

The ading thought of seeking out a stranger seemed far-fetched, especially when they have so many managers following their schedule round the clock. Mingyu was doing some midnight studying and Dokyeom was already drooling on his textbook the second time. Wonwoo decides to go out for a walk. Mingyu calls out to him and says he wants to go to the convenient store as well. Wonwoo did not bother explaining that he wanted to walk around the neighbourhood at 2 in the morning. 


The night was cool and breezy. The lone tree standing by the junction rustled as the wind blew. Mingyu wanted to get energy drinks for himself and Dokyeom. The store was quiet, with the hum and occasional whirring of the refrigerators. He scans the alleys and still decided there was nothing he really wanted at that moment. Mingyu brings a hot cocoa to the counter. Wonwoo simply stares at him. 


Mingyu passes him the paper cup silently and nods to the cashier who nodded back lifelessly. 


"You look... slightly confused today." 


Wonwoo looks at him with his brows raised for a split second. He was sure the entire team had realised that he was not his usual self. He sipped from the paper cup and looked up at the moon. It had a tinge of golden and it appeared to be closer than usual. They continued walking in silence. 


"Just go to sleep when we get back. You look tired. Dokyeom and I will go to sleep as well. I bet he's back in his bed already." He rolled his eyes and pouted a bit, the baby fat in his cheeks showing. He looked funny and adorable. If Wonwoo was higher in spirits, he would have laughed at Mingyu. 


"Mmm... I'll do that." Wonwoo mumbled.  


"Whatever the problem is, sleep on it. If it doesn't go away, deal with it then." 


Wonwoo realises that Mingyu was right. He might even statt forgetting if he simply went to sleep and focus on practising. 


Dokyeom was indeed asleep albeit on the sofa. His textbook was sprawled on the floor with his hand hanging by it. He was always sleepy by the time they finished their language classes. More studying simply functioned like sleeping pills to him. Mingyu picks up the textbooks and stacks them up nicely on the side table. They bid each other goodnight and went to sleep. Wonwoo was evidently tired as he drifted off into unconsciousness as soon as his head hits the pillow. 


When Wonwoo wakes up, the sun was already out and several of them were getting ready to head out for the day. Mingyu was the only person left in bed, still deep in his sleep. Minghao was constantly calling out Mingyu's name every 5 minutes as he walks into the room. The alarm goes off every 10 minutes, a bad habit of Mingyu's who would never wake at the first few snoozes. Wonwoo felt disoriented as flashes of scenes from the dream last night remained vivid in his hazy mind. He still felt drowsy, feeling as though he has not slept at all. He drags himself out of bed and enters the shower with his toothbrush. 

He remembers scenes of what resembled a periodic film. A setting of Korea straddling between traditional and modern society, influenced by Japanese and western cultures. He sees a few faces of men dressed in military wear of the olden days. There was also a woman, dressed as a gisaeng, which probably was exactly why she was there. He recalls hearing a woman's voice reciting classical poetry. The rest was nebulous and scattered. 

Hoshi called him repeatedly and tells him to quickly get ready. He was still standing in the bathroom with the toothbrush in his mouth. He shook his head and decided that he should stay focused today. Messing up yesterday's practice is enough and should not repeat. He knew that at least when he puts his foot down and decides on something, big or small, he can do it. 

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I've been wanting to write this but research takes time and effort :(


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