Things That Happen At Starbucks


"Luhan! Will you go out with me?" "Yes, yes I would love to go out with you." "Huh, I feel like I've been tricked." Mini-stories about romances that happen in Starbucks.


BWAHAHA! I am not a faithful author, lol.


1. What's In A Name?

2. Minja

Anyone speak coffee language? Hit me up!


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Chapter 2: second story is so cute, and thanks for still make a story for Minzy..
And this story looks like sequel~ I Love it!
Chapter 1: It's so cute that I can't handle it anymore ~~~ I smiled a lot when I read this story ^^
hvngevlworm #3
Chapter 1: I actually work at Starbucks and I find this very interesting. Nice job on this though!