
Dangerous Love
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“This stupid device looks quite okay actually.” Momo raised her hand up, inspecting the tracking device they put on her. It looked like an ordinary watch, just that it was locked such that you need a password to remove it.


“Stop looking at that thing. Just pretend it's not there alright?” Mina said before pulling Momo away with her.


“Alright, jeez what's the rush. I'll be in the institute everyday so if you wanna spend time with me, you can always visit me there.” Momo winked.


“I'll visit you if you say you want me to.”


“You know I don't really care about anyone right. What makes you think you're special?” Momo flipped her hair.


“For the fact that you even agreed to go out with me, I think I'm quite the exception already.” Mina smiled. She has no idea why Momo intrigued her so much, but she really really wants to get closer to the girl and try to help her as much as she can. She believes that everyone has a story that other people do not know.


“That's quite true. But it's up to you if you want to visit me. I don't really care actually. 2 years in that hell with no visitors, even if there's nobody, I won't be bothered.” Momo said although there's a slight tinge of hope that Mina would actually visit her during the weekdays too.


“Momo don't be fooled by this girl’s actions. You know that all these people are fake.” a voice inside her echoed. “But for now, just make use of her okay, she'll be a key in helping you escape that horrible place.”


“We'll see about that. I can visit when if I end work early that day. Anyway, let's go to the amusement park!”




Being on the scariest ride at the amusement park was never part of Mina’s plan but she had no idea why her legs brought her there. Now, she is screaming her lungs off as the roller coaster drops down a very steep slope. Looking over at Momo, she realized that her face was emotionless, ‘What's wrong with her? I'm dying over here and she seems so unaffected by the ride’.


“Hey, what's wrong? Aren't you having fun? Your face has been that expression no matter which ride we went on, even the scarier ones.”


“It’s not my fault that this place is so boring. Anywhere else we can go? And look at the petrified looks on these people, thrills me to know that people are so afraid of me. Makes me feel like I'm in power.” Momo laughed, albeit too loudly.


“Don't need to care a-” Mina got interrupted when a guy suddenly shoved her.


“You brought a murderer out! Do you wanna kill all of us here!” a man that seemed to be in his 30s exclaimed. People that were actually ignorant of Momo’s identity gasped, a few that was initially afraid to speak suddenly shouted, saying that they agree with the man.


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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 3: Autor , actualiza está historia please 🙏
zlnzx_ #2
Chapter 3: I Really Like This Story
Please Update If You Have A Free Time :)
1241 streak #3
Chapter 3: Is there any possibility for u to update this?
kaka_kjw #4
Chapter 3: oh my god I love the concept - please update!! much love xx
HiuYing #5
Chapter 3: Pls update:)))
HiuYing #6
Chapter 3: Pls update:)))
Chapter 3: waiting for you, waiting next chap :((
J_T-ara_M #8
Chapter 3: Good luck on your test!! And come back as soon as possible ~~ wkwkwk :p
I'm so happy to see an update and.. the story is always so cool!!!!
Chapter 3: Good luck on your tests! I will wait patiently for the next chapter! Momo defending Mina made me squeal. For ideas I like the pace MiMo is moving at, with Momo slowly opening up...I hope to keep it like that for a while longer before we get some conflict/drama or whatever you have in mind. Great job as always :)
JellyfishBrain #10
Chapter 3: please update soon author-nim. Your story is really intriguing