care of yourself.” I waved to her and kept walking to go meet up with the guys.


Short, I knooow.

Anyways! Comment! Love to hear from ya'll! ^-^

gikwang is so stupid why didnt he realise sohee is the girl at the party >,<
keep update :)

Me: Oh my gosh! Tell me about it! But he'll figure it out soon! ^-^ Maybe...chapter 6?

umm.. sorry to bother but i'm not that familiar with Beast members and i was wondering if you could put pictures of them with their name and something about them. Just the pic would be fine. Im having a hard time try to see who is who ^^;

Me: Of course! Just look back in the forward and they will be there. ^-^

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Chapter 27: I also loved your comment replies!!!
Chapter 27: Aww... I loved the BIG twist bit it was an awesome story!!
lcherry13 #3
Chapter 27: Awesome fanfic lol!!!!!!!!!! Tihi

sooooooo UNFAIR huhuuhhuh >;[

WHY did YOU HURT my HUSBAND! [gikwang]
huuuhu TT^TT

i seriously thought hed end up w/ gikwang! >.<
but I LOVE YOU sooooo MUCH for making this story! XD
but one thing though!

YOU OWE ME A GIKWANG FIC with HAPPY ENDING! and hell end up withthe main.OC
<3 U!
make more fics!
ktothepop #5
I thought she'd end up with gikwang. But still it was a cute ending! ^-^
Caitlynheu #6
Aww I thought for once Gikwang was going to win :( but I love the ending
awww what a happy ending well... kinda but it was good!