Chapter 6 (Keo side)

Let's catch puppies
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"Leoooo, do you have a date ?"


Taekwoon, who was putting on his socks, turned his head to his sister and raised an eyebrow. "Why ?"

She shrugged. "Well, just look at yourself."

Clueless, he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a black pants really tight, a pretty pull-over with a white classy shirt underneath. He chose simple white baskets and wrapped a scarf around his neck. A casual but classy outfit. His hair was shining and had some glints since he just washed and blow-dried it. And icing on the cake, he was emitting a fragrance of a delicate perfume.

Taekwoon realized how obvious he was and bit his lower lips. Will Jaehwan also notice all his efforts ? Would he laugh ? Would he found it ridiculous ? He hopped no…

Because of his silent, her sister understood she was right. She smirked and left a little "Have a good time~" before quitting his room.

Taekwoon sighed.


I hope I’ll have.


Taking a last look in the mirror, he replaced a strand of hair on his forehead. He didn’t find anything else wrong and decided he was ready. He took his phone and switched it on.


12:55 am


Witha determined expression, he closed the door behind him and went down the stairs.






12:55 am


Jaehwan looked at his watch for the third time in one minute. He was walking in direction of Taekwoon’s house, and was stressed, more stressed than he ever had been in his whole life. He passed more than one hour to get ready for this rendezvous. He almost tried ten different outfits before choosing the one he was wearing. A jean shirt with a leather black jacket, a slim pants with the same color, and a pair of creepers shoes. He even went to a hairdresser this morning, and bleached his hair, which was now dyed in a fair-blond color. He raised his hair, showing his forehead, which gave him a more adult appearance.

He wanted be perfect for today.

Actually, he was feeling so stupid. Why being so serious for a simple outing ? He hit his head.


Babo babo babo !


He had thought about a plan to make this day a normal day. First of all, never stopping to talk. He knew it sounded dumb coming from him, since he was generally very chatty. But, strangely, when he was with Taekwoon, he lost any ability to make sound, since he was more nervous than in any other situation. Hence the second point of his plan : Not being nervous. Well this one was far easily said than done. But whatever happen, he had to act naturally. He could do it ! He just had to think Taekwoon was a random friend and everything would be oka-

Jaehwan froze.


He almost reached his destination. And before the house, the cold boy was already waiting for him, arms crossed, leaning against the wall. It was the first time for Jaehwan to see Taekwoon in another outfit than his uniform of school and work. And he actually loved it. With his position, clothes and deadpan expression, he looked really really cool.

And that's how Jaehwan threw away his plan and lost his stillness.


Eventually, Taekwoon noticed the cute boy coming in his direction. Keeping his straight face, he quickly analysed him, and particularly  appreciated the nice curves that was tracing his too tight pants, wishing it becomes soon his.

His gaze then shift to his face, noticing the change of color hair style. He mentally cursed.

Jaehwan please ! This is just no no !

This new style was actually perfectly fitting him, he looked ier than ever. He totally slayed him.

Was he trying to kill him with this sudden changing ?

Jaehwan wasn't yet by his side, but Taekwoon moved from the wall and started to walk, at Jaehwan big surprise. “Let's go.” He felt the sudden urge of doing something to curb his desire to take the newly-blond-haired boy in his arm and steal his lips.

“Ya wait for me !” Jaehwan ran after his friend, until reaching him. He pouted. “Why were you leaving me alone ?”

As the only answer, Taekwoon intensely looked at Jaehwan, making him lose his composure. He stuttered. “Wh-What are you looking at ? Is-Is there something on my face ?”

“Your hair.” He brushed it.

Jaehwan shivered at Taekwoon touch. That was incredible the power that Taekwoon had on him. his dry lips, he tried to take the most stable voice. “Yes I dyed it, how is it ?”

One more time, he didn't answer directly. Keeping his poker face, he added without any hesitation. “Why did you do it ?”

Jaehwan gulped. He was expecting this question, but wasn't sure about the answer yet. His legs dragged him to the hair-styler this morning before he could even realize it. And Taekwoon’s face was in his mind during the whole journey. But there was no way for Jaehwan to answer it, so he just (badly) lied. “I was sick of my color, too common.” He pronounced, finally breaking the eye-contact.

“Hmmm.” Simply answered Taekwoon, continuing to walk.

They were as silent as the grave. Only the sound of their steps was hearable.

‘Hmmm’ ?! That's all ?!

Of course Jaehwan wasn't expecting a big reaction from hid friend, but at least he believed he would make a full sentence. Was it actually that bad ? He felt so depressed since he changed it for him.

Jaehwan slapped himself mentally.


Wait, did I just thought that I dyed hair for him ?


“I love it.”

Jaehwan shifted one more time his gaze to Taekwoon, blinking, disbelief. “I’m sorry ?”

Taekwoon, who felt his cheeks slightly blushing, was looking straight forward him, biting his lips. There was no way for him to say it twice.

But Jaehwan didn’t need it, that was more than enough to make him widely smile, recovering in a flash his good mood. Grabbing Taekwoon’s hand, he started to run. “Let’s hurry up~”

Today will be such a good day~






When they stepped in the park, Jaehwan, who was out of breath, let his body fall on the grass. They didn't run that much, which made Jaehwan realize how bad he was in sport.

Turning his head to Taekwoon, he felt really jealous when he saw his friend breathing calmly, as if they just simply walked. Lacking of air, Jaehwan muttered. “Ok-okay l-let's st-top this little g-game. I u-understood, y-you're Franky right ? You're a cyborg which works with cola. That's why you’re never tired right ?”


What the is he talking about ?

Taekwoon wondered if the younger didn't lose his mind.

But he somehow felt relieved to see him acting normally, as he always acted before.

He reached out his hand to him, without saying anything.

Jaehwan hesitated to take his hand, slightly flushing. Well he grabbed Taekwoon’s hand earlier, but it felt so different when Taekwoon was the one proposing his hand.

He shook his head and took a big breath before gripping his hand, standing up. “Ok ok understood, let’s work ! How should we proceed ?”

He caught his smartphone in his pocket and showed it to Jaehwan. “Do you have yours on you ?”

He tilted his head, puzzled. “I do, why ?”

Taekwoon made a sign with his head. “You’ll take photos in this area,” He pointed his finger behind him. “I’ll take care of this one. Let’s meet up again at this place in 15mn.”

Without waiting his answer, Taekwoon left Jaehwan alone, already starting to take photos.


[Jaehwan’s side]


The cute boy stayed on place, looking at Taekwoon’s silhouette slowly fading away. He was baffled because of his behavior. “What’s wrong with him today…”

He felt like coming back several weeks ago, when he just met Taekwoon. The cold and chic Taekwoon was back.

Jaehwan passed his hand in his hair. “Aishh… How can someone change that much in less than 24 hours ?”

Taking his phone in his hand, he eventually started to walk in Taewoon’s opposite direction, deciding to forget this story. He turned his head around, observing the vegetation.

He quickly found a giant cherry tree, and took several pictures of it. Once done, he observed one more time the plants of the park.

But his mind was already far away from working. While he was walking and looked focused on the scenery, the only thing in his head was actually the raven-haired boy.

He couldn't explain why, but he had an odd feeling. He was somehow… sad ? He was happy to see Taekwoon being more talky, but now it was as if…

He stopped to love me.

Jaehwan lightly slapped himself, realizing how stupid were his words. There was no way for Taekwoon to stop loving him, not that quickly at least.

He heavily sighed and sat near a tree, leaning against the trunk. More and more confused, he whispered. “But if it's not it, then what is it…?”

He thought over and over about it, trying to find another reason. Unsuccessfully. He felt his stomach was in knot.

That was so strange. The more Taekwoon was drawing away, the more Jaehwan wanted to be by his side.

“I must be crazy…”

He was about to continue his work when he heard something from his back. Turning over, he understood the sound was coming from a shaking bush. Looking left and right, he noticed he was actually all alone here.

The stress slowly growing, he pronounced with a weak voice. “I-is there someone…?”

No answer. The bush just continued to move.

Slowly more and more freaked out, he felt his throat becoming tight and dry. He swallowed before adding shyly. “S-So-Someone…?”

The bush suddenly stopped to shake. Jaehwan didn't move for an inch, holding his breath. Few seconds passed with this silence.

Eventually, Jaehwan started to relax a little and giggled. “I'm totally paranoiac hahaha-"

But in a flash, something jumped out from the bush, making Jaehwan gasp, losing his mind. He rolled into a ball, hiding his face in his hands







[Taekwoon side]


“Is it really a good idea ?”


Taekwoon, who already took numerous photos, was walking to meet Jaehwan again.

He heavily sighed, talking to himself. “Isn't he just finding me strange ?”

He was trying to remember the arguments of Hakyeon who successfully convinced him to act coldly with Jaehwan.

He explained him that Jaehwan would be disappointed and would realize how much he wants to be by Taekwoon's side. “Chase me, I'll avoid you. Avoid me and I'll chase you” were his words.

It sounded pretty good yesterday. But now that he was carrying out his plan, he was doubting more and more.

Wasn't it ridiculous ? There was no way for someone to like more a person who avoid him.

Hakyeon you're useless.

Actually, Taekwoon founded the situation really strange. It always had been natural for him to act this way. But wi

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amyhanny3 #1
I'm really miss ur story Authornim...
YouthHurts #2
Chapter 8: I'm having sooo much fun with this story! Love all the couples...but I'm a truly Keo shipper. They're so cute! Please go on updating! I can't wait!
Starlight_liar #3
Chapter 8: Why would I hit you with no keo, this whole fic is basically my ships three in one and I have nothing to complain about. Looking forward to your next chapter
missing_vixx #4
Chapter 8: Sometimes I just wanna punch Hakyeon in the face for being jealous irrationally. But since he protected Wonshik from the thunder, he is forgiven. The raining scene reminded me of Haruhi and Hikaru from Ouran High (if you watched the anime before) although the location is different.
And oh my dear Hyukkie, you are too adorable~ Bin-ah don't too much or you won't be able to handle when Manhyuk strikes XD
Asynknsh93 #5
Chapter 8: I love it-!!!!
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 7: OMG this is too fluffy!!! I was smiling the entire time while I was reading this!!! XDXDXD they are so cute together and that last part where they kissed was really hot!!! Too hot *fans self*
Lastly, I just want to say that everyone in VIXX has a nice ! *coughs* but Taekwoon is just an old man with no arm strength XD
Lizgetzy #7
Chapter 5: The cha cha cha booty (^.^)
And i realy likes ur story its so flufy abd cute and i love how bean makes hyuk sufre “ψ(`∇´)ψpls keep the gooing with the good work
missing_vixx #8
Chapter 5: The last photo and gif... Kinda killed me ><
Darn but Jaehwan, what are you hiding? I wanna know~~~
Poor Bin T^T he just took the other seat out of niceness...
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 4: OMG. KEO. I am gonna cry because it's been soooo long since I read Keo and not to mention a fluffy and cute one *makes choking sounds* T^T
meilidwi #10
Chapter 2: Boyssssss comeon don't get into fight!! *sigh*