Sincerely Yours

To my future self

Seungri is literally cleaning out his rather large closet when he stumbles across an old, brown box he had for years now, he pops it open to go over its contents quickly and without really a care. The box was filled with things that brought back memories from not too long ago, he had almost put it away with a slight grin on his face before he has noticed an envelope flat against the bottom. With his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he manages to phish it out.


He notices rather sloppy handwriting on the slightly dirtied paper, signed from “young Seungri” to “old Seungri.” The memories he had of this all suddenly came to him causing a gasp to push out of his lips.


There’s no way he still had this. This letter was 10 years old. He gawked at the envelope for a moment longer before curiously opening, he slowly pulled the wrinkled and folded piece of paper.


He stared, hesitantly unfolding it to hold it up. He glanced over it quickly, acknowledging his lack of penmanship of his fifteen year-old self. A brief chuckle left him before his eyes moved up to the first word.


‘Hello, future me. You should be about 25 years old now. How’s it going?’

“Pretty good.” Seungri spoke quietly in response to the letter.

‘I’m guessing it’s going pretty well, but then again - it’s just a guess. Maybe a tragedy has happened in your life recently. If so, I’m sorry and we both know we can get through this. If not, just wait.’

Geez, younger me is sure positive, Seungri thought sarcastically with a quick sip of his wine before he continued.

‘So, you’re about to debut. It’s scary, right? Is BIGBANG still together? Do you still make music? Did you guys become successful? Are we famous?’

A faint grin curved on Seungri’s lips as he read on through the short question. “Definitely.” He mumbles.

‘If not, that’s okay. Maybe we can become a kindergarten teacher like we always wanted. Either way, I hope you’re happy.’

‘Did you become more handsome? If so, good job.’

“Yep, definitely.” Seungri smirked.

‘Are you still single? If not, boo yah.’

“Unfortunately, I am.”

‘It’s so weird, I’m talking to myself in the future. Does Jiyong still hate us?’

    A laugh escaped him, the rim of the wine glass pressed to his lips. “More like obsessed.” He took a sip.

    ‘Did you get to act? Are we good?’

    “Yes, and we are learning.”

    ‘Are you and Daesung still awkward?’ Seungri shook his head lightly before continuing on.


‘Do you still play with legos? If so, you’re still a loser which is unfortunate. Please stop playing with them so we can make more friends.’

    “Younger me is a straight up .” His lips curling into a childish pout. ‘Are you married to Jessica Alba yet? Do you still cry when E.T. goes home? Have you met Justin Timberlake yet? Are you still alive? Do you like mushrooms yet?’

    Seungri scoffed in amusement, a wide smile plastered on his face. Man, I was such a hopeless idiot, he thought.

    ‘I know this seems stupid now, but this will be really interesting to read in ten years. It will remind you that you were once me and that you’ve grown to be better now, I hope. Is your sister doing good? I’m guessing she’s into art and wants to make music like you, because she seems like the type.’


‘Are mom and dad still together? Is mom doing well? Is dad doing well? Whatever they’re doing, I hope they’re good. Tell our sister we love her since we didn’t do it enough when we lived together. Call your mom and tell her you’ll visit soon and then actually do it. She wants to see you.’ Seungri looked it over twice and swallowed the lump forming in his throat, glancing over to his cellphone.


    ‘I know you may find this embarrassing, but I know you still love the 15 year-old you. I know it.

    But I hope you love your current self more now though.’


    ‘I hope you got better and are finally able to be genuinely confident. I hope you don’t have to hide behind a mask anymore. I hope you are able to love properly now. I hope you made good decisions. I hope you’re satisfied with the way your life is going.’


    ‘I hope the people surrounding you are kind. ‘Cause if I turned out to be the person I wanted to be, then you should be deserving of that.’

    ‘Sincerely, yours.’


    ‘P.S. Was BIGBANG great?’


Seungri laughed it off as tears came to his eyes and rolled down his flushed cheeks. He was alone, but in this moment, he didn’t really want to be. Maybe he will call his mom tonight, he thought. It is what Seunghyun would’ve wanted.


He calls up everyone that night, checking up on them and having a few good laughs. Maybe the 15 year-old Seunghyun inside is feeling a bit overjoyed, maybe it’s just Seungri.

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Stuckinfiction #1
Chapter 1: This is so, definitely, quite possibly a most Seungri thing to do. I love it! :D
Nerdeagle #2
Chapter 1: Shhhh, I'm not crying, there are just feelings in my eyes.

Honestly though, I love the idea of this and I can imagine it so well and it was so cute and heart-felt. Thank you for posting this, I loved it.
amelciao #3
Chapter 1: So beautiful
madzleen #4
Chapter 1: beautiful...