Chapter 4

annyeong, naneun neoreul aneunde

With his coming-off-age round the corner, Taeyong is free for the last few days of his Not Adult life. He is free to do whatever he wants - mainly, play around with his friends. It’s okay if he doesn’t return to his home on time. It is understandable because he is enjoying the last duty less days. And, because he is needs to enjoy this time with other wolves, his friends even have permission to be out just as late as him. They are mostly chasing each other through the woods. When it gets too hot, they dive into the nearest water body and splash water on each other. If the night gets cold, they huddle around each other and sleep through the night under the black sky. For food, they don’t go hunting. Taeyong wants to eat the meal his mother has prepared out of his father’s catch. His father is a good hunter and Taeyong hopes to be just like him. If not better.


It’s been two days since the Towel Incident. Thankful that neither Doyoung nor Jaehyun brought it up in front of the others, he let them have the food cooked by his mother. The memory of the incident still leaves Taeyong’s cheeks hot and a curiosity as to who the Omega was. He doesn’t ask Jaehyun even though the latter will know very well who the other omega is. Taeyong is curious because he hasn’t seen the omega before and he takes pride in the fact that he knows every single member of the Northerner pack. (Honestly, there were other new faces too but, he had been too busy to notice.)


It is some time late in the day. They are lying in the shades. Or, at least, Taeyong, Jaehyun and Doyoung are. Mark is busy trying to bite off Donghyuck’s tail. The notorious maknae had dropped a beehive on a poor, unsuspecting Mark on the pretext of getting him fruits from the tree. Taeyong wonders when the alpha will learn Donghyuck means nothing but pranks. Taeil who was up till that point helping Mark with the bee stings, comes towards them. He phases back to his human form behind a tree, before approaching them again.

“Taeyong, Can I talk you to you for a minute?”

Taeyong nods his head, before he gets up on his long four limbs and trots over to a tree with a thicker trunk. He phases to his human self. He shimmies back into the shorts tied around his leg.

“Let’s walk”, is all Taeil says and they start walking in the opposite direction.

“What happened, hyung? Is everything okay?”

“Yes”, Taeil smiles. “Let’s sit on that rock.” He points to a large boulder formation. They jump over it. They are in the eastern most part of the Northerner area. From there, they can see the Perimeter Patrol in the distance. They had come to watch the sunrise.

“So.. ?”

“Is everything okay between you and Jaehyun?” Taeyong looks at Taeil in surprise. Anybody else, he could expect asking him the question. Not Taeil. The older alpha is never curious about others’ matters. “I don’t mean to pry. It’s just..”, but then again, it’s only because he is Taeil, he is asking this question so late; Taeyong had it long time coming, “you two have been off lately. Jaehyun, especially. Is it because.. ?”

Taeyong nods his head solemnly. Taeil sighs.

“In my defence, I don’t know what to say to repair things between us but, you know, I can’t also approach the topic without making things very awkward. I’d rather there be this ..this limbo.”

The sun is fairly above the horizon and the sky has a beautiful bright, orange hue. He wants to visit this place here again. Perhaps, he’ll visit the next time with his mate?

“I don’t want to tell you I told you so but, I had told you to be careful. Feelings and emotions are a very serious thing.”

“I know, I know, hyung and am sorry, I didn’t learn my lesson the first time around.” Taeil pats his shoulder in a gesture of sympathy.

“You sure you don’t want Jaeh-”

Taeyong glares at him. “Hyung, I have a mate.”

“Well, you never chose him.” Taeil points out.

“I didn’t but, I accepted him. My parents, our Elders chose him for me. I respect that.”


“Even if I had a choice to reject this, I wouldn’t, hyung. I wouldn’t. Because what kind of situation would such a young pup be running away from with his siblings that he is okay to take shelter in a stranger pack? That he is ready to accept bonding in exchange of safety? Pups are the most scared of unknown wolves let alone seek them for help and get themselves bonded to.”

“You’re not bonded yet.”

Taeyong gives a withering look in response. “It doesn’t matter. I feel bad for him. I wouldn’t wish on any of my pack members to not have their chance of deciding for their own mates.”

“And, yet, you agreed with the elders.”

“I will. Each and every time. Because if all I have to give him is the seal of my bond for him to be protected and safe, then, I will.”

Taeil nods his head in approval, feeling proud of his friend. “And, that’s exactly why, my friend, we consider you to be our perfect leader.” He says before adding as an afterthought, “You are already so protective of him.”

“I am protective of everyone.” Taeyong replies hotly. Taeil laughs. “I just.. I just wish.. I meet him once. We get to know each other before the bonding ceremony.”

“You have not met him?” Taeil raises an eyebrow at him.

“No.” Taeyong shakes his head and tacks on in a low voice, “I don’t even know his name or, what he thinks about me. About this whole situation. Nobody should have to pawn off their life to just be safe. That’s not right. What were the Elders even thinking?”

Taeil shrugs. “I am glad you are thinking so much about him. Remember though. He has a litter with him. You should look out for them too.”

“Litter?” He almost growls it out and Taeil smacks him on the head.

“As in, his sibling litter, you idiot. Your omega is untouched.” Taeyong ducks his head in reflex. “Probably.”

Taeyong’s eyes widen and he hits Taeil on the arm. “Hyung!”

“Just kidding, Taeyonggie.” His eyes wrinkle in amusement as Taeyong groans and hops off the rock, muttering ‘stupid jokes’ and ‘hyungs’.

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Chapter 8: In 2018 im still hoping for an update❤️❤️ This fic is sooo gooddd❤️
Hope you update soon ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 8: I just realized that i'm not subscribed to this and i have been waiting for an update.. Aaaggghhhh i am so stupid at times.
Anyway, great once again!!!! =D
grichanbaek #4
Chapter 8: Damn I'm so gone(;
nowie1017 #5
Chapter 7: *fist pump*

*double fist pump*

nowie1017 #6
Chapter 6: Yes!! They finally meet!! Oh please please PLEASE! Tell me it's actually Winwin. I don't think my heart can't take it if it's not ㅠㅅㅠ
Btsrules125 #7
Chapter 5: Cant wait for when they meet each other! Ahhhhhh ^^
markintuan #8
Chapter 4: when will they meet up ...
looking forward for the next chapter