Chapter 2

Pull Me Closer

Wonwoo has a twin brother, Chan, but he lives with their dad. They don't really look like each other and nobody knows why. Wonwoo has his father's sharp eyes while Chan has a loveable smile, which was probably his mom's. Also, Wonwoo is MUCH more taller than Chan but Chan is more "lively". Seriously, Wonwoo's pale skin along with his skinny build (which looks like a stick more) might scare the you out.

"I miss you so so so so so so bad that I want to crush you into pieces for not calling me. Have you found someone you loved so much that you even forgot your handsome brother?" Chan yelled from the other side of the phone.

"I kinda... have things to do, Chan. And SOS, I'm in an emergency situation."

"Really? Well, you deserve that for having forgotten me. Have fun with dealing it while I sit here and watch the drama."

"No, I'm serious right now, Chan. Everything was fine but now I want to die so much."

"Okay, so what was it?"

"Remember Mingyu?"

"Oh, that guy that..."

"No no no no, don't remind me that story again." Wonwoo shouted to cut his brother's word.

"Oh, okay, I will listen to you, drama king, even though I want to tell the whole story then imagine you red face. But I'm an angel after all, I'm too nice."

"So he's in my class. Gosh, he changed a lot, looking more hot and those stuffs. He even have a girlfriend, whose name is Nayeon and she's the second version of Regina George, if you want to take notes."

"Since when did he became like that since he..."

"Ay ay ay, I told you not to bring it back, remember?" Wonwoo slapped himself.

"Oops, sorry."

"So... he told her that he didn't like it when I accidentally, just accidentally, remember that, stare at him. I think he kinda forgot me."

"Oh my god how could you deal with it after you accidentally looked at him." Chan said with a sarcastically voice then laughed really loud.

"IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY, CHAN. I fainted after that. but... IT WAS AWESOME that he forgot me, I feel like my life have been blessed. But I'm not sure, you know, it's just one of my stupid theories, which are long enough to write 11 books. Also, I still find it extremely awkward to go to school and meet him."

"Um... so I'm supposed to give you advices right now?"

"So what do you expect? Why am I calling you?"

"I THOUGHT YOU MISSED MY HANDSOME FACE, plus, my manly deep voice."

"Erm... no, I'm even better than you, I suppose. Just hurry up and give me advices."

"I-I don't know."

"What do you mean by you don't know?"

"IT'S NOT EVEN MY BUSINESS, OKAY? You should feel lucky that someone who is fabulous like me, sit here and listen to you. That's an honor."

"So what should I do now? Buy a bunch of kittens and a pink wooden house, then sit in there, thinking about my whole life then die? Cool."

"Actually it's a good idea, better than mine."

"Oh, so you finally got some."

"I think, it's my opinion, don't blame me if things go wrong, you should calm the down and act normal. That's it, pretend like you are the main character who came from a K-Drama, you got hit by a car and forgot everything after you had..."

"Argh, you are bringing that story back again, I think I will lie to you that I have things to do now so that I wouldn't have to talk about that anymore."

"Well... okay, good luck with things."

"What's up?" Jun asked Wonwoo after he placed his on the chair "You are here earlier than normal, even earlier than me."

"I went early because... anyway just forget it, I talked to my brother last night and it seems like he hasn't change at all, we still have small disagreements sometimes."

' Wonwoo, you almost spilled out that you came here early just to avoid being stared by Nayeon and Mingyu when you come into class.'

"I didn't know that you have a brother, you have never told me about it."

"Well, I feel like moving here is kinda pushing me away from him, and I was enjoying life too much. I can't believe I almost forgot him."

"Oh.. so how old is he?"

"He's my twins, a minute younger."

"Oh, that was kind of surprised me, do you look like each other? PS: This is amazing. PPS: I think that he might hurt a lot when you guys separated, especially when you didn't keep in touch."

"No, we don't look like each other much,he looks like he's 3 years younger than me not just a minute. I think that he must have had a heartbreak too, since I was too selfish. So... do you want to go and buy him a sorry gift after class? He told me that he missed me a lot and I feel bad about myself, you know..."

"I WOULD LOVE TO DO IT." Jun shouted "Oh no, the princess with her filthy rich lover, aka an are coming. I could even smell her disgusting perfume from here." He changed into whispering.

"You mean by Nayeon and Mingyu?"

"Duh, of course. Who else?" Jun rolled his eyes.

Wonwoo fell nervous, he took his glasses out to pretend that he couldn't see anything. Then he acted like he was busy checking his homework again.

"Dude, you are soooooooo boring." Jun placed his lips near Wonwoo's ear and murmured, making Wonwoo's face red.

"Ew, somebody is playing gay here." Nayeon stopped when she was walking through his table. She placed a bottle of milk, which was half emty on the desk "This milk , and since it's a rubbish-dump here, I'll place it in front of the biggest trash in the whole city." She yelled.

"Excuse me, but I think you must have made some mistakes." Wonwoo tapped his table then stand up. He could see Mingyu was standing next to her, doing nothing, but Wonwoo didn't give a damn about it, his anger controlled him, causing him to open the bottle and pour it on Nayeon's hair. The class bursted into laughs.

"Oppa, do something. Kick that moron's ." Nayeon turned around, facing Mingyu. She shook Mingyu's hand, but he just stood there, like a statue, looking at Wonwoo straight into the eyes.

"Urgh, I can't believe you." She yelled and ran out of the class.

Jun fell annoyed when Mingyu and Wonwoo just stood there, staring creepily at each other, so he stood up, placed his arms around Wonwoo's waist then drag him down.

"Wonwoo have to sit down and finish his homework, you should go back to your seat to practice for quizzes, Mingyu, you missed a lot the past 2 months." He smiled friendly, even though he wanted to chop Mingyu's head off with his Kungfu.

'Do you still hate Nayeon for what she did to you.' Jun passed a note.

'No, I feel poor for her.'

'Why poor? She treated you like .'

'She's really mean but I think this situation that she's in, it's much more worse than what she deserve.'

'She's rich, famous, have boys,... her life is perfect.'

'It's not about her or the people surrounds her, it's about'

"May I ask you what are you doing, Mr.Jeon?" Mr.Lee fake some coughs.

"I was... writing everything you said. Yeah, I was writing because it's really meaningful, don't you students think

"Answer question 5, and remember, I know everything you do." Mr.Lee widened his eyes, making Jun chuckled a little bit.

Jun and Wonwoo headed to the mall right after the bell rang, and they was still wearing their uniforms.

"What should we buy?" Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"Well, they say that twins are mentally connected to each other. So put yourself in your brother's shoes, what would he like as a surprise?"

"I don't know. Ah... something has just popped up in my mind."

"What's it?"

"My school's prom is usually in the middle of the year, which means we have 2 weeks until it and normally Chan would ask me to go there with him because he always get rejected."

"So you mean that we should buy a book full of flirting experiences so that he can find a mate?"

"No... I want to buy him a suit, and I shall find him a mate, too."

"Okay, let's come in and have a look."

* * *

"What's your size, Jun?"

"I guess I wear M?"

"Oh my god it's perfect, you and Chan, you guys are in the same size, Now try this on." Wonwoo dropped a bunch of grey suits on Jun's head "Those are all perfect, just pick one that fits you while I go and catch some Pokemon."

"Dude, Pokemon... Seriously?"

"I'm a human, I need to entertain, okay?"

* * *

"Oh my spaghetti lord, you won't be able to guess what I caught, Jun, it's a Psyduck, I had like, a thousand Psyduck already." Wonwoo shouted while running back to Jun. His hair was flying and his eyes were all on the screen, which made him carelessly bumped into someone. That someone chest was as hard as a rock and his heart was beating so fast, but it wasn't the only one. Wonwoo knew it because he was lying on that person's body. Their hearts were having a race.

"Oh my god I'm so so sorry, clumsy people like me mess things up." Wonwoo stood up and bent down politely. After a minute of awkward, that person touched his head, causing him to look up. It was Migyu.

"Oh my god I'm so so sorry, ah no, I mean I take my apologies back, bye bye." Wonwoo rushed away as soon as he could.

"You should call him." Jun whispered.

"Really, do you think he will like it, the suit? Do you think he's mad at me? Am I not cool enough to go to the prom with him? Is it the right time to call him?..."

"Just chill out and make a call, you won't die and you are perfectly fine."

"Okay, I'm doing it." Wonwoo pressed the number on his screen.




"OMG is he mad at me? He's not answering me." Wonwoo murmured.

Jun wanted to laugh at how his friend behaved but he had to shut him down or else he might explode because of his massive nerve.

"Who's over there?" It's Chan's familiar voice.

"Oh, I'm...Your most perfect brother ever."

"Oh, really? I doubt that."

"Okay, so guess who are you going to the prom with? Tada, it's this guy here. And guess what will you wear? A perfect grey suit the handsome brother bought you."

"Thanks, you are really a perfect brother, Won." Chan chuckled "But I'm not going to the prom."


"I'm sick of being a joke to everybody when I go to the prom with my brother, who always have a secret boy who sent him gifts everyday and asked him to go to prom to meet and even though my brother was dying in curious but he still chose to go to prom with me, who is a total loser."

"Aww, don't feel poor for me nor yourself, Chan. It's my honor to go to prom with someone who is as handsome as you, remember?"

"But I'm not going to egg you on to go to prom with me. I'm not going to force you to go hundreds miles just to be humiliated because you chose to waste your time with a loser like me."

"Okay, if you feel bad about it, I wil respect your choice. But if you can't find somebody to go to the prom with you by the end of this week, I swear I will do it. And I had picked the most expensive suit in the shop, if you don't take my present, I'll kill myself for not making my brother feel better. Okay?"

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Chapter 4: Kissing booth pleaseeeee:'3 I'm waiting for thaaaaat! Btw I don't get the idea for the contest xD sorry I didn't participate. P.S ur fanfic is so cool. P.P.S update soonn~
Canxiubemybaby #2

Aww look at my honey bunch sugarplum Wonwoo being all nice to Nayeon even tho she was a witch to him~ That's how I raised my child❤️ (You have permission to hit me)
Chapter 2: Mingyu is suffering from an amnesia.. Nayeon is just using Mingyu like a trophy.. Tsk!
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 1: This is interesting and kinda mysterious, I can't wait for the next chapter
3036jonestom #5
Chapter 1: Does Mingyu has amnesia? Kinda confused but I like the plot!