Part 5

Mistaken Locker

Seulgi stared once more at the letter she had in her hands. She still had a smile on her face even though it had been at least five minutes since she had retrieved the letter. She then lifted her head up to Wendy and watch her attentively.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask earlier but... Are you feeling better? You know, yesterday, you... Well, I mean..." Seulgi stuttered, not knowing how to tackle the subject.

"Oh, about that..." The small smile that had formed itself on Wendy's face slowly faded. "Yeah, I'm doing better, now. Don't worry about it, okay?" Wendy managed to smile again but Seulgi was wise enough to notice the change of mood coming from Wendy. "You know, I got a lot of stress being the student council's president and all..." She lied, finally locking eyes with Seulgi. "But today I'm feeling better, thank you Seulgi." This time, she smiled more genuinely.

"Okay..." Seulgi was not really convinced but made it it seem like she was. She felt something was still off with the other girl. She just had to find out what, after all, she still owed Wendy one. "You know, as a thank you... Erm... I mean, if you ever need something, don't hesitate, okay?" She finally managed to say.

"Oh, no. It's okay you don't have to, really!" She shook her hands. "I'm glad I could help you!"

Well, not that glad, but still...

"I insist." Seulgi moved closer to Wendy. "If you ever-"

She was cut off when the two of them flinched after hearing some noises behind Seulgi. It was a student, looking embarrassed, but not as much as Wendy whose face made her look like she was caught red-handed.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you! I swear. Just... Just don't mind me!" He then ran off.

"No, you're not interrupting anything..." Wendy trailed off, knowing the student did not hear her.

"I'm not sure he heard you." Seulgi chuckled. "Anyway, don't forget what I said, okay? I'll see you around." She flashed her one last gentle smile before walking away.

Wendy deeply sighed as she looked at Seulgi's disappearing figure. She had to fan her cheeks as they were burning after seeing Seulgi's smile.

You're so pathetic, Wendy... She thought to herself. How could you get a crush on her so quickly?




"Oh, Victoria!" Luna spotted the girl, as she made her way to the student council room. She then hurried her steps towards the said girl.

"Oh, hey, L-luna..." Victoria stuttered, visibly awkward around Luna, and tried to pass by her but was stopped by the other girl.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Erm... Well..."

"Don't try to avoid me, you know it won't help anything between us!"

"I know! I'm sorry!!! I'm really sorry! I saw all your phone calls and messages! And I didn't reply because I thought you'll be angry at me!"

"Of course, I was angry and I still am!" Luna stomped her foot on the ground. "You stood me up, Victoria!"



"Are they a couple?" Someone murmured, loud enough for Luna and Victoria to hear it.

"Seems like it!"

"Are they quarreling?" More whispers could be heard.

"I didn't know they were an item..."



"Now, stop it! People will misunderstand us!" Victoria said after hearing some murmurs. She took Luna's arm and tried to walk away with her but Luna was the one who dragged them inside the student council room.

"Don't touch me! I swear I'm gonna report you, Victoria! You were supposed to be in detention every single day of last week but you didn't attend it! I had to lie, saying you were there! You brat!"

"I already said I was sorry! I won't do it again! I promise!" Victoria exclaimed.

Luna briefly looked at her before sighing and walking around the room. Victoria followed with her eyes the latter who was already busy rummaging through some lists.

"Anyway, what are you searching for?" She sat down, still watching Luna with curiosity.

"I'm searching for the number of the locker of Wendy."

"Hmm? Why? Why would you want to know something like that? Is there a problem?"

"Yes! No! I don't really know! It's just I think something's fishy with Wendy..."

"Wendy? Why?" Victoria frowned her eyebrows, she knew the president was a serious person. Maybe even a little bit too serious. "What do you mean by 'fishy'?"

"Not really fishy... I just felt something was off the other day... I'll tell you once I'll find what I'm searching for."

"Why do you still use papers? Don't you know computers and all? It would be easier than searching in all this mess you have."

"Budget, my friend, budget... The school's fully providing funds for the sports club."

"But you're supposed to supervise students!" Victoria exclaimed. "You should complain or something, you know!"

"We can't really do anything about it." She shrugged her shoulders. "Our school's one of the best in the area, they nearly win everything when it comes to sports..."


Victoria only nodded her head in response. "Give me some of your papers, I'll search with you."

Luna narrowed her eyes at her.

"Oh, come on, Luna! I won't do anything, I just wanna help you, I swear! Stop looking at me like that!"

"Okay... Here."

"So we're even, like that. I mean, since I skipped last week's detention..."

"Stop talking and search now." Luna gave her a pile of papers. "Ah! And if you could also search for the locker number 389. I need to know who owns it."

"I still don't understand why you wanna know the number of Wendy's locker..."

Luna ignored her and began looking at the papers. They searched in silence, only the sound of moving papers could be heard inside the room.

"Ah, here! Son Wendy." Luna found it and smiled. She then looked at the number associated to the president.

Locker 221...


"Luna! I found 389!"

"Really? Then what's written?" She looked towards Victoria.

"I don't know... It seems someone erased it or something like that. It's blank but I think something was written before." She then stood up and walked towards Luna, stretching her arm to show the paper to her. "Here, look."

Luna looked attentively at it and noticed someone had indeed erased the name. However, no matter how much she wanted to know the name, she could not make out the erased name.

That's really strange... It can't just be a mere coincidence, right?




Seulgi was busy, as always, looking for Taeyeon. She knew the girl would be around since it was recess time and the latter usually hung around with her friends. It was useless to say Seulgi was delighted to see the older girl. She finally spotted her, standing next to a bench where her friends were sitting. Once, she was satisfied with seeing the other, she looked away. However, she quickly looked back to Taeyeon when she noticed that the latter was smiling and waving at her. She must have sensed someone's eyes on her, making her look towards Seulgi.

Seulgi took a deep breath before waving back to her, not forgetting to flash her most beautiful smile. Although it was not that hard to do since Taeyeon could make her smile anytime and anywhere.


Jessica, who was sitting near Taeyeon, noticed the latter smiling and waving to someone.

"Who are you waving to... Oh, Seulgi?" She noticed the other girl beaming towards their direction and rose an eyebrow.

"You know her?" Taeyeon asked her, surprised.

"Yeah, well, not really but everyone knows her, right? I've never talked to her but she's friend with my sister."

"Ah, I see. Well, she's kinda cute." She cleared . "I mean, bubbly! Yeah, bubbly. She's always bubbly whenever I see her." She corrected herself.

"Yeah, right. Bubbly?" Jessica .

"Oh, don't misunderstand. It's not like that!" She shook her hands. "It's really not like that."

"Like what? I didn't even say anything." She had a mischievous smile on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Tiffany asked them when she noticed the two of them were busy chatting in their own corner.

"Taeyeon can't stop looki-" Jessica was cut off by a hand on .

"Nothing! I mean, she's just teasing me about some useless thing."

"Yeah, whatever." Jessica said when Taeyeon removed her hand and shrugged her shoulders lazily. "Bubbly..." She muttered, making Taeyeon frowned at her.

"Okay..." Tiffany eyed them weirdly. "You two are really bizarre, you know. I know why you're always stuck with each other."

Jessica and Taeyeon looked at her while smiling sheepishly, before agreeing. "Yeah, we know."





"Have you heard the rumors?" Joy said as soon as she sat down. It was lunch time and the refectory could not have been more packed than it already was. Some days already flew by neither Wendy nor Seulgi interacted with each other. Except maybe when Wendy would stare too much at Seulgi would nearly get caught by the latter. Hopefully, Seulgi would smile at her and greet her whenever that would happen.

"No. What is it this time?" Irene asked uninterested. "Some gossips started by the cheerleaders?"

"No! Not at all. And you might be interested, Wendy."

"Me? Why me?" She asked, surprised as to why she would be interested. She had always paid no mind to the rumors going around the school.

"Okay, Yeri told me she heard the other students gossiping about two people dating: with one of them being part of the student council."

"So you think they're talking about Wendy?" Irene asked her.

"Of course!"

"But I'm not even dating anyone!" Wendy objected.

"No, you're not! But maybe they think you're dating Seulgi! You said you were interrupted by someone the other day, right? Maybe the rumor started from there."

"Or maybe it's someone else! You know how Suho has been trying to court Chorong for quite some time now." Wendy denied once more, feeling scared the students might mistake her and Seulgi.

Could it be her and Seulgi?

"I don't think it's about Seulgi and me. They would have mentioned that the student council member was the president...." 

Everybody knew who she was, right? She thought about it and then remembered Seulgi. She could not help sighing. After all, maybe not everyone knew her...





"Stop staring at her like that."

"What?" Wendy looked away from Seulgi and turned towards Irene.

"Stop staring at Seulgi like that, she's gonna melt under your stare." Irene repeated.

"I'm such a coward right?" Wendy chuckled bitterly. "I couldn't even tell her the truth..."

"Come on, Wendy. You know it's better like that, you won't have to pretend anymore. And I'm sure she won't be coming to you anymore." Joy reassured her.

"But..." She might be going to the meeting after classes...


"Well, I'm also going home." Wendy said once they were about to part their way.

"Don't you have to attend the meeting of the music club?" Joy asked, surprised by the girl's reply. She would never miss it for anything in the world.

"I haven't been in the mood to go there. And I'm still not." Wendy shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not?"

"Seulgi might be there." She simply stated. "You know, Taeyeon invited her to come."

"So what?" Irene sighed. "It's not like you'll be able to avoid her until the end of the school year, right? And you were staring at her earlier. Don't tell me you're trying to avoid her."

"Still, I don't think it will be helpful for me to go there today. I can't even strike a conversation with her." Wendy shook her head, despair evident in her posture. "I don't even know why I'm getting so depressed about it..."

"Be positive, Wendy. It may take some time, but it will get better." Irene winked at her. "And talking to her may actually help you, you know."

"Still, I'm not going."





Seulgi was standing in front of the door of the music club's room. She did not know whether she should really enter it or not. After all, she had not informed anyone she would be coming that day. Anyway, she went all the way there and could not go back now, it would be too stupid and the Kryber duo would surely kill her. Besides, she still wanted to talk to Wendy, she wanted to know if the girl still kept her smile on her face. She did not even know why she would care about her but still, she felt uncomfortable seeing Wendy's rueful face. She had not really seen the other girl, except from time to time when she would see Wendy. Other than that, they had not interact with each other, if you could even say 'interact' in the first place.

"Oh, Seulgi! You finally came!" Someone said from behind her. She did not have to look back to know it was. Only one voice could make her have goose pimples like that.

"Oh, hello Taeyeon Sunbaenim! How are you?" She politely bowed at the latter.

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm fine too!"

"Great, it's good to finally see you here!"

"But I'm a little bit worried... I don't know what I'll do since it's my first time and all..."

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure everyone wants you here." Taeyeon gave her reassuring smile.

"Speaking of which... Is Wendy here yet?" She casually asked, not wanting to make it seem strange nor suspicious.

"Ah, she told me she couldn't come these days since she had to review her lessons for her exams." Taeyeon explained.


"Exams? But I think... She's in the same year as me and we don't have exams these days... She didn't come at all?"

"Ah, Wendy's really serious when it comes to school, maybe she's already revising for the upcoming exams?" Taeyeon supposed. "And no, the last time she came was last week, I think?"

"Yeah, maybe..."

"Anyway, you should come with me, I'll introduce you to the others." Taeyeon said while dragging her inside, ready to encounter the other members.


Seulgi enjoyed spending time with the other members of the club. Even though she only knew Taeyeon, the others were kind with her and welcomed her. Besides, Taeyeon was with her nearly all the time and she was proud of herself for not turning into a stuttering mess in front of her crush. They even exchanged phone numbers. You should not ask her how she suddenly got so bold, but Seulgi had somehow managed to get it by saying that if ever the club's meeting was canceled, Taeyeon should inform her. 

However, she could not help feeling disappointed as she had not seen Wendy. Since, she did not come and excused herself with a false excuse, she worried a little about her. She wondered if she should not have asked for Wendy's number as well to Taeyeon. But maybe the latter did not have it. Still, it did not hurt to try, right? She sighed before planning to ask for it later.

Though she knew she would not ask for it, not really knowing how to engage a conversation with Taeyeon.

She could still cheer up by telling the Kryber duo she got her crush's phone number. She was sure they would not believe her.




The next day, after classes, Seulgi and company decided to meet in the café nearby.

"It's not that difficult, give to me." Amber tried to convince Seulgi.

"No!" Seulgi refused. "You're going to mess up everything! I know you! And I'll be the one doing it when I'm ready!" Seulgi still refuted.

"If I let you do as you want, you'll never text her." Amber rolled her eyes.

"Just let her do whatever she wants, Amber." Krystal tried to reason the said girl. "She still managed to get her number quite quickly"

"Yeah... I still can't believe you got it." Amber said in disbelief.

"I told you I'm a lady killer."

"More of a mood killer I'd say..."

"Hey!" Seulgi complained. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to Wendy also but she was not there."

"Why would you want to talk to her? You never talk to her."

"Well, we kind of became friends... I think?" She said, unsure of whether the question was for them or herself.

"Hmm... Maybe she was busy with the student council and all?"

"Don't know..." Seulgi replied, thoughtfully.


"Aish, that Windy girl..." Sehun grumbled. as he sat down, not even bothering to greet them.

"Hi to you too Sehun." Krystal greeted him, while rolling her eyes.

"You know, Sehun, it's Wendy. And she's the president of the student council. You should be respecful if you don't want to end up in detention." Amber corrected him. "And what's wrong with you? You seem so knackered now."

"..." He was silent. "President? Seriously?" He asked, incredulous. It seemed he had only registered what Amber had said.

"Yeah, she is. You didn't know?"

He shook his head in response, the thrown on his face had disappeared and was replaced by a raise of his eyebrows.

"I only know Kai and I thought he was the only member."

"How's that possible? You don't even know that the students supervising your detention are part of it?" Amber retorted.

Again, he shook his head cutely.

"Never mind. What did you want to say about Wendy?" Krystal asked him, earning Seulgi's attention once more.

"Ah, now I know why!" Sehun suddenly exclaimed while slamming the table with his hand.

"Why what?" Seulgi asked him, startled by his behavior.

"The other day, during dance practice, I asked Kai to change my locker. You know how it sometimes get stuck and I can't open it, right? But when I asked him he said I couldn't!"

"I still don't understand what it has to do with Wendy..." Amber said making Seulgi shake her head in agreement.

"I heard Windy say to someone, I don't know if it was a friend or what, that she had changed her locker."

Krystal's ears perked up after hearing what he had said.

"How did you even overhear something like that?" She asked him.

"Whatever! I don't care! How come they won't let me change my locker..." He whined but Krystal could not hear anything anymore as she was deep in thought.

Maybe she was just being paranoid, just like Seulgi had been before, but something was off about it. About everything.


But after all, not everything was about Wendy and Seulgi... Right?



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Hi! Okay... I know, I know. I should have updated a long time ago but I couldn't... It might take some time again but I swear I will update as soon as possible !


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Jelty6 #1
Chapter 6: I really want know next chapter.
I really like it.
Please update soon
Chapter 6: ItS OkAy!! Update whenever theres time then i guess?

U aint dead right????
mei-chan4556 #3
Chapter 6: I really like to read this fic, update soon!
Elichika2610 #4
Chapter 6: I just read this fic and it so great...pls update..i really want to know the ending...its really good story line srsly
fnusteffi #5
I stumbled into this fic and im hooked!
garensuhanazono #6
Chapter 6: My heart hurts at this omg I hope krystal and amber quickly found out the truth and tell seulgi about it..
Chapter 6: Ooooooh, my heart aaches! It's taking too long, Krystal already knows the truth. Just spill it out. I don't see how Seulgi could make it up, but anything is possible. Wendy is so precious T.T
Chapter 4: Oh, poor Wendy! I know exactly that feeling. It can't be helped.
Chapter 1: I can't believe I've never read this fic before! First time seeing it. I'll get to it right away and I hope my Seuldy heart can take it because the plot looks awesome.
starzrus #10
Chapter 6: OMG AN UPDATE. Thank you for updating! Like a month or two ago I was actually trying to find this fic but I couldn't (subbed to too many).

They're getting really close to figuring out... or well Krystal is on the ball. It's getting spicy