
Pokemon go away Chanyeol
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Sammy met Chanyeol when she visited Korea one summer with her friend, Whitney Lau. Meeting up with Henry he showed them around SM entertainment and they ran into Exo. Sammy already knew Korean, learning it becuase of her love for K-dramas and K-pop. She was introduced to exo and hit it off with Chanyeol, learning that they had many similar interests. During her time in Korea the two would often meet up to talk and hang out and a week before she left Chanyeol confessed to her. 

That was 3 years ago. Chanyeol was a loving and romantic boyfriend, sometimes he was quite clumsy and a little too cute and lovey dovey with s, but she loved him none the less.The two of them somehow made a long distance relationship work, although it took a lot of effort on both their parts becuase of their very different and busy schedules on top of the huge time difference. Chanyeol made sure to send her his scheudle every week so she always knew where he was becuase he knew how much of a worry wart she was. They would always call or text each other when they were free and always made sure to say good night and good morning to each other, even if there was no reply becuase the other was alseep.

When Sammy was in Korea Chanyeol would always sneak off to pick her up at the airport and force her to stay with him in the dorms once their relationship became more serious. Sammy got along well with the other exo members, much to Chanyeol's delight. She would always save a seat for him on the sofa so they could cuddle and would always kiss eachother hello and goodbye, regardless if they were going out or just to the bathroom. 

This particular summer Sammy wasn't able to go to Korea because of an internship and missed Chanyeol greatly. He was extremely busy becuase of promotions for Monster and Lucky One, while also preparing for their 3rd solo concert, and having SMtown Osaka in between those days. They were also preparing for a repackaged album in August. To put it frankly Chanyeol had absolutly no time, yet he still texted her good morning and good night everyday, along with I love yous and I miss yous through out the day whenever he had his phone out.

Recently Chanyeol had been texting her and calling her more, although it wasn't to see how she was doing, or to tell her how much he loved and missed her. It was for the damned Pokemon go game. Sammy regretted telling Chanyeol that she downloaded it, she also regretted taking an internship in a city with Pokestops and pokemon everywhere she went. 

Sammy had just gotten back from a long day at work when her phone rang, "Hey Channie, whats up?"

"Yeobo~ have you caught any new pokemon?"

Sammy sighed, "Really Channie?"

"Come on~ I'm so jealous its banned in Korea. What pokemon have you caught recently? Did you get more stuff at the pokestops?"

"Chan....why does it sound like you're getting arouse

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Poutyfacezico #1
Awww this was super cute.