
The End ♡

The concrete was cold under his body but he couldn’t find the strength to get off of the ground. He cracked open his eyes when he heard screaming in the other room.


Youngjae’s room.


Jaebum finally grasped what was fully happening to them. They were dying. Jaebum puts both of his palms on the cold group and pushes against it. He gets up halfway, then falls down with a thump.


“.” He grunts. He looks at his surroundings. There was a heavy looking metal door, blood on the ground, a table, a single light, and a dead zombie to the left of him. He tries to get up once again and finally he gets up. He sees the broken glass bottle he used to kill the zombie with on the table. He hears more shouting from the room beside him and he stumbles over to the wall so he can hear. 


“That is not true! I looked for you day and night! Kim Yugyeom, I cried almost every night from guilt!”  There was a brief moment of silence. Jaebum could hear Youngjae softly crying making his heart break into two. 


“ing liar.”  Yugyeom’s voice was filled with anger when he muttered the sentence. Then he heard Youngjae screaming. 


“Don’t ing hurt him!” Jaebum yells while viscously pounding on the wall. “Don’t hurt him! Please!” He yells desperately. Jaebum hears his door open.


“Im Jaebum, come here.” He hears Yugyeom’s voice. He walks over to him with a look of disgust on his face.


“What did you do to him?” Jaebum spits his words out like they were venom. Yugyeom evilly laughs, crossing his arms across his chest. Suddenly, Jaebum was being grabbed and was thrown into another room. Before he can even stand up, the door was shut. 


“!” He pounds on the door. 


“Jaebum?”  He hears a weak voice behind him. He turns around quickly to see Youngjae with his shirt off. Bruises were forming on his pale chest, he had cuts going across his stomach, and tears were streaming down his face.


“Oh, my god. Youngjae!” Jaebum runs toward Youngjae, engulfing him into a big hug. Jaebum kisses the top of his head while patting his head.


“I was so scared.” Youngjae’s voice was shaky and fragile sounding.


Jaebum sighs in relief, “You don’t have to be scared anymore. I will be here to protect you.”



“I never thought he could be like this.” Youngjae cries into his arms, “I remember a lost little kid who still drank capri sun. I remember a little kid who would go to bed at 9:00. I remember a little kid who couldn’t kill a zombie. But now he changed. He probably kills everything in sight. God, if I just went to look for him sooner, he wouldn’t be like this.” Youngjae hits his head against the wall in sadness and anger.


Jaebum puts his hand behind Youngjae’s head and guides it to his chest. “It’s not your fault. He would have became like this no matter what.” After Jaebum says that, the door opens and enters Yugyeom. 


“Are you guys ready to die?” He asks with a huge smile on his face. They don’t answer leaving Yugyeom with a uncomfortable silence. “Tonight, you guys are going to die in front of an audience! How exciting is that?”


“Why? What did we do?” Youngjae looks at Yugyeom with sad eyes.




“Yugyeom, we looked for you! Where did the kid with red hair go? Where did the kid with an innocent smile go? Where did the kid,” Youngjae sobs, “Where did the kid who loved Youngjae with all his heart go?”


Yugyeom shakes his head, “He died. Just like you will tonight.”

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amaranta17 #1
Chapter 14: Why is Mark being so nice now! Like wasn't he evil haha mark or jaebum?????....
kpop-kookie33 #2
annachan933 #3
NOOOO! I WANT MORE!! It's soooo good! I can't believe it! Please upload more ASAP before I die from curiosity! ( > o < )
sasa1245 #4
Chapter 7: Plean can you upload quickly i want continue this story!!
Chapter 6: Thank you for.the updateeee

Who is Maddox and wtf where is JB?

Haksnxjsbjsndksnxks <3
:) Thank you authornim
Chapter 5: Yugyeommmmmm T.T!!!

Thanks.for the update <3
Chapter 4: My gosh

My poor heart when YJ look at "zombie-YG"

It's a nice.story

I'm.looking forward for this fanfic <3
letwindgo #8
Chapter 3: This is so good T.T the concept is nice ~ their characteristics are diffirent with real life but still fit them.

Hope you can write longger for each chapter coz this is too short for a good story :)