Chapter 03

Modern Cinderella : A JaeDy Fairytale
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Chapter 3


“One more month Jaejoong…or you’re marrying the Kang’s daughter”

He held his breath with annoyance as he seated uncomfortably behind the wheel of his car
two weeks of dreadful searching
and another two weeks of full longing,
Yet there was no luck on his quest for someone who he deemed to have taken his mind
Someone he knew was the only one who successfully swept him off his feet,
a girl who’s only name he recognizes as Dee.


Looking down, his right hand clasp on the golden ring on his necklace
“Where are you? Please…Please bring me to her”
his voice trailed as he begged the only thing that may connect them both.
“Who are you?”
He begged once more, as if it’s the only way to have her close.


“No luck yet?”
One cheerful voice was heard as the door opens to where he was.
A brutal shook of his head was the only answer he could give,
earning him a soft chuckle from the person who decided to grace him with her presence

With elbows resting on the smooth glass of his office table
and hands massaging the sudden onset of headache
Jaejoong cringed

“Jae, about Mr. Lee Sooman’s Engagement……”
A deep sigh was heard, along was a frown deeply etched into his silky forehead
“I know, I’ll go and will try to enjoy another dreadful night”
he took another paper that was stocked up neatly on his table
something the handsome lad haven’t really done for quite a few hours.

His gaze fell from the papers he was holding
towards the same ring that tangles along the silver necklace around his neck

“Does she even exist?”
her existence was the question he has always been dreading to answered
yet into his search
he stumbled and as much as he hated to wait, to hope
he did
this time,he did.

“She does exist, only that she chose not to”

Jaejoong found himself chuckling into her words
not that he finds it funny,
nor he finds it too absurd
but because of its mockery
The one fact that he knew why……
She was hiding… to him and to everyone else
She never wanted to be found.

“Love is an endeavor Jae, it’s meant to be seek, and it’s undoubtedly worth the chase”

His head hanged low while the other strode before him
long sleek warm arms enveloped him
calming his annoyance and hopelessness
“You’ll find her”
She whispered, patting his back for comfort

He looked at her and found the same mischievous smile that he hated
His little understanding about his sister’s affair tells him something
“should I wait….more?”

“No, you wait, you seek then elope”
her little chuckle and smile graciously lightened the whole room
while his toothy grin embraced his gorgeous face
“Like what you and Teddy hyung did?”

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Chapter 5: what a nice jaedara cinderella version.. ❤❤❤
Chapter 5: Aaaaahhhhhh.... a love story like the old times. How romantic, im dying. I believe in love at first sight. And this is it!
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 5: love it...:)
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 5: and they lived happily ever after... hehehe love it
reesehailey #5
sequel pls i love jaedy fanfics
jekomgarcia #6
Sequel, sequel... Hehehe.... ;)
hahhhahah!!!<br />
<br />
so melodramatic... I love the lines here!!!!<br />
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but JAEJOONG EFFECT is still my favorite though!!! hehehehe...<br />
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dawnxiamara #9
Oh my!!! i've read all your stories injust a day and this one is one of the best. I love fairy tales( a girl can dream right?) .Please write more of these ,they( your fanfic stories) are so amazing...
rexan2890 #10
A Happy Ending... :)