AllKpop #5

BLACK DRAGON - BigHit's New Boygroup
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New BigHit group Black Dragon surprises with neck breaking debut performances 
November 2, 2016 @ 2:39 PM
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Shortly after dropping the MV of the newest Big Hit group Black Dragon, the entertainment surprises with the skillful live performance of the freshly debuted group.

After their performance at last week's HERA Fashion Week netizens were anticipating their debut, their brother-group BTS having had their comeback just shortly prior to the debut date. Despite the prior worries of netizens that next to BTS the new group would fade into the background, the seven members managed to captivate the audience with their astonishing performances. 

SEE ALSO: BigHit's new Boygroup 'Black Dragon' performing at HERA Fashion Week 2016 and revealing final line-up

After performing their debut song 'Hero', Black Dragon performed a second song which blew the audience away with both, the concept and the choreography. Dressed in circus-themed outfits, the members amazed with several stunts that barely any group tried in the same amount before. The choreography of the song was originally made by the members Han and Toby.

Check out the performances and share your opinion! Does Black Dragon do justice to BigHit and BTS?

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KPOPLoverXOXO · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 10:01 pm
I can't get over the fact that their MV was so badly produced in comparison to the new BTS song and then those boys pull a choreography like 'Don't tease me' that I am pretty sure would even be hard for Bangtan. Jeez, BigHit, where do you get your trainees from?!
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IWantJam · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 9:42 pm
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IdolsNeedSomeFur · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 9:38 pm
Holy Mo... that ending jump! I admit the choreographies are dope but did you see Toby running from one position to another during the second performance? I cracked up seeing him run at 1.07. That was not well thought out, my dears.
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BTSTrash · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 9:31 pm
THANK GOD! I am glad they only sell digital songs of Black Dragon and also just those two, otherwise I'd be broke to death. I had to buy WINGS asap, how can you do that to us, BigHit?! Don't debut Black Dragon when you are already taking all our money by throwing BTS at us!
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allyouneediskpop · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 9:22 pm
You can say what you want: Jaekwang is eye-candy deluxe!
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Bangerangerang · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 9:11 pm
After the hype around Toby I have to admit I am a little disappointed... it's not that much of Toby we got that was promised. If you take a closer look, Bangwon is dominating a lot. I am shook.
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SplashMe · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 9:05 pm
DAMN! They already have fanchants that are that loud! BigHit surely made a big impact on the world of K-Pop! Forget the Big Three, it's BigHit all the way!
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SavageCandy · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 8:58 pm
Sian... omg... stop doing that to my eyes! STOP IT! HE IS SO SMOL, IT'S ILLEGAL WHAT HE DOES TO MY OVARIES!
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AigooNoona · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 8:54 pm
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TheRealkookiemonster · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 8:43 pm
Weak.I've been following the weak attempts of BigHit landing another big hit with one of its new groups. Like Arora Black Dragon doesn't look as if they could be anything like Bangtan. Just look at the poorly produced MV nowadays, BigHit runs out of money for other groups next to BTS. I understand that BTS does take a lot of money, Blood Sweat and Tears was a piece of art. Just don't try to long for something similar with other groups, BigHit. What comes out is low-budget groups like Arora and Black Dragon.
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AweSomeBananaShark · Posted November 2, 2016 @ 8:31 pm
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Are you ready for the Black Dragon to fly again? Next chapter is going to be up soon!


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Chapter 59: Yay more Hyunjoo! Idk why but I've been really hoping to see her again ^^. I'm glad to see Bangwon happily interacting with people for once XD.
Chapter 58: Li is temporarily broken and damaged from the amazing idiocy that is Black Dragon and Jey's writing. Please check again soon. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Chapter 57: ... Oh these idiots *cough* I mean boys. Dear lord I should have expected that much I guess when Di put stupid as one of Sian's traits! RIP Geunji's nonexistent sanity. At least my "ship" is flying, you go Jaeby you go. Good job Tobes, proud of you for being the normal one for once (not that any of them could ever be considered the normal one). I SWEAR TO GOD SIAN HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW A SINGLE ANIMAL!!!!! I'm sorry, I'm still not over that. AND I CAN'T BELIEVE KANGJOON MENTIONED PMS, SHUSH KANGJOON DON'T LET THEM KNOW! THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW! Oh my gosh these idiots are going to kill me one day...
Chapter 57: why did i hate dony and coni this time ? like i'm a big weekly idol fan ! but they took such bad care of our babies !!!
Chapter 51: Whew!!! Debut ^^. So proud of the boys because let's face it, we all know how much crap they went through before they actually got to this point. Kudos to them and even though I doubt getting ready for stages will get easier, I'll hope they do anyway XD.

First of all, is it Taehee's goal to keep comparing Jaekwang to food. One minute he's an awkward potato the next he's a dried plum. Either way, Jaekwang definitely was happier than usual and that's always nice right?

I don't even know how I feel about Toby and Kangjoon right now XD. Like Kangjoon, stop copying Toby. Toby.... stop being so typical...? Furry gorilla though, those new costumes are concerning me.

I just realized I never commented on Jongin's chapter and gosh darn it I feel bad because Jongin's my new son and I just complete neglected him and I'm glad he's so much better behaved than most of them and god bless his sad misunderstood soul. Love you Jongie.

.... then we have Sian and Bangwon. Bangwon, of course he'd be the best behaved, other than Jongin there's literally no one more capable of seeming partially normal in this group. Sian we all know is just a little XD. I'm glad Taehee at least felt bad for his phone because if he didn't I would've cried too.

Have I mentioned how much I love the way you end chapter. Emotions don't tend to handle them. Especially this one. Poor Toby, but true Taehee. But poor poor Toby.
Chapter 49: I find it quite interesting how these boys act with eachother~ it is pure gold
Chapter 46: Okay, I'm ready for this comment because holy crap everything Sian did screams Sian. I feel terrible for him though, he just doesn't want to lose his friendship with Kangjoon like how Jongin and Jaekwang lost their best friends but it's so obvious how much Kangjoon would rather be with Toby.

Speaking of the poor Tobes, I wish I felt bad for him XD, but we all knew Sian was bound to prank someone eventually. The bright red screams Sian's style as well considering now their hair matches. I can't believe these two are actually going to be doing this to each other. I don't know which to be more concerned about: the evil genius that manipulates everyone, or the stupid prankster that is absolutely unpredictable and doesn't care for consequences.

Black Dragon had a Halloween theme XD! Orange suits and black lipstick... I'm surprised Geunji didn't give Jaekwang about all of this considering he was the one that did the makeup as well as the one that got the sponsors to provide them with the orange suits. I'm glad the poor child has something that makes him feel more useful than just cooking for all of them.

#GoodluckBD they seriously need it at this rate. We have underrated Jongin who got named the ghost of the group, manipulative and typical Tobes causing . Lost leader Kangjoon who doesn't actually know how to give a speech or lead. Bangwon, who seems to not like anyone or anything but coffee. Geunji, who can't keep his mouth shut and says the worst things at the worst times. Jaekwang, who has a self-esteem lower than the Mariana Trench. And Sian... the idiot monkey boy that just wants his monkey father to notice him.
Chapter 46: What have you done. The orange suits... I can't unsee it.

Geunji basically spits fire from the sixth line of this chapter. I died.
Kwangie was so cute in this chapter though, and he's finally the best at something! Good for you boy, show them with your makeup skills! And then Sian, my poor baby... the lipstick was a wonderful addition. Black lipstick and orange suits go beautifully together and don't let anybody tell you differently. I totally understand why they've gone viral XD I would've watched the out of this performance.

And lol at the "I have a deja vu" line, I was laughing so hard you have no idea. I'm so glad you remembered. Chaerin was probably getting vietnam flashbacks. Oh Big Hit, home of the clueless leaders club. Also home of the dictators managers club, apparently. Taehee is a fresh addition, but Cheolmin will welcome him with open arms.

Damn the struggles of BD are real... trying to figure all of it by yourselves is hard. Sian is so precious though amidst it all, watching his group being burnt down by Geunji and Toby. I'm expecting so much from those two. And Jaekwang. And Kangjoon. And all of the others really. Man this is going to be such a fun ride.

And here comes the punchline. Toby oh Toby, is everything okay? You look a little stressed. I'll admit, it was fun watching him struggle with the distribution and all that, but to do that to his hair... Jey, you monster. MONSTER.
Chapter 46: We're texting with the little data we have right now. There will be a proper screaming comment tomorrow but ITS JAEKWANG's BIRTHDAY TODAY/YESTERDAY!!!! JAESUS IS 21!!!