Chapter 1

The Past is Written, The Ink is Dry.

A/N: This should have been up ages ago. Stupid work happened.

It was another Manic Monday, and the sound of an explosion disrupting the should-have-been-peaceful Potions class indicated the start of a gruesome week for an unfortunate professor.

Sunggyu sighed as he looked at the mess created by some Gryffindors and Slytherins who were sitting at the back of the room. A flick of his wand and the mushroom like cloud dissipated along with its foul smell. It was only then that he saw how serious the damage was. Both cauldrons of the two pairs of students emitted a thick, bubbly substance so dark in color that Sunggyu himself did not dared to think of what the four mischievous students added to their ingredients. Bloody hell, they were just making a Hiccoughing Solution as warm up, for Merlin’s sake. What more if they started on the more advanced potions?

Then again, these kinds of instances only happen during his classes with Gryffindors and Slytherins. It should really be deemed illegal to have these two houses in a joint class. After all, it was like this even when he was still a student. It’s always the Gryffindors against the Slytherins in a battle on who pranks each other the most and it’s always the professors and innocent bystanders who get to be victimized the most.

What a way to start his Monday morning. Maybe he should ask Headmistress McGonagall to change the schedule of his Gryffindor/Slytherin potions classes to Friday afternoons just so he could have a smooth start on his week.

“What, pray tell, did you actually put in these cauldrons?” Sunggyu muttered as he tore his gaze from the bubbling cauldron and stared at the students who started bickering.

“The Slytherins started it, Professor! I swear–” 

“We did not! Clearly, Professor Kim wouldn’t believe such nonsense–”

“Shut up, Park!”

“No, you shut up, Byun!”

A major headache started brewing in Sunggyu’s head and all he could do was rub his thumb against the shiny material of his ring – a family heirloom he inherited once he attended Hogwarts – as he pushed down the urge to curse his two bickering students. Somehow, the habit made him calm down at least. When he signed up to replace Professor Slughorn as Hogwarts’ potions master, Sunggyu didn’t expected that babysitting barely adolescent teens with the mindset of an eight year old kid (sometimes much worse) was included in the job description. But thinking back, he himself was one adolescent teen with a mindset of an eight year old kid (sometimes much worse) back in the days. Karma is a .

“I take it back, I don’t even want to know. So if you would just shut your traps, Mr. Park and Ms. Byun, it would definitely prevent you from earning a detention or two.” Sunggyu almost growled before muttering a quick Scourgify on the table and cauldrons in front of him. In a blink of an eye, the hideous potions along with the mess it made were gone and the table and cauldrons were as clean as it was before class started. He barely even noticed the silence that surrounded the dungeons. Another sigh and he looked up at the four students responsible; the usual Gryffindor prankster Ms. Byun, Slytherin’s over hyped giant Mr. Park and –surprise, surprise– this term’s Head Boy and Head Girl themselves, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Do.

“Really now, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Do? Aren’t you supposed to be the perfect student role models and epitome of house unity?”

The Gryffindor Head Boy blinked a confused look –trying to look clueless and puzzled– that Sunggyu never bought, not when his hands were smeared with remnants of dungbombs that were clearly not part of that morning’s potion while Slytherin Head Girl actually had the audacity to look at him in the eye and defend herself –and her partner as well.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Professor.”

“Oh, stop it with the clueless act, Zhang. Well professor, frankly speaking, the Gryffindors really did started it.”

What the bloody hell is wrong with these youngsters? Oh wait, he thinks he knows the answer. They were sorted in Gryffindor and Slytherin, that’s enough explanation.

Amidst the commotion that once erupted, Sunggyu found his stern voice while ignoring the thunderous headache that made him think of murderous ideas before turning towards the Gryffindor students first.

“5 points each from the both of you, Ms. Byun and Mr. Zhang.”

At least, he made the students shut up. He could already see one of the students, Ms. Byun who can’t seem to keep her opinions to herself, halfway through protesting. On the other side, the Slytherins already had smirks on their faces while probably fist bumping under the desk or something.

“And from you two as well, Mr. Park and Ms. Do.”

Things quickly turned the other way around and Sunggyu turned towards the front of the room with deaf ears on the protests from the students at the back. Because Sunggyu couldn’t care less if he deducted ten points from his own house, especially not when he still has another class that afternoon –sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins– and he could only imagine something as worse as what happened earlier.

“One more word from the four of you –yes you’re included Ms. Do, and I’ll definitely double those points and add an hour of detention for the rest of the week.” He could only hope that Professor Shim –the Head of Slytherin house, of course– wouldn’t hound him even in the darkest depths of Azkaban for deducting as much points as possible from Slytherin.

Lunch rolled by without as much incident as possible (Sunggyu’s second period were meek and scared Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff second years, thank Merlin) and soon Sunggyu was half dragging himself towards the Great Hall despite his loss of appetite. Certainly he needs more energy to deal with his afternoon class or else he’d be dead meat. Or rather his students will be dead meat. And rubbing the shiny metal of his ring wouldn’t calm him down the slightest.

The Great Hall was full to the brim, much to Sunggyu’s surprise when he entered the Great Hall from the staff’s door at the back. Almost all the professors and staffs were already at the long table and Sunggyu quickly slipped on the nearest vacant one –which happened to be in between Professor Shim and the librarian Madame Han. Great. Come end of the day and the polished ring resting on his left ring finger would be as sparkly as the ancient brooms the first years use for flight class.

“So, ten points early in the morning, Sunggyu. Are you not a Slytherin to deduct such a handsome amount from your very own house?” Professor Shim –Changmin from Sunggyu’s school years, drawled as he half glared at Sunggyu who was halfway through sitting.

“You try dealing with mischievous seventh years that use dungbombs as ingredients in a hiccoughing solution and let’s see if they don’t drive you to your wit’s end.” Sunggyu grumbled and it only made Changmin scoff at him.

“Sunggyu dearest, I’ve done far worse than that with my mates, and I must say Professor Slughorn handled the situation quite better than you did.”

“Well, sorry to disappoint you but I’m not Professor Slughorn as you can see.” Sunggyu sent a glare at Changmin who equally reciprocated the act. And then the woman beside them laughed heartily.

“Now, now, kids. Let’s not start a duel here, shall we?” Madame Han– better known as the Slytherin vixen Kim Heechul back in the days, smirked as she leaned her chin on her propped up palm. “Seventh years are indeed mischievous nowadays, more than what we were back then. I think I’ve caught on at least a dozen or so seventh years defiling my precious shelves for the past week.”

“Oh please, Heechul. It’s not like you and your Astronomy professor of a husband do not defile your precious shelves more than every once in a while too.” Sunggyu sneered and Heechul just shrugged nonchalantly.

“Exactly. I’m the only one allowed to taint them every once in a while.”

“I don’t really give a . What I’m trying to say here is those are ten points, Sunggyu. Ten freaking points.” Changmin hissed. “And as much as I can dock as double of those from Gryffindor, how am I supposed to award triple of those to Slytherin?”

“Grant them 30 for merely breathing. Or resort to bullying your students to deduct points, after all you just did earlier with that Hufflepuff girl, didn’t you?” Sunggyu muttered, earning chuckle from Heechul and a curse from Changmin. Ah, it was like Sunggyu was back to the time they were students, what with their bickering and witty comments.

“By the way, have you heard?” Heecuhul interjected and it effectively caught both guys’ attention.

“Heard what?”

“There’s a new professor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts subject.”

“Ah, yeah. Heard about the stupidity that Professor Smith pulled last weekend.” Changmin scoffed before taking a gulp on his goblet. Sunggyu, however, furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Heechul with a questioning look. The woman chuckled at him in return.

“Stupid guy decided that having a midnight fly with a hippogriff while half intoxicated was a good idea.”

“Stupid indeed. But nothing beats the stupidity of Shim Changmin and who can’t seem to figure out how to deduct more points from Gryffindor.” Changmin was halfway through voicing out a coy retort when Headmistress McGonagall finally appeared with a new guy in tow, toning the noise a bit. A rush of déjà vu overcame Sunggyu as he caught the newcomer’s eyes. It really felt like he was back to his school days.

“Isn’t that someone from your year, Sunggyu?” Heechul muttered as he eyed the guy who was guided by Headmistress McGonagall to a vacant seat on the other end of the table.

“Ah, indeed. Gryffindor, isn’t he?” Changmin craned his neck to get a better look on the new guy. “Wooyoung or something, always with that Hufflepuff, yes?”

Sunggyu felt the headache he had earlier coming back in full force as he stared at the smiling man at the other end of the table. Merlin’s saggy blue balls, what the hell is Nam Woohyun doing here? He found himself rapidly and nervously rubbing his thumb on the innocent ring again but it did little to no calming effect on his shaky insides.

“Your attention please.” Headmistress McGonagall called with her stern voice and the hushes and whispers quickly died down, eventually everyone else’s attention was on her. Sunggyu leaned forward on his seat and tried not to stare at the other side of the hall. “As you may have heard, Professor Smith suffered a rather…ill-fated accident last weekend.”

An excited buzz washed over the students that quickly died down when the headmistress continued.

“Rest assured that he’s now at St. Mungo’s and I personally granted him the rest of the term to recuperate. As such, with the Defense Against the Dark Arts post now vacant, it is very fortunate for us to find a substitute at this short notice.”

Dread quickly washed up on Sunggyu as everything sunk in to his already splitting head. This must all be a big joke, right?

“Due to certain circumstances, I was not able to introduce your new professor earlier this breakfast. But I’m sure some of you have met the new professor, for those of you who haven’t, if you would please welcome Professor Nam warmly.” Sunggyu resisted the urge to bang his head on the table as a wave of applause swept through the hall. If it isn’t his lucky day indeed.

“You look like you’re going to vomit a bucketful of slugs.” Changmin remarked as soon as the applause died down and everybody started digging through their lunch. Sunggyu’s hope for having an appetite to at least eat a piece of bread quickly flew out of the window. Maybe he really will vomit slugs any moment now. “Something the matter?”

Sunggyu waved him off and quickly grabbed his goblet with thoughts of a cold butterbeer –professor’s perks– and taking an enormous gulp from it. Honestly, what has he done in his past life that made him this unlucky? Of all the substitute professors that Headmistress McGonagall could find, why does it have to be Nam Freaking Woohyun? Maybe he should drop by Professor Bell’s office that afternoon; after all, the woman seems to be a walking lucky charm since Sunggyu was still a student.

“Something’s definitely up. Could it possibly be because of the new professor, no?” Heechul chuckled and Sunggyu had half a mind to take his wand and curse the woman into the next millennium.

“Probably. Tell me, Sunggyu, were you and Professor Nam an item before?” Changmin cackled before taking a bite out of his steak. Sunggyu managed to throw a glare at Changmin before turning his head and catching the eye of Professor Nam. The guy had the nerve to raise his goblet at Sunggyu with that annoying eye smile of his that perfectly spelled trouble. “Ah, young love.”

It took all his willpower not to brandish his wand and cast a spell on the grinning man at the other end of the table as well as the snickering man beside him. And if this keeps up, his willpower will definitely ran out come the end of the day and his ring will definitely be so dull no amount of polishing spell could make it shiny again.

To say that Sunggyu’s having a bad day is definitely the understatement of the year.

His afternoon class with sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins was much worse than his morning one with the seventh years. Two melted cauldrons and a headful of burnt hair later (he didn’t even know how these students made a bald head out of their classmate with potentially harmless ingredients) and Sunggyu was ready to hex anybody who would greet him.

And the fact that one of his nightmares from his school years was back to haunt him and make his life a living hell once more wasn’t making things easier. Albeit the fact that Nam Woohyun –Professor Nam as Headmistress McGonagall had emphasized earlier, hasn’t even done anything yet to piss Sunggyu off. Well, let’s just say that the mere presence of the man is enough to keep him on his toes and be pissed off for the rest of the term.

What the hell has Nam Woohyun done to the ever so calm and composed and well liked Professor Kim Sunggyu anyways?

Well, a lot of things actually. Traumatizing, anger and killing inducing things to be exact. The stunts that his sixth year and seventh year Gryffindor/Slytherin students combined don’t even make up for the things that Woohyun did to Sunggyu back in the days. How so? Well here are some of what Sunggyu can remember.

During his first year, an overly enthusiastic, eleven year old muggleborn Nam Woohyun couldn’t contain his excitement during the traditional boat ride along the Black lake and almost sent eleven year old pureblood Kim Sunggyu off the boat. Thank Merlin Lee Howon already got that chaser skills and grabbed Sunggyu before he could go and meet the giant squid in a not so very good first meeting.

Second year rolled by and Sunggyu learned how to never trust Gryffindors (especially one named Woohyun) the hard way. One unfortunate night during Astronomy class, he forgot his own telescope and was forced to use one that Woohyun forcefully lend him. Two and a half hours later, he was sporting a black eye that even then-Professor Sinistra could not remove. It took him two days to wait for the bruise removing paste that an older Slytherin bought from Hogsmeade to remove the annoying bruise as well as Woohyun’s chuckles every time they passed by each other.

Little Red Riding Gyu became Sunggyu’s nickname come third year because of a charmed comb-a-chameleon Woohyun had slyly slipped on his sling bag. Though he must admit that the red hair complimented him, the nickname didn’t. Unlike the usual short time effect of the comb, however, Sunggyu’s natural hair color never returned until the middle of summer vacation despite many futile attempts. And it took twice as long for his mother’s shock to fade.

Teacups, Sunggyu concluded on his fourth year, as innocent as they looked like, were evil creations especially when Nam Woohyun was involved. What was supposed to be a mundane Slug Club’s meeting turned into a disastrous one as soon as Sunggyu took a sip of his lukewarm tea. Sometimes he could still feel the teeth of those nose biting tea cups sinking on his nose.

A self-propelling custard pie landed on Sunggyu’s face squarely when one of Woohyun’s endless pranks had gone wrong during fifth year. Oh, and did he mentioned that it was during the Yule Ball with the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students as well as the majority of the Hogwarts’ populace as his witnesses?

Slytherin sixth year Sunggyu was forced to have a very short haircut because of a Fanged Frisbee that grazed his oh so precious hair. And though it only took barely an hour to find the appropriate hair re-growing spell for Sunggyu, it took the rest of the term for the students to stop calling him Penguin Gyu.

You’d think that Sunggyu’s final year would be as peaceful and smooth sailing as it can be, but it would never be the case if Nam Woohyun’s around. A bludger to the head that had him unconscious for a whole week (he’s not even a quidditch player, damn it), an embarrassing incident because of a single dose of veritaserum and a smart-answer quill –that wrote nonsensical and rude things– during one of Sunggyu’s N.E.W.T.s (to which he received an eerily calm “Who’s the again, Mr. Kim?” from Professor Bell) were just some of the things that happened during Sunggyu’s very eventful seventh year. All this because of Gryffindor’s very own prankster Nam Woohyun. And there are infinitely other pranks that Sunggyu would like very much to stay forgotten.

And just when Sunggyu thought he’d live a Nam Woohyun-free life the day he graduated from Hogwarts –he had been for the past two years, mind you–, here goes Headmistress McGonagall declaring that the new substitute professor would be the very bane of Sunggyu’s existence. Great. Just Great.

Sunggyu could only heave a sigh as he proceeded to lock himself up in his office, skipping dinner since he’s not really hungry at the moment (or rather avoiding a certain new professor) and started playing with his ring. According to his mother, the silver ring with green linings and a quaint emerald was an insignia of some sort and represented their pureblood ancestry. The ring was passed on generation after generation and his mother also warned him about the underlying magic that was within the ring.Yet Sunggyu hadn’t heard of any unusual magical activity done by the ring, except bring Sunggyu unfortunate events brought upon by Woohyun.

“What’s so magical about you anyway?” Sunggyu murmured as he took off the ring and inspected it in between his fingers. In his eyes, the ring looks normal (albeit expensive and antique looking) though the emerald stone seemed to twinkle out of magic. Well, surely this isn’t a horcrux right? Come to think of it one of his great grand uncles seem to have lived passed the average age of one hundred and fifty years. A flick of his fingers and his eyes caught something he hadn’t noticed on the ring before.

Along the inside of the silver ring was an inscription that was carved elegantly.

Sunggyu’s brows furrowed as he looked at the ring closer and inspected the scribbles on the smooth surface of the metal. A few more tries and Sunggyu finally made out what was written on the ring.

Iam Revoca Mihi Potestas. What the hell is this?” Sunggyu muttered as he glared at the ring curiously. Aside from the fact that the words were Latin, he doesn’t have an idea how it appeared on the ring nor what it does. He was sure there was no inscription of some sort on the ring when he received it, so maybe this was the magic his mother had been pertaining to? If so, then how could he have triggered the useless piece of magic that was inside the ring? Well, let’s be honest here, a ring that adjusts to the size of its owners fingers and shows a hidden Latin inscription of some sort seems to be pretty mundane and ty for a pureblood family’s insignia isn’t it?

Blimey, even a first year student could do a simple magic like that.

Sunggyu then let the words roll by his tongue once more, this time much firmer and louder, before he slipped the ring on his finger. He sighed as he stood from where he was sitting and decided to just head on to bed with thoughts of sending an owl to his mom first thing in the morning regarding the Latin inscription that appeared out of nowhere on the family’s heirloom.  

The sunlight was too bright even when Sunggyu’s eyes were still closed. He could feel the light permeating through his closed eyelids and it only made him snuggle to his pillow more. A few more minutes won’t hurt, not when he has a long day ahead and it’s all because of the new DADA professor.

“Sunggyu, time to wake up dear.”

Was it really that late that he could even hear his mother through his half asleep mind?

“I swear, Kim Sunggyu, if you don’t wake up this instant…”

Wait. Was that a howler now? Because he was sure he was just about to owl her–

His warm comforter was quickly yanked off of him, making Sunggyu huff in annoyance and sit up. If this is another of Woohyun’s pranks then he’d definitely send an unforgivable curse at him, Azkaban be damned. His hand quickly flew towards his bedside table to snatch his wand but to his surprise, his fingers only bumped on an antique bedside clock that look frighteningly the same as the one he had on his childhood bedroom.

“Finally. I thought I have to drag you to the portkey to King’s Cross.” The sound of the curtains loudly pulled open were drowned out by Sunggyu’s rapidly beating heart as he took in the surroundings he was in. He was in his childhood bedroom and everything was the same as Sunggyu had remembered; the walls that were sophisticatedly painted with a greenish-silver wallpaper; his large, black oak wardrobes that were perfectly pushed by the corners; the thick, heavy and velvety emerald curtains framing the ceiling-high windows in front of his enormous and very comfortable bed –much too enormous for his eleven year old body back then. He could still remember how his feet would never reach the end of his bed just like how it is now–


“Well, what are you waiting for? A horde of unicorns to sweep you off your bed? Hogwarts Express won’t be waiting for your sleepy arse, Sunggyu.” Sunggyu almost cursed as the sight of his mom in her pristine and ever so perfect grey robes with her hands on her waist and peering up at him impatiently.


“No. You can’t skip your first day of school, Sunggyu. And yes, we wouldn’t mind if you’re not in Slytherin. Now up you go, your sister’s whining about how she’s gonna be late. You wouldn’t want her to barge here, I’m telling you.” Before Sunggyu could ask further, his mother was already out of the door, a house elf that he didn’t noticed earlier hot on her heels and waiting for any command. Sunggyu forced himself up all the while thinking so hard of any reason why it seemed like he travelled back to time – because that’s the only reason for all of this, add the fact that he seemed shorter and smaller while lying on his bed.

At least he was taking this all too calmly.

Sunggyu found himself rushing towards the joint bathroom and his suspicions were correct. He looked like the puny eleven year old with too small eyes and untamable hair he once was. He almost screamed in annoyance when he suddenly realized that he had to undergo puberty again, go through the sorting and attend classes. And pranks.

Well, this, so much for taking this all too calmly.

And there’s only one thing – or person that Sunggyu can think of who’s totally responsible for this.

Damn that Nam Woohyun. Surely this is all his doing, that wanker.

Now all he has to do is to figure out how to get back to his own time, find out how that stupid git managed to creep inside his room, kill him and decide if the roots of the Whomping Willow will make a good hiding place for a body. Another scream threatened to escape his mouth and he found himself clutching his hair –an obvious sign that he’s already having a mental breakdown, and that’s when he noticed a cool feeling against a small spot on his forehead. With shaky hands, he quickly let go of his bedridden hair and his eyes zeroed in on the glinting ring on his finger.

Come to think of it, the last thing he could remember before drifting to sleep was to owl his mother about the ring.

He quickly took the said item off of his still pudgy fingers and turned it inside out. Dread quickly washed up on him as he saw the inside of the ring as smooth as it always had been. The Latin words were gone and Sunggyu strained his mind as he tried to remember what exactly those words are.

For the first time, Sunggyu found himself blaming the ring for the mishap that’s happening to him at the moment instead of Nam Woohyun like he had done so for the past few years. Well, now he knows what magic the ring is concealing. Now if only those words would come back and let him return to the present, that would be very much appreciated. But try as he might, not even a single scratch appeared on the ring’s smooth surface. He was close to stomping the ring when he forced himself to calm down and think of the last thing he did before he was transported back to time.

He recalled being holed up on his office yesterday night, thinking of things that were related to Nam Woohyun while playing with the ring, reading the inscription that suddenly appeared out of nowhere then went to bed. Should he play with the ring again so the words would come back?

It’s worth a shot.

But before he could even make his way back to his bed, the shrill voice of his older sister echoed from downstairs and it only made him sigh. Sunggyu decided to trade his pajamas –those horrible penguin and hamster pattered ones– to the neatly laid set of clothes on his bed. The ring could wait until he’s in the confinements of the Slytherin dungeons but that would mean he has to stay for at least twelve hours or so in this timeline. Either that or suffer the wrath of his already irate sister downstairs, and the former sounds much more appealing right now. He could only sigh once more as he thought of the things he has to undergo –that boring train ride, getting sorted and that fateful boat ride.

Suddenly he’s not looking forward to arriving at Hogwarts.

Another yell, and Sunggyu resisted the urge to roll his eyes before he grabbed his suitcase and went out of his childhood bedroom. His body went automatic and walked towards the brightly lit, noisy and huge receiving area of his family’s manor and his already small eyes squinted with the excess light that the room was bathing in.

Whoever said that pureblood manors are dimmed and gloomy and eerily quiet clearly hasn’t visited the Kim Manor yet.

Sunggyu quickly shut out his sister who was already wearing her Slytherin blouse and vest, matching skirt, knee high socks and black leather shoes. The glinting Prefect badge was perfectly perched on her chest, just below the Slytherin emblem of her vest and a smug smile flashed through .

“Can’t wait to find out if you’re a Gryffindor, baby brother. Or worse, Hufflepuff.” His sister teased as Sunggyu rolled his eyes and let a house elf hold his suitcase. It was just like how it was back then, his sister confident that he wouldn’t be sorted in Slytherin yet this time Sunggyu wasn’t the least bit agitated as he was back then. Because hey, he already knew he’s gonna be sorted in Slytherin. And he can’t wait to rub it in his sister’s face later. Again.

All too soon they were making their way out of the manor with his parents –dressed elegantly yet as normal as a pureblood wizard and witch can be– and onto the hill nearby where a rather peculiar old boot was sitting atop. Portkey, of course. Sunggyu wished he wouldn’t be as dizzy as he was almost ten years ago.

Oh he could clearly tell this is going to be a very long day indeed.

Sunggyu almost deadpanned a ‘what happened to you?’ at Howon’s eleven year old chubby face framed with thick spectacles as soon as he saw him on Platform 9¾, if not for the fact that Sunggyu himself was a little eleven year old as well. A very nauseous and dizzy eleven year old, curse those uncomfortable portkeys. The kid in front of him was very much different from the Howon –Hoya, he has to remind himself– who he remembers. He found out soon enough that reliving these kinds of memories were far too amusing and tolerable, especially the part where Sunggyu and Howon were shoved inside a compartment together to spend the long hours of travel time, all because their parents used to be classmates at Hogwarts.

Then he thought of the pranks, and Sunggyu wished he wouldn’t have to relive those again.

It took all of Sunggyu’s self-control not to laugh at Howon’s face while he watched how awkward the kid was with new acquaintances. Merlin, this kid is so awkward it’s a wonder how he snagged friends at Hogwarts. In fact, the tension and awkwardness that surrounded the compartment was so thick that Sunggyu was sure he could cut it with a knife. It didn’t help the fact that it was just the two of them inside the compartment. Instead of poring over the awkwardness between them, Sunggyu tried to recall how their conversation flowed out.

“So… you’re a pureblood too?”

Sunggyu would have missed the soft voice, but he had been in this situation before anyway. And he clearly knows the poor attempt at having a go with a conversation will end once he answers, so he tries to rack his brain for a different answer to keep the conversation running instead of muttering just a yes just like how he remembers.

“Or so I’ve told. Say, I’ve heard my dad and your dad used to be on the Slytherin quidditch team.” A sparkle of interest quickly lit up Hoya’s eyes, making it bright behind the thick spectacles.

“Yeah! Like, my dad’s good at being a chaser, I’ve wanted to be one but my eyesight’s not…so good.”

“So? I’m pretty sure you’d be one heck of a chaser, in fact you’ll be accepted in the Slytherin team tryouts come third year.”

“How would you know that I will be sorted in Slytherin and make it to the team?”

Cold sweat started rolling down Sunggyu’s back. Blimey, he only wanted to coax Howon to talk more, he didn’t mean to reveal the future and make everyone believe he was a freak or gifted in Divination of some sort (which isn’t the case, Sunggyu loathed Divination so much he dropped the subject after 3 lessons). Worse, being found out that he wasn’t from this era.

“Well… I just know…? You’re a pureblood, there’s ninety percent that you’ll be sorted in the same house as your parents. And I mean it will definitely run in the blood if your father’s a very good quidditch player. My mom’s a brilliant potioneer, and my sister seems to inherit the trait.” Sunggyu resisted the urge to add the fact that being a potioneer really does run in his blood and that he will actually replace Hogwarts’ Potion Master in a few years. Instead, he waited with bated breath as Howon looked at him with piercing eyes, as if scrutinizing him before the bespectacled boy shrugged nonchalantly.

“Makes sense. So does that mean you’re a good quidditch player?”

“Oh, hell no. Took a bludger to the head once, woke up in the hospital a week later.”

Sunggyu couldn’t help but mention that first and last encounter with quidditch even though it was six years later in this timeline. And sometimes he could still feel the hard thump of the bludger against his head.

“So it means you ?” Howon half drawled, as if testing the waters with Sunggyu. Really, who enforced all pureblood families to teach their kid how to drawl and use it to their friends and acquaintances? Instead of getting offended –like most of the people do– Sunggyu just shrugged and chuckled.

“Probably. Wouldn’t even last a minute after Madame Hooch blows that whistle of hers.”

“Who’s Madame Hooch?”

“Uh…” Well, e. Here comes Sunggyu and his big, unstoppable mouth. Sunggyu almost cursed and contemplated on casting an obliviate on Hoya, but he was particularly not good at charms and risk the chance that he might screw up Hoya’s already screwed up brain even further. “Flight Professor at Hogwarts and referees the games. My sister mentioned her a few times.”

Howon seemed skeptic and was about to say something that was sure will define Sunggyu’s demise and blow his cover. Thank Merlin a sixth year prefect came by the compartment and instructed them to change into their school robes, for they will arrive at Hogsmeade station in a short while. Relief was short lived however, for as soon as they went out of their compartment, a small kid collided with Sunggyu so hard he almost lurched backward. Dread pooled down his stomach as the kid glanced over his shoulder to look at Sunggyu with twinkling eyes and barely apologetic smile.

“Watch it, kid.” Howon sneered at the kid who just ran ahead towards the group of kids waiting for him on the other end of the carriage.


Sunggyu could feel his heart beating rapidly as his eyes glared holes at the retreating back of an eleven year old Nam Woohyun who was excitedly running towards his gang of friends with shrill laughter. It seemed like a premonition of some sort of what was about to come and it made Sunggyu’s insides quiver. Now if only he can figure out how to avoid Nam Woohyun at all costs…

“Kid doesn’t even have manners, must be a filthy muggleborn. You alright?” Howon called out to him as Sunggyu straightened up and looked at the bespectacled boy and suddenly a thought occurred to him. How could he not have thought about it before? A small smirk made its way towards Sunggyu’s lips before shrugging.

“Never been better, Hoya.” The confused look that Howon sent to Sunggyu went ignored as the latter proceeded to the loo to change to his school robes. He didn’t even reprimand himself for the name slip-up for he was too busy laying out a delicate plan inside his mind.

Maybe it isn’t that bad to go back to the past after all.

Soon enough the train was skidding to a halt as the sun started to set in the west and Sunggyu can’t identify the feeling that was making him quiver. If it was anticipation, excitement or nervousness he didn’t have time to comprehend for the school’s gamekeeper, Hagrid, was calling out all first years to follow him towards the lake. Unlike how he acted way before, Sunggyu found himself quickly slipping in line- just behind Howon with a stoic face that he knew was a cover for his nervousness.

After a few minutes of trekking through the not-so-dense part of the Forbidden Forest and ignoring Howon’s (and probably majority of the purebloods) whines of good, old ‘My father will hear about this.’, the Black lake soon came into view with small boats resting on its edge. Students soon started filling up the boats and Sunggyu noticed Howon hiding his shaking hands inside his robes.


Sunggyu couldn’t help but let out a small smile as they neared their turn to ride the boat. A few more students left and Sunggyu thanked Salazar Slytherin (and Rowena Ravenclaw, though he wouldn’t really admit it) that his memory served him right. A glance over his back and he saw Woohyun a few steps behind him chatting up a seemingly hyperactive boy as well. Keenness clawed up his insides when Howon finally stood behind at most ten students, with the student in front of Hoya looking excited as well that he was even chatting up himself. Or maybe the kid was just as nervous as they were all to even talk to himself rather loudly.

Time to execute Sunggyu’s perfectly brilliant plan (or so he thinks it’s perfect).

“You scared?”

Howon quickly snapped his head towards Sunggyu and fixed a glare that should make eleven year old Kim Sunggyu shrink. But being the twenty-two year old Kim Sunggyu that was trapped inside an eleven year old version of himself, he wasn’t the least bit intimidated nor did he even flinched like he would have done so when he was younger.

Bloody hell, how pathetic was his younger self back then? No wonder Nam Woohyun chose him as a target for his pranks.

“I’ll have you know that I’m not the least bit scared with a stupid boat ride! My brother told me that the trick is to sit in front of the boat to–”

“Well your brother’s clearly wrong. Or he’s playing at you.” Sunggyu resisted the urge to smirk when Howon looked apprehensive after he was cut off. He had found out during third year how scared Howon was during their boat ride, and that he thought that sitting in front of the boat would definitely save him if they get boat wrecked. Such a naïve boy. They were nearing the front of the line and Sunggyu continued. “If you sit in front of the boat, you’ll experience the ripples and waves first hand and make you more nauseous.”


Sunggyu nodded and feigned a look over Howon’s shoulder.

“And by the looks of it, it seems like you’ll end up sitting in front of the boat.” A small smile appeared at Sunggyu’s lips when Howon turned around and counted the remaining students in front of him before cursing softly. Poor bloke’s already having a mental breakdown and Sunggyu resisted the urge to chuckle.

“Bloody hell, what do I do?” Sunggyu heard Howon muttering to himself and he decided he had tormented the boy enough, after all there are still more tormenting to come if Sunggyu perfectly executed his plan.

“Well, lucky you I seem to enjoy sitting in front of the boat.” Sunggyu drawled as Howon turned to him once more with a barely concealed relieved expression. The boy almost croaked in excitement and coughed a few times to stabilize his voice.

“You do?”

Sunggyu shrugged nonchalantly, almost feeling the triumph in his hands. But then Howon schooled his features and hid his trepidation beneath the almost cracking face expression.

“Too bad I’ll be taking the front seat.” Howon declared and Sunggyu shot him a challenging look. Oh, so Howon’s trying to look brave, huh?

“If you say so.”

They stood in front of the boats with only three students left, two of them boarding the already half occupied boat and the other already climbing up the next boat in excitement he almost flipped the boat over. The shiver that went up Howon’s spine sent the smirk on Sunggyu’s lips wider.

“Say, Sunggyu. Maybe we should trade places?” The pleading look on Howon’s young face encouraged the smirk to resurface on Sunggyu’s lips. He tilted his head and looked at Howon’s eyes before he drawled.

“What’s in it for me?”

“Anything. As long as this doesn’t leak out.” Howon growled as Hagrid looked at them and urged them to the boat. The students behind them started looking at them and Howon sent a glare through those thick lenses of his.

“Half the semester’s worth of assignments on Charms.”

Of course Sunggyu never forgot how he never did well at the subject and Howon seemed to have inkling on Charms and he never thought he’d use it to his own advantage. Thank Merlin Howon didn’t question him on the choice of subject and instead opted to glare harder at Sunggyu before gritting out a ‘fine’. One look at Howon and Sunggyu shrugged once more, walking past Howon who seemed to be more relieved than ever and climbed warily onto the boat. He could hear Howon muttering shakily to himself as he climbed on the boat and sitting behind Sunggyu.

A curse almost flew out of Howon’s mouth when the boat almost tilted as Woohyun jumped onto the boat and made the occupants slightly damped with the splash of the cold water. Sunggyu resisted the urge to take his wand and just finish Nam Woohyun right then and there, if not for the fact that all students were already boarded on the boats. Soon enough the boat started to sail slowly and Sunggyu almost laughed at how Howon shakily gripped the side of the boat.

Bollocks, why didn’t he notice this before?

Oh right, because Woohyun couldn’t keep calm on his seat.

The boat they were in suddenly tipped dangerously over one side as they glided halfway through the lake and the unmistakable splash followed by Woohyun yelping and Howon screaming bloody murder made Sunggyu smirk widely.

One prank down, a thousand and one more to go.

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661 streak #1
Chapter 4: Not into HP but this was funny…
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 3: it needs more chapters 😭😭😭,but i guess the first travel is happened because Gyu wants to change his past with Woo. maybe this time Gyu back to the time he missed his dates with Woo.and sorting hat told back in time has consequence i think it has really good one 😍😅😎
dgh2673 #3
Chapter 3: why i didn't read it sooner, it is such good one 😭😭😭
Chapter 4: what!?!?!?
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for writing this story! Tbh this is my favourite woogyu Harry Potter AU ever!!! I keep on findjng myself to reread it over and over again and i still feel the fluttering feels on my stomach~ i looooooooove it so so so much!
But i cant help it, the last part still bother me a lot somehow, it's kind of hanging (?) Looool i am still curious and wondering so is Sunggyu back to the past again? Is he back to the past alone or with Woohyun since woohyun is the one who read the incantation? And oh i feel sad Sunggyu is clueless about what happen between him and Woohyun, i wish he can experience it how they are dating before
Aaaahhh i want to know more >< i cant get enough of this fanfic!
Chapter 4: Your story is amazing. I love your writing.
i finally had time to read this story. it took me an hour and half to finish this though haha
this story is indeed beautiful. but does that mean they’ll be going back to the past?
Chapter 4: Yayy thanks for the nice story :)
Chapter 4: So, they went back to the past? Maybe they went to the time when they had dates after they graduated hahaha aish young love is indeed so sweet
Chapter 4: OMG YES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FINISHING IT.. It must haven been a ride for you and I can only be thankful.. I loved every minute of it, will reread forever. Out of curiosity I wanted to know who did sungyeol drink the shot for to you? Like the singles in the booth were here, myungsoo and dongwoo so? can I be hopeful that it is dongwoo, I think they could balance eachother out!