

They said Atlantis really existed. Some believe in the continuity of souls which travel from one body to another as the physical body dies. Old souls and past lives make up part of all these seemingly nonsensical superstitions. If our souls were a ball of energy which could contain and experience emotions, can it also transport all these emotions into another body; technically, another life? It is a question which sometimes demands to be asked.

Books tell you many things but not all are truths. Wonwoo enjoys being engrossed in between the pages of books when he gets minutes or hours to spare. The scent of the pages and the worlds stuck in between the lines. Time flows quickly when he dives into the world of reading.

While he was on a break to recuperate from his illness, he could leisurely visit a bookstore when the members were at music shows. With his black-rimmed glasses, a dark blue cap and grey tracksuit, he spent all his available spare time scanning the shelves of a nearby bookstore.

As he scanned the fantasy fiction section, reading the blurbs on covers of the books, the sound of books falling off the shelves disrupts his concentration. He puts the book back and turns to pick it up when his hand bumps into the other person's. A pair of piercing gaze looks back at him and the familiarity of the touch gave him an electrifying experience. His heart skipped a beat and he tried to regain composure. He cleared his throat and continued stacking the books back onto the shelves. The girl bows as a sign of gratitude before turning away. He wondered if he should have asked whether they had met before. He then figured it would sound like a pickup line if she did not feel the same.

The girl left the store soon and he walks back to the same aisle to check out what she was looking at. On the floor was a bookmark with details of a book club. He chuckles and thought to himself that it must belong to her, so he slipped it into his pocket. He buys a copy of the book she was looking at and returns to the practice room. While waiting for the members to return, he falls asleep on the couch.

He sees the girl again and it was clearer than the glimpse he caught of her at the bookstore. She had long dark hair cascading down her back, her skin pale and the same piercing gaze looking back at him. There were some barely visible freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were almost golden brown. Perhaps such rare features made her look oddly displaced and beautiful at the same time. The world had a way of appreciating rarity at times. A vision of crimson red spots speckled on a white silk cloth flashes before his eyes.

"Wonwoo yah!"

He was abruptly woken up from his lucid dream, so clear that reality paled in comparison. The feeling of deja vu, or perhaps something stronger, washes over him when he thinks momentarily that the scene he has just dreamt of was an actual piece of memory. He looks up at Hoshi with the most bizarre look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I had the weirdest dream!"

"We have to practise first. Let's talk about this later."

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I've been wanting to write this but research takes time and effort :(


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