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Freedom (is it free?)

"Excuse me sir, but it seems like this card is currently unavailable for transactions" Sanghyuk almost cursed out loud listening to the cashier's words. 'Ugh, dad must've frozen my accounts. Tch how am I gonna survive living alone like this.' Sanghyuk almost panicked, he was in short of cash, and that was his last hope, since his previous credit cards held the same fate with this card earlier. It was also kind of humiliating since there were few others in line behind him. How was he supposed to escaped this? Should he just left without buying this sneakers? 'Oh no way, this is a limited edition I need to have this one' 

Just as Sanghyuk was about to apologized and cowered in embarrassment, a low voice spoke up behind him. "You can use this one" The man handed the cashier his own card and Sanghyuk looked up at him in confusion. "It's okay, you can pay me back later or something" Said man smiled warmly at him and Sanghyuk, captivated by the dimpled smile, absently nodded. Sanghyuk thanked that man after, it was awkward since he wasn't usually like this. All polite, kind and with courtesy, like that man was.

As soon as Sanghyuk left the store he spat multiple curse words saying 'why is dad so unfair', 'I didn't even know that person', 'mom and dad don't love me anymore', or somewhere along that alternated with cursing and blaming 'that person'. "Oh thank God! I thought my ears were about to bleed with all that curses" Sanghyuk was so caught up in his thought, he was startled when he heard that he squeaked. (It was rather unmanly) "What the hell are you doing here?" Sanghyuk asked after he gained his composure. 

No wonder that man sounded familiar, it was the same man from the store that saved him from humiliation. "Wait, were you following me? Are you a stalker? Holy f--" Another curse word almost slipped out his mouth when he saw that man flinched. The man flashed a crooked smile. "Well, yes I'm following you. And no, I'm not a stalker. Actually, I'm not sure where I'm heading to. And I wonder if you'd like to join me for coffee?" Sanghyuk squinted his eyes, half glaring at that man contemplating if he had a hidden agenda. "I'm not up to something if that's what you're thinking. And it's on me." 

Sanghyuk was taught not to easily trust strangers but somehow he was seated in a nearby cafe. Not long after ordering the man returned with their drinks. "I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Lee Hongbin" That man started. "Han Sanghyuk. Just call me Hyuk. My full name makes me sound like a kind boy" Sanghyuk replied, almost cringing at his name and that man, Hongbin just chuckled. 

"Where were you going like....this, Hyuk?" Hongbin asked, eyes scanning Hyuk from his head to his toes, making him self-concious. Hyuk knew what kind of 'this' impression Hongbin meant. He was still wearing his school uniform, the clothes tucked out messily, his tie crooked, few strands of blond hair were poking out on his forehead (Are they even allowed to dye their hair in school?) He even wore thick eyeliner. Typical example of a school troublemaker. "And you looked like you were trying to run away from home" Hongbin added, reminded of the scene at the store. Hongbin too had experienced such things whenever he went against his parents. 

Sanghyuk smiled sheepishly despite his fierce attitude previously. "I skipped my last class because those sneakers, those are limited edition. And yes I was trying to run away from home. My parents were trying to arrange my marriage. Can you believe that? I mean, I just turned 18 I'm too young for this. And I don't even know who is this guy I'm supposed to marry." Sanghyuk got furious at this every freaking time. They knew he's into boys (yeap he came out to them last year, and they were surprisingly accepting) but that didn't mean that he wanted to get married to any available man they can find. And Hongbin was diligently listening to his rant. 

"But enough about me. You seemed like you're running away too" Sanghyuk said, pointing to the backpack Hongbin was carrying, along with a small bag that looked like a camera bag. "Uh, I guess I'm running away for a while. Let's say I'm on an escapade to enjoy my last moments of freedom before being tied to a commitment" Hongbin explained it as simple as possible. "What kind of commitment?" Sanghyuk asked trying to pry further. "It's nothing important." Hongbin dismissed it right away. 

"Alright, so I'm enjoying my first moments of freedom and you're about to cherish your last moments of freedom" Sanghyuk concluded. "How many weeks are this escapade of yours?" Hongbin showed his palm and Sanghyuk gasped. "Wow, 5 months?" Hongbin shook his head as he took a sip on his mocha. "Nope, 5 days, tops." Sanghyuk gasped even dramatically this time. "Wow, that's too short if you ask me" Hongbin sighed. "Well it's better than none"

"Do you have plans for this escapade?" Sanghyuk asked but Hongbin but he replied with a sad 'no'. It crossed Sanghyuk's mind too that in 5 days he (or more specifically his parents) had a crucial meetings, but he chose to wave the thoughts away. As he was sipping on his cup of hot chocolate (please understand a rebellious teenager's mind) and idea came to him. "I know!! I should join you. And you can stay at my safe haven. You haven't got any place to stay right?" Sanghyuk mentally cheered when Hongbin shook his head. 

Honestly Hongbin thought it was a good idea. He got a place to stay and a company too. So far he was thankful that Sanghyuk wasn't having that attitude, unlike when they first met just now. Sanghyuk, on the other hand, was having a mini ceremony for coming up with such a great idea and accidentally knocked Hongbin's mocha. 'Oh god here comes another set of colourful languages I'm about to lose an ear'. That thought crossed Hongbin's mind.

"Oh , I'm so sorry. Damn I didn't mean to" Sanghyuk apologized along with muttered swearing under his breath. It was a wonder to Hongbin on how wide is Sanghyuk's vocabulary particularly on those types of words, most of it Hongbin had never heard of. Hongbin smiled to Sanghyuk saying it was okay and went off to get some tissues at the counter. Hongbin was being so nice and Sanghyuk almost find it annoying. But of course he kept that thought to himself. If he was in Hongbin's place, anyone who did that would get a pieceful of his mind.

Only when the sky turned darker did they realize they had been in the caf long enough. Sanghyuk and Hongbin somehow got along surprisingly well. So when Sanghyuk suggested they get to his 'safe haven' before it got too dark and Hongbin agreed. "But before that, can you please tone down all the cursing. I don't think can't handle hearing all those curses" Hongbin asked, Sanghyuk thought it sounded too polite but nonetheless protested. "Or how about replacing it with names of sweets?" Hongbin suggested and Sanghyuk slightly hoped he was joking, oh of course he wasn't. 

Sanghyuk was about to protest again but halted when he saw Hongbin smiled. "Ugh, I don't like this. But fine! I'll try. But I can't promise you anything" Sanghyuk sighed in disbelief and glared at Hongbin, who was grinning widely in glee. Sanghyuk swore he could be blinded by that smile soon. "Alright then, Han Sanghyuk, shall we go now?" Hongbin asked as he held the door and Sanghyuk almost flipped.

"You motherf--ugh, marshmallow! I mean marshmallow!" Sanghyuk corrected himself when Hongbin raised an eyebrow at him. "I told you NOT to call me by my full name" If glares could kill, Hongbin would've been dead. "Why not? It's your name. I think it's a nice name" Hongbin flashed a satisfied smile, and Sanghyuk felt something stirred in his heart, but chose to ignore it. He didn't even know this man. 


-um i was planning on a oneshot but somehow it ended up longer, so im planning on 3 parts /so far yes/ well unless it gets longer on other parts too. 

-and my new semester starts tomorrow, i'll get busy with classes and all so i can't promise as for when i can update, so it'll be up when it's up.

-i'd love and appreciate it so much if you'll let me know what you think of this ^^ um byebye take care xx

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Chapter 4: This is my fourth or more time readung this story. I think it is super cute and I love it!
Chapter 4: Sweet
hanistar99 #3
Chapter 4: KYAAAAA THATS SO FREAKING COOL!! Eh wait! Is 'freaking' a curse?? Oh no!! Hongbin must be angry with me for cursing hehe ^^"
I love when you change curses into sweets ><
Chapter 4: I love this too much, I wish there was more but this great already and it just made my heart flutter!!!!
Chapter 4: Awww sooo swwwweeeetttttt*__* thanks for the story
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 4: I want to read more about the HyukBin couple. Hopefully you can do a sequel.
Chapter 3: This Chap, killed meeees.
Karenkitty1092 #8
Chapter 3: This chapter was really good. I can`t wait for your next update. Thanks for updating.