Chapter 3 – Time to Recover

Miss Athena's Love Rejection

I take my time explaining myself out, with a little bit of help from Sung Jung Unnie. Of course, I keep the guy’s name secret. I do not want Yun Ae to kill her own classmate, do I? Surprisingly, Yun Ae keeps silence throughout my whole explanation; without cutting my sentences. After I finished pouring my problems to her, I examine her face, searching for some expressions. Her lips are purse together with her fingers on her chin. Her eyebrows furrow seeming in a thought. She puffs her cheeks and let out. I stare at her anxiously, waiting for her reply. Unnie also did the same.


“So… you cry because you’re rejected from the guy who you had a crush for 5 years…” she concludes finally. I think she’s saying out loud to absorb the truth by herself but I nod my head anyway. “YAH, CHOI __________, YOU DIDN’T TELL ME AT ALL ABOUT IT AND YOU KEPT IT FOR 5 FREAKING YEARS? AM I NOT YOUR FRIEND?” Yun Ae screams at me. I cringe; not able to take her loudness. “An… aniyo... I… I just… you know I’m very shy when it comes to expressing my emotions right…” my voice comes out a soft whisper. “Of course you are my friend. Indeed, my one and only friend since I have communication skills inability. I don’t mean to keep it from you. Mianhe” I sincerely say.


Her expressions soften and she smiles at me. “Mianhe. I shouldn’t just shout at you. You must be super sad from that rejection. Who is it anyway? That person must be blind and f**k up since he can’t see the beauty I found in my friend and goes chasing after the two-faced, devil in disguise Jessica” Yun Ae pats my back as a comforting gesture. I just smile at her slightly. I know she’ll ask this question like any normal people would.

“Don’t ask her who the jerk is. She wouldn’t even tell nor give any useful hints. Let me tell you what hints she gives me. One, he’s a kingka. Do you realise how many kingkas we have at school. There’s tons of   kingkas. 2PM, B1A4, B.A.P, Beast, Big Bang, Block B, BtoB, C-Clown, CN Blue, DBSK, EXO, FT Island, LEDApple, NU’EST, Super Junior, SHINee, Tasty, Teen Top, U-Kiss, Z:EA,… Endless if I am to keep on going. Second, he’s a freshman. Just the same as the two of you who are also freshman. Well, useful…not. Look, there’s like 500 people more or less in freshman year and 3 over 5 of the total are the males in freshman year. So… tell me, how the hell do I find him?” Sung Jung Unnie complains to Yun Ae with a distress tone.


Yun Ae nods her head in understanding. “__________-ah, why don’t you tell us? We can help you to avoid that stupid, blind person who must’ve been possessed by some ghost with weird taste for woman. Plus, who knows, we can be your secret alliance when you wanted to plan for revenge? Tell us, please?” Yun Ae pouts her lips and places both her hands together.


I shift my gaze to the side of her head where there’s a bedside table there. I can’t stand her aegyo. I focus my sight on the picture frame which contains Siwon Oppa, Sung Jung Unnie and me posing to the camera during one of our family’s picnic. “Yun Ae-sshi, I… I just can’t bring myself to say his name. I feel suffocated whenever I try to bring his name up” I sincerely confess.


Yun Ae sighs. “Hmm… what can I do if you can barely say his name now? Let’s leave it at that. It must be hurtful for you. So, what do you want to do now?” Yun Ae asks me with hopeful eyes. Maybe she’s hoping I might have some plans so that I could take my mind off things; the heartbreak, actually.


“I don’t know. I feel like sleeping the whole day and if I may, not going to school tomorrow. I don’t have any plans. I finished my homework at school just now” I say with a tired voice, my head tilt up, and the back of my hand covering my eyes, calming down myself.


“We can’t go clubbing and drink to our hearts’ content, can we? We are under age after all. And I don’t think you want to go out either” Yun Ae says. “Why don’t we look up the CDs and see what’s interesting. We could watch them over some ice creams, cakes and chocolates. Or we can ask the chef to make us several bowls of chocolate flavoured ice shavings” Sung Jung Unnie’s shows excitement all over. Totally, excited at how smart her idea is. “Yeah, people say chocolate can make people feel better. I totally agree with it. Especially if I drink chocolate ice blend when I’m sad” Yun Ae encourages me to go with the plan.


This time, it’s my turn to sigh. “Okay… On one condition…” I smile looking at their expressions which changes from happy at the former sentence to pouting all over when I suddenly insert the latter sentence. “No horror movies, arrasso?” I stifle my laugh. They have a high-five with each other after hearing what I’ve asked.


 “Of course there will be no horror movies. I don’t want to have nightmares, pabo” my unnie says. “Now, let’s go” Yun Ae push both of us out the door. We make our way to our home’s theatre.


We spend an hour browsing and debating on what movies to watch. We finally select three movies which we want to watch the most. First up would be Titanic which we can never easily get bored of watching. Second in line would be the romantic drama, Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I know, I know, it’s a drama; not a movie but we can’t help ourselves. Last but not least, would be The Rise of The Guardians. Hey, it’s not wrong, right? Can’t we bond with our inner childhood? Plus, it’s funny. Some laughing would help with my current situation, okay?


 Sung Jung Unnie informs the chef about our food request. Eventually, we can’t decide what we want. So, we end up with all the dessert that Sung Jung Unnie suggested earlier. We don’t really need to worry about the ice shavings melting. That’s what the freezer in the theatre room is for. And same goes for the drinks. Yun Ae on the other hand, decides to have a sleepover at my house and calls her Omma to inform her about it. Mrs. Park agrees almost instantly as she knows how close we are and it’s the very first time Yun Ae having a sleep over at my house.


We watch those three movies. Letting our tears fall when Jack drowns into the ice cold sea, blushing and spasm at the romantic scene between the main casts in Sungkyunkwan Scandal and laughing our heads off –not literally- when the Tooth Fairy checking out Jack Frost’s teeth –nope, not the Jack in Titanic- and when Easter Bunny turned mini sized.


All the while, we also have fun eating those delicious treats. I forgotten about my heartbreak and enjoy my time together with Sung Jung Unnie and Yun Ae. Seriously, I had the best movie time ever the year. They really know how to cheer me up. The movie ended at two in the morning. So, we immediately fall asleep once the movies finishes. In fact, we fall asleep right in the theatre room. Thank God my parents are intelligent to keep some blankets, bolsters and pillows in one of the closet in the theatre room.

 “Unnie, turn off your phone’s alarm. It’s annoying” I groan. I feel worse than ever. I can’t open my eyes and if I’m not mistaken, my voice is now hoarse. How would I know? My throat hurts as if I’ve not drink any water for days. “Dae, dae” I heard Sung Jung Unnie’s sleepy voice reply. “__________-ah your’re going to school today?” Yun Ae asks.


“No, I feel sick to the core. It’s hard to open my eyes and my voice is like… I don’t know how to describe” I grumble. “OMG, school, I better get ready. Loads of things to settle, the bullies in school, school’s Annual Sports Day, etc.” Sung Jung Unnie says in a hush voice which immediately loses its sleepiness. Shuffling of feet are heard around my left side. I guess unnie is rushing to get to school.


“Are you sick?” Yun Ae asks. I feel her hand on my forehead. “Umm… your temperature is a tad bit warmer than as usual…” she mumbles to herself. “I think you need to stay at home. I’ll be staying with you. And your argument is invalid” Yun Ae quickly adds the last sentence when she sees I am about to protest. “Sung Jung Unnie, your dongsaeng here is a little bit sick, so she wouldn’t attend school today. Neither am I. I’m staying to keep watch on her and her her with anything she needs” Yun Ae shouts to Sung Jung Unnie.


“Arrasso, please keep a good eye on her. Anything you don’t know, ask the maid, okay?” Sung Jung Unnie shouts just loud enough for us to hear. “Yes, Vice President Sung Jung” Yun Ae cheerfully reply. The sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs are heard and before I know it, I receive a hug from Sung Jung Unnie. “Uri baby dongsaeng, stay at home and hopefully you’ll heal if not fully, then, by 95%. Don’t think too much about what happen yesterday, okay?” Sung Jung Unnie whispers to me and kisses my forehead.


“Unnie…” I groan and nod. “Aigoo~ uri maknae has grown up” Sung Jung Unnie teases me and laughs. Yun Ae follow suit. “Okay, I don’t have time anymore. If I stay and talk, I’ll be super late for school. Not a good image for a Vice President. So, annyeong” Sung Jung Unnie says before dashing for the door. We did not even have time to say goodbye to her.


“Okay, since Sung Jung Unnie puts me in charge of you, so let’s start with the medicines. Then, I’ll let you have a rest. You look quite terrible with puffy eyes. Maybe I can cook something for you. What do you want to eat?” Yun Ae says after the limousine left the compound. I cringe at the word medicines. I don’t like them one bit. But I know, those… things are for my own good so I just accept them. “Dae, Yun Ae. Umm… I don’t really know what I want to eat but I think something like soup or porridge will do” I reply.

Yun Ae scowls when she hears me calling her Omma. “Omma not. I’m too young to be a mother, okay? I still want to study, go clubbing, work; I don’t want housewife as my only work and lots more. Conclusion, I would not be anyone’s Omma… for now. So, kajja. You still have medicine to eat and a nap to take. Other than that, we will talk about it after your nap” she pulls me up and pushes me into the kitchen. After taking my medicine, Yun Ae immediately tuck me in bed without any protest from me. I know how determine she is when she wants to get things done. It’s her way, no other. Plus, unnie puts her in charge.


Hi, I’m back. So, how’s Chapter 3? Chapter 3 is the continuation of Chapter 2. I think Jaejoong’s POV will reappear again in Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 since now; I want to focus on the main female character. Next chapter… I think you all can roughly guess what I’ll write, right? So, let’s wait for it. I hope I can update the story in a short amount of time. If not, please forgive me. Talking about the main female character, what do you guys think? Should I stick with blanks or give her a name? Please, tell me. It’s in a way, important to me.


To my 13 wonderful subscribers, thanks and here’s the update. Inform me how my story is in the comment area, okay. I am kind of worry that my story does not improve. Readers, your comments about my story are welcome. Subscribe if you think it is nice.


Remember my comment about NU’EST’s comeback? Okay, their comeback is daebak. I watch their Hello MV on the day it is released. Who have watched it? Nice right? I admit, I’m a L.O./\.E. I hope they will keep producing such good songs.


That’s all for this chapter. Let’s meet again in the next chapters. Annyeong…

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joey_lim #1
Chapter 3: u finally updated DONSAENG:D~ im shooooo happy:P
bad-but-good #2
Chapter 3: oh its soo cute they watched The Rise of The Guardians~ wait.... Don't you think jack frost looks like jaejoong in many ways?
my_haven07 #3
Chapter 3: yehe,,finally u an updated,,,
it's great and update soon,,don't let us wait for so long^^
i prefer blank for main character.,,,
thank you for the story,,,
Chapter 2: I lovd your story! Pleaz update!
bad-but-good #5
my_haven07 #6
nice begining,,,i'll wait the next story then,,,please update soon...>_<
KimHaerii #7
Wht a nice plot and character. Do update. I'm Korean and in needs of friend. Please take care of me :)
joey_lim #8
whaithing DONGSAENG!:p...
sophiexoxo #9
Sounds very intereseting ^^ I can't wait to read the first chapter XD Update soon <3