

The boys finish their practice after 3 hours of dancing. Wonwoo was quieter than ever. His usually nonchalant gaze hardened into a glare. All that time, he could not take his mind off of the dream scenes as well as the girl. Hoshi noticed that as Wonwoo had made a couple of mistakes while practising. He pulls Wonwoo to the side for a talk. 


"You're distracted. What was it you wanted to tell me?" 


Wonwoo heaved a sigh. His mood has taken a worse turn. He felt drained despite having had a nap before their practice. They will have a rehearsal scheduled for the night. 


"We've got a rehearsal tonight and tomorrow. We need you to be in top game. Tell me what has been bothering you and we'll try to... I don't know. We'll do something about it." 


Seated at the couch in the practice room, Wonwoo pulls out his smartphone. Hoshi sits beside him and cranes his neck to see what Wonwoo was doing on his phone. 


"I had a dream but I don't know why... it felt like a memory." 




Wonwoo grunted in his low voice and tried different search terms. 


"I remember reading this somewhere. It might have been a fictional book though. There are some people who believe in past life memories." 


Both of their eyes lit up. 


Hoshi reads it aloud: past life memory hypnosis. 


He mouths a 'daebak' while Wonwoo scrolls through the page. There have been studies on the subject matter but it was not a wide field with lots of academicians. 



Meanwhile, in a dark room at the university campus, the girl lies down in the couch. Dark waves sprawled on the chipped leather couch. Her hand rested on her forehead, she wondered if the guy felt that they had met before. Obviously she would not bring herself to ever utter such a question. It sounded to her ears like a bad pickup line. Their club was only made of a few members who had always been avid readers. There were a whole bunch of clubs and societies which were more popular; especially the ones that taught people how to make money. 


Another girl walks into the room, not realising someone else was already in there. 




"You scared me!" Jia Fei shouted. 


She flicks the switch and the light floods the room. They had small stacks of books stowed in the corners. They thought they should get a bookshelf but they obviously would not be able to afford anything. A scholarly kind of club is a poor one. They owned nothing and could sell nothing. 


"Have you ever met someone who felt familiar but you're pretty sure you haven't actually met them before?" 


"Hmm... not that I remember. Why do you ask me that?" 


"I don't know either. I just had the feeling today..." her voice trailed off. 


The other girl searched through the stacks and finally pulled out a copy. She sat down on the floor by the couch. 


"Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Just a fun fact since we're on this topic. My grandparents always tell me about karma and doing good so that you can bring that into your next life. If that much is true, I'd say..." her voice trailed off too as she contemplates on the topic. 


She continued: "I suppose if you can bring karma into your next life, from a past life, isn't it equally possible to bring something more? Feelings, emotions and memories?" 

She dug around her duffel for her tablet and started keying words into the search engine. 


"Let's see. Well, apparently, Buddhism does not believe that people are capable of remembering past life memories. Given all things, if reincarnation is possible, everything else is too." 


She listened to her friend intently, processing the details and entertaining the ideas which were thrown at her. She nodded her head as she listened, a serious expression on her face. 


Jia Fei is an exchange student from China and she majors in literature. It was a given that she would choose the book club of all other societies. Despite her passion for books, she did not quite accept all fantastical ideas with an open heart. She was a sceptic at times even when she evidently enjoys fantasy novels. 


"There's a famous Chinese novel on a woman's soul being transported back to the Qing dynasty. I mean, it's not exactly about reincarnation and the lot but it's similar. You should check that out." She said nonchalantly.  


The latter sat there, contemplating the suggestions and ideas thrown at her with grave seriousness. She fishes her mobile phone and passes it to her friend. 


"Search it up for me. The title." 




Wonwoo suddenly thought of the bookmark or paper slip he picked up at the bookstore. He fumbles around his pocket and pulls it out. It was slightly crumpled as he straightens it out. 


Hoshi reads aloud: Seoul City University. 


He figured that she must be a student there, even if she was not in the book club. He weighed the odds of contacting the book club or finding a friend who might have connections in the campus and then he wondered what would appear to be weirder: the fact that he thinks he has recollection of his past life or that he is about to search for this girl for whatever reasons. 


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I've been wanting to write this but research takes time and effort :(


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