

3rd person present: regrets
  1. 1.
    feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that one has done or failed to do).
    "she immediately regretted her words"
    synonyms: be sorry about, feel contrite about, feel apologetic about, feel remorse about/for, be remorseful about, rue, repent (of), feel repentant about,be regretful at/about, have a conscience about, blame oneself forMore


"I want this." He pointed at his favorite ice cream flavor.

"What?" The vendor asked.

"I said, I want this."

"Kid, if you wanna say it, then say it properly, don't just point your finger cause I ain't no genius to guess which one you want."

"How many freakin times do I need to tell you that I want-."

"Isn't he pointing at what he wants? How dumb can you be?" A gravelly voice spoke from behind him.

He turned around and confusedly stared at the stranger.



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