Chapter 8

annyeong, naneun neoreul aneunde

Taeyong stared at Winwin discreetly trying to size him up. Is he tall for his age or, is it appropriate? How old is he? He looks closer to Taeyong’s age. Relatively. Taeyong’s bride, so to speak, is still a pup. By any chance, Winwin couldn’t be him.

Could he?


It was the Easternders who had taken the pups from the Land of Far East but, had they still kept them with themselves? Had they reared them up with their own hands? Taeyong wasn’t told. He won’t be till the pup grew up; matured. He won’t still know who his mate is.


“Taeyong-ssi?” The Easternder omega was looking at him curiously, biting his lip, his head cocked to one side at the lack of reply from the alpha.

“You shouldn’t be here, Winwin-ssi.” Taeyong shook his head in disapproval. He plucked the leaves off his clothes, dusting the sleeves.

“I - I lost my way.” The omega’s eyes are wide and confused like he himself is unsure. “I think.”

“Where were you before this?” He took a step closer to the other.

“Uh.. with the other omegas?”


“Umm.. I don’t know.” Taeyong raised an eyebrow at that and the omega flushed. “I wasn’t paying attention.” His ears were turning red, his head lowered.

“Why not?”

“I smelt something nice so, I was trying to locate it.” He looked up at Taeyong at that. “Can you? Smell it? The scent is from here somewhere.”

All I can smell is you.

“Let’s take you back to your group.”






The shock is written all over his and Winwin’s face.


“Taeyong”, his father calls out. “Come forward.” The alpha opens his mouth several times and then, shuts it. He looks at Jaehyun for comprehension. The omega’s lips are stretched into a strained smile and mouths ‘go, Tae hyung’. Taeyong catches the eyes of Doyoung and Mark who wink at him and Donghyuck who visibly snickers. He starts taking quick steps towards the figure in a white bellowing robe. Winwin is no longer looking at him but facing the crowd.


His mate.

That’s a surprise, huh?

Taeyong’s startles at Taeil’s voice in his head. Don’t jump like that. You’re an Alpha Leader now. Ours.

Can you hear me?

I can. If you mean it.

I thought we could only hear each other in our wolf forms.

You’re the Alpha Leader. You can hear us whenever you want.


But, I would say, hyung-

Don’t call me hyung. You’re older than me.

You’re my alpha now.

Can the kids hear us? Taeyong looks at where his pack is standing. The thought fills his chest with pride. His pack.

No. They’re not adults yet and you have to initiate it with them.

I didn’t have to with you. Taeyong gazes around, taking in the feeling of knowing he was conversing with someone yards away from him and none was the wiser. He always heard about it but, it is the first time he feels the connection. It is overwhelming.


I told you you would make a good alpha leader. You have all the credentials.

Taeyong can hear Taeil’s laugh. You’re awfully distracted for someone who just met his mate.


Yea, oh.


Then, Taeil’s presence is gone from his mind and he shivers. Winwin’s eyes are on him and Taeyong covers the final few steps.


“What took you so long?” His mother hisses and one of the Elders looks at him annoyed. His father claps him on the back and pushes him forward to where the Priest is standing. An alpha is standing between him and his mate and is announcing about their engagement and how in two wolf years when Winwin will mature and become a grown up omega will become the mate to the new Northerner Alpha Leader. Then, the alpha steps aside and Taeyong gets to see his mate so up-close whose auburn locks are swaying in the light breeze and looks and smells so beautiful. Whose eyes are on Taeyong and filled with questions but, it’s okay the alpha tries to reassure him with a smile. His mate’s lips curl into a light smile and Taeyong’s heart soars from just that and before he can take a step closer, the alpha next to Winwin grabs the latter’s arm, stretches it forward and slashes his wrist.


Taeyong’s eyes widen and he sees red. He is about to howl and tear the throat- but, his own hand is grabbed next and by his own father nonetheless who is saying something but, he can’t hear anything over the loud noise in his head. His own wrist is slit next and then, his mate’s bleeding wrist is placed on his.


It feels like the first time he was trying to swim and was drowning. The sounds are blocked and he feels distant. He stares at his mate with wide eyes who is staring back at him with a look he cannot comprehend at the moment. He can hear his mate’s heartbeat though. Pulsing next to his.

All too soon the connection is broken as Winwin’s hand is drawn back and his falls limp to his side. The alpha who slit his mate’s wrist wraps a thick cotton cloth on it. It was pure white. It turns into crimson. Taeyong growls.


Calm yourself, Taeyong. It’s only a ceremony. He is not hurting your mate for real.


Taeil’s voice is like cold water dumped on him and Taeyong finally wakes up from whatever stupor he was in. He looks around and sees all the wolves in the tent standing up, ready to phase and give each other chase. The celebrations have begun.


His ceremony is over.


Taeyong is an Alpha Leader now.


He has a mate now. A bride, that is.


Taeyong’s bride is Winwin.


Mark and Donghyuck are the first one to reach him and hug him from the back. He had not even noticed when the Elders had left. Jaehyun and Taeil come next to congratulate him. He is being hugged by Northerner wolves, politely greeted by the Eastenders, the Southerners and Westenders pick him up and throw him into the air and catch him and repeat it for seventeen more times. By the tie they let him go, his head is slightly spinning and he sways on his feet. Alpha Minho, Jinki, Jessica and Siwon are demanding his presence in the Chase and wish to put him to test. They’re one of the alphas from the other packs of their Pack he is in good terms with. They are older to him and yet are very friendly.

Taeyong leaves with them, shedding his clothes at the end of the tent and phasing quickly to his wolf form. He is not able to beat most of them. After all, they’re older, powerful and experienced. They promise to teach him all the Alpha ways. Alpha Leader Lee Jinki tells him to remember that being a leader means to not be brash and glares at Minho for one of his suggestions.

It is almost dawn by the time Taeyong comes back. He is on his way to the tent he shared with his parents for one last time when he notices the lit torches in the huge tent erected for the Ceremony. He sees a shadow in there and wonders who it is. He goes staggering towards the tent and transforms to his human form - he had phased back into his wolf form after their drinking session as he had no clothes on his person - and quickly, puts them on.


Only then does he register the scent wafting towards him. He stands up straight, or, tries to and moves further inside.


He finds Winwin sitting in the middle of the empty space.


“What are you doing here?”

The omega looks up and there is so much relief on his face on seeing Taeyong that it makes the alpha’s heart beat faster.

“I was waiting for you.” The omega stands up. Taeyong frowns.

“Waiting for me?” Phasing twice has cleared his head but, it hasn’t taken away the inebriation completely. He is still having trouble tying his robe.

The omega looks so pure and .. and .. angelic?Yea, angelic to him that he doesn’t know if he just wants to drink the sight in or, process the words being spoken to him. Winwin is shorter than him, but still tall enough. He doesn’t have big eyes like most omegas do but, it they aren’t small either. He has a sharp jawline. Sharp canines and pointed ears. His build looks lithe and stands gracefully in the white robe.

His inner wolf purrs.

He has the perfect mate.


Winwin is a few steps closer than he was previously. “Do you need help?”

“With what?”

The omega points at something and before Taeyong can reply, he steps closer and pulls on the strings of the robe tighter (The alpha inhales sharply and stops breathing; the sweet scent is too much) and ties the robe for him. As soon as he is done, Taeyong takes a step back and flusters.

“Why are you here?” He asks, trying to remind himself to ask the right questions first. “You should have gone back with your pack.”

It’s the omega frowning now. “You’re my pack now.”

“No.” Taeyong says harshly. “I mean, we’re not - we’re not.. do they know you’re here?”

“They’re the ones who left me here.”

Taeyong scowls. “Why?”


“To get to know my Mate before I become his Omega.” Winwin says it like it’s the most obvious thing and Taeyong gulps.

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Chapter 8: In 2018 im still hoping for an update❤️❤️ This fic is sooo gooddd❤️
Hope you update soon ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 8: I just realized that i'm not subscribed to this and i have been waiting for an update.. Aaaggghhhh i am so stupid at times.
Anyway, great once again!!!! =D
grichanbaek #4
Chapter 8: Damn I'm so gone(;
nowie1017 #5
Chapter 7: *fist pump*

*double fist pump*

nowie1017 #6
Chapter 6: Yes!! They finally meet!! Oh please please PLEASE! Tell me it's actually Winwin. I don't think my heart can't take it if it's not ㅠㅅㅠ
Btsrules125 #7
Chapter 5: Cant wait for when they meet each other! Ahhhhhh ^^
markintuan #8
Chapter 4: when will they meet up ...
looking forward for the next chapter