2 of 4

Freedom (is it free?)

The 'safe haven' that Sanghyuk meant was some kind of a mini apartment, equipped with a bed, a long couch, a television, a shower and a small kitchen. Hongbin expected it to be a stuffed room but this one was...decent. "The woman at the receptionist seemed to be friendly with you" Hongbin stated. "Of course she was, this wasn't my first time running away from home you know" Sanghyuk smirked. Hongbin wasn't one to complain, but wow fleeing two states away from home was exhausting.

“You can take the bed, I’ll take the couch” Sanghyuk said, lower lip jutting out to point at the queen sized bed. “No, no, no. It’s okay, I’ll take the couch. You take the bed. I insist, please” Hongbin refused politely. Usually Sanghyuk would retort to this kind of trivial arguments with anyone, but instead he complied. “Fine, whatever. Have it your way. You’re too nice ugh” Sanghyuk plopped onto the bed then bid good night, he was sleepy he said. Or maybe he needed some time to calm his erratically beating heart. But he didn’t know that he wasn’t the only one having a hard time falling asleep that night.

The next morning Hongbin woke up to a high pitched voice and feeling something poking on his waist. Definitely not a nice way to start one’s morning. “Hongbinnie!! Good morning! Rise and shine!” Sanghyuk stood right next to the couch, too close actually, but he took this chance to get a closer look at Hongbin. Sanghyuk then proceeded to poke at Hongbin’s cheeks, thinking Hongbin was still deep in his sleep. Oh boy, he was so wrong.

“It’s ‘hyung’ to you, Han Sanghyuk” Hongbin said with a groggy voice, smirking at Sanghyuk with one of his eyes opened. "I'm 2 years older" Sanghyuk, who had his finger poking on the place where Hongbin's dimple appeared, was taken by surprise and fell to the floor on his . "Gummy worms! I thought you were sleeping. And not my full name again" Sanghyuk glared and pouted at the same time and Hongbin adverted his eyes to everywhere but Sanghyuk, strong hands pulling Sanghyuk up to stand. That pouty lips was doing something to Hongbin and he couldn't decide what.

But Hongbin noticed that Sanghyuk was slowly getting used to replacing his swear words with sweets, and that put a smile on his face. "Anyway, I know a place we should go today~ So you should go and get dressed, Hongbinnie hyung" Sanghyuk emphasized on the 'hyung', all the while pushing Hongbin towards the washroom eagerly. Sanghyuk himself was all dressed up already. Well, someone was being excited today. 

Hongbin was starting to regret letting Sanghyuk join his little escapade. In fact, he wasn't sure anymore if it was his or Sanghyuk's plan. "Oh, come on. Could you be a little faster, old man? We're almost there" Sanghyuk beckoned forward when he heard Hongbin sighed for the nth time."You said the same thing 20 minutes ago but we're still not there" Hongbin threatened with a glare but Sanghyuk kept his plastered smile.

Of all the good places there, Sanghyuk thought it would be great to climb the hill that day. Now Hongbin was busy catching his breath halfway to the top of the hill, and shooting invisible daggers behind Sanghyuk's back. Hongbin was caught up in counting steps to actually get there he almost missed Sanghyuk calling his name.

"Hongbin hyung, here we are!!" Sanghyuk cheerily said and Hongbin thought this was a totally different person compared to the rebellious high school boy he met yesterday. "Look around hyung! It's beautiful" Hongbin then realised that was why Sanghyuk insisted him to bring his camera along earlier.

The view from the top of hill was breath-taking, Hongbin had to agree with that. It was fascinating and calming, making the climb just now was almost worth it. Almost, because Hongbin was still a bit bitter at Sanghyuk for not telling him about this plan, but of course the latter was oblivious. And Hongbin didn't miss the chance to take shots of the picturesque view of nature from above. 

"I thought you could get some fresh air and enjoy the view up here. Well, since you said you'd be tied to commitment later, though I don't know what. But I guess you won't get much time to enjoy such things like this" Sanghyuk spoke up after a while Hongbin took pictures. Hearing that, Hongbin's expression softened but said nothing. 

On the other hand, Sanghyuk learnt few things about Hongbin. About how he was so into photography. Sanghyuk had to admit his skills were impressing. Enticing pictures taken at right angles, natural lightings made it even more enthralling. About how Hongbin had two pretty sisters. Sanghyuk saw their pictures, and he would probably fall for them, well if he wasn't into boys. About how Hongbin had been labelled the spoiled rich boys in school before, like Sanghyuk was. 

"Future CEO" Hongbin said out of nowhere, when they sat simply just enjoying the view. "My father wants me to take his place at the company. I thought he'd do that when I turn 25, but I don't know." Hongbin continued right after not giving Sanghyuk chance to reply, not that Sanghyuk can come up with one either. It must have been hard, Sanghyuk thought. Having to bear with such responsibilities at young age. But he was, in a way, in the same situation with Hongbin. Having to do things at their parents' requests. 

"The hell with it! Then let's make the most out of this. Fu-froyo all these things" Sanghyuk said, trying to cut off the sappy sentimental atmosphere, thank God it worked. Hongbin laughed seeing Sanghyuk was back with his language. "Let's race our way down, hyung. Whoever lost will be treating ice cream." Before even finishing his sentence Sanghyuk had began to speed up, leaving a confused Hongbin behind. 

It was obvious Hongbin lost to Sanghyuk, but then again Hongbin was the one with money (or this case his credit card) so it seemed fair. All the way down Hongbin kept complaining how Sanghyuk was being unfair and that's why he lost, and Sanghyuk rolled his eyes before talking back. At the ice cream parlour too, they were bickering about what flavours to buy, and the person at the counter only chuckled seeing them. 

They ended up sharing the ice cream, mix scoops of strawberry, mint choco and cookies and cream. All chosen by Sanghyuk, because he just won, and Hongbin was too tired to argue. But Hongbin managed to comment on Sanghyuk's teenagers' (read: child's) taste bud. "Shut up, jellybeans" Sanghyuk glared at the smirking Hongbin. 

One ice cream turned to two and then somehow five. They argued about having to share at first then bickered when three weren't not enough for them. By the time they reached back it was already night time, both were high from ice cream, their shoes dirtied with soil from the hill, but they were probably exhausted to care enough. 

Sanghyuk plopped himself in the middle of the queen sized bed, eyes drooping heavy with sleep. A moment later, Hongbin told Sanghyuk to scoot over one side of bed, saying he wasn't comfortable on the couch. Well, his back ached sleeping on the couch last night and now his legs too due to the hill climbing today. Sanghyuk who was half asleep moved over giving space to Hongbin

Hongbin had his mind wandering about the pictures he took earlier that day. On how beautiful the view was from the top of the hill. How he thought Sanghyuk was beautiful, simply enjoying the morning breeze there. Hongbin immediately brushed the thought away. But that didn't mean he may or may not have pictures of Sanghyuk among his photos of nature today. Moments later Hongbin drifted off to sleep thinking about that one person. Whom he just met for 2 days but he was slowly, and definitely falling for him. Was that even possible?


-um hi heheh, ok this is definitely not gonna be 3 parts since I wrote too long /idk what even/

-I thought of updating on my birthday, but i think its too late since it's already 11/9 here uwu but nvm haha

-idk how this turned up wuwu but hope you'll enjoy and pls let me know what you think  hihi take care xx 

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Chapter 4: This is my fourth or more time readung this story. I think it is super cute and I love it!
Chapter 4: Sweet
hanistar99 #3
Chapter 4: KYAAAAA THATS SO FREAKING COOL!! Eh wait! Is 'freaking' a curse?? Oh no!! Hongbin must be angry with me for cursing hehe ^^"
I love when you change curses into sweets ><
Chapter 4: I love this too much, I wish there was more but this great already and it just made my heart flutter!!!!
Chapter 4: Awww sooo swwwweeeetttttt*__* thanks for the story
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 4: I want to read more about the HyukBin couple. Hopefully you can do a sequel.
Chapter 3: This Chap, killed meeees.
Karenkitty1092 #8
Chapter 3: This chapter was really good. I can`t wait for your next update. Thanks for updating.