Part 3

Mistaken Locker

The afternoon passed by so slowly that Seulgi thought she would die of boredom. She felt a little bit dumb after talking to Krystal and Amber. It was true she went away before the Wendy girl could even say anything to her other than a shy 'hi'. She must have come to her as a rude person. She sighed, she was so engrossed by the fact that her Taeyeon was in front of her to act properly. She definitively should try to look after Wendy and apologize. Yes, she should do that, after having found whoever received her letter and also after having confessed to Taeyeon.

It seemed quite far at the moment. Should she just apologize first before doing anything else? But she still had detention after class. She sighed after remembering how she got into detention. She was beginning to regret making the letter in the first place. If not for it, she would still be enjoying her day without feeling overstressed. And tired. Really tired.

Suddenly, she noticed everyone around her had started packing their stuff. She then did the same but slowly, as she was still feeling sleepy from her afternoon classes. And of course she was not that much in a hurry to go to detention.

She then dragged herself out of the classroom and made her way towards her own locker.

Seulgi noticed from the corner of her eye that a girl who had been staring at her for a moment. At first, she had thought the girl was just spacing out until she understood she was indeed following with her gaze. Curious as to why the latter was doing so, she decided to go closer and see her.

She's staring at me... Maybe she's the one who received her letter? Or I'm becoming paranoid again? Well… I’ll just go ask her. Fighting Seulgi! You can do it!

"Wait!" Seulgi tried to reach for the girl's arm and successfully grabbed it. The other girl stopped in her tracks and looked back at her.

"What?" The other girl eyed her suspiciously. "What do you want?" She then spat, her eyebrows frowning.

"Oh I'm sorry, don't be angry! You were looking at me and I was wondering whether you... I mean, I just thought you were..." Seulgi was quite disorientated by the girl's piercing gaze and could not seem to form a proper sentence.

"You thought I was what, huh?" The girl asked her while glaring at her.

"Well... I just thought...that... Never mind, I'm sorry if I’ve bothered you." Seulgi then turned her back on the girl before a hand made her turn around once again.

"So that’s how you are? Chasing after girls and then pretending you don't know anything, huh?"

"Sorry?" Seulgi thought she had heard the other girl wrong.

Huh? What is she talking about?

“Yeah, you-“

"Come on, Joy. Stop it and let's go." The girl next to Joy grabbed her arm. "Sorry for the trouble." She slightly bowed towards Seulgi before beginning to pull Joy away with her.

"But Irene! She-" No one word came out of as Irene's hand came in contact with it.

"Again, sorry for that, she's just a little bit tired. Don't mind her." She says before adding in a hushed voice. "Don't say anything. You're just attacking her without any valid reason." Irene then left with a grunting Joy as she was being dragged away.

Seulgi watched them walking away from her and into the crowd of students, still wondering what had just happened to her.

What's wrong with her? Why did she seem so mad at me? Seulgi wondered with bewilderment.

Never mind, I’d better go to detention now before I get into deeper trouble.

Seulgi then walked away, wishing she could just go home at the moment and escape detention. However she knew it was not possible.




Lessons were also finished for Wendy but she still had not left the classroom. She was already thinking on how she would be able to talk Seulgi again. Yes, the bear like girl never really left mind since earlier. How could she even stop thinking about her. It was bothering her in a good way, but it was also irritating her how she had not succeeded in talking to her. Maybe the latter got really shy when she came to see her? Or maybe she was not yet ready to face Wendy?

As Wendy was making her way out of the classroom, someone called out to her.

"Oh, Wendy! You're here! I'm glad I've found you!" A panting girl stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw Wendy.

"What's wrong Luna? You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask if you by chance you had your keys with you? I mean, the keys for the student council's room? I'm in charge of supervising detention tonight and I can't find mine..." Luna who was also part of the school council asked her.

"Yeah, of course I have mine, you little air-head !" Wendy teased the other girl while slightly hitting the latter's head. "Follow me, I'll open the door for you."

"Oh, you don't have to! I could just borrow your keys and give them back to you later ! I don't want to bother you!"

"No, it's okay. Actually, I've left some of my papers in there. So it's not a bother. Let's go."

As soon as they arrived, Wendy went to one of the desk inside the room to grab her papers when Luna spoke up.

"Do you happen to have the updated list with the students who are supposed to be in detention today? I heard the teachers were quite harsh earlier today and added three more students."

"Oh, yes. That's right! Seohyun told me she put it on top of the files there." Wendy then went towards the said files.

As curiosity got the better of her, she briefly checked the names on the list before stopping and narrowing her eyes on a peculiar one.

Kang Seulgi

What? She furrowed her eyebrows. It must be a joke, right? Why is she everywhere now? It must be fate... Right?


"Erm, say Luna… Can I do it today? I mean can I supervise detention?" She asked, after lifting her head up from the file.

"What? You want to do it? But I thought you didn't like doing it these days because you wanted to study for your exams in the library?"

"W-well... Yeah but… I guess I could still study while watching them, no ? And it's been a while since I hadn't done it."

"Oh, okay..." Luna seemed disappointed. "I was excited because I heard Seulgi would be there but I guess I'll just see her another day…" Luna then made a sulking face.

"Why? Are you perhaps interested in her?" Wendy cautiously asked her.

"Oh, no!" She widened her eyes. "Not at all ! It's in one of her friends that I'm interested." She then shyly added. "But don't tell anyone, okay?"

Her friends? I don't even know who her friends are...

"Ah yeah, that one !" She said with an awkward laugh. It was evident she did not know who Luna was talking about.

"You don't know who I'm talking about, right?"

"Erm... No. I don't really know her friends. I hardly know her." Wendy smiled sheepishly.

"It's Amber, the one with short hair! She's so cool! I wish I could befriend her!"


"You still don't know who it is?" Luna asked and Wendy only shook her head in response. "Well, never mind. But you know! Seulgi's really fun to talk to! She's really kind to everyone!" Luna added enthusiastically with a smile.

"Oh, really?"

Last time I talked to her, well more like tried to talk to her, she didn't seem-

"Yeah! Don’t you think so?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I still haven't had a real conversation with her so..."

"Ah, I see. But still, believe me she really is! You should try talking to her after detention !" She then took a glance at her phone to see the time. "Well, since I'm not needed here anymore, thanks to you," she said with a wink, "I guess I should just go home. Bye, take care!" Luna exited the room.

"You too! See you tomorrow!" Wendy followed Luna before making her way towards the detention's room.





Seulgi was about to enter the detention's room, when she noticed a familiar figure sitting down on a chair besides the chalkboard.

Oh, it's the Wendy girl from earlier. Maybe that's why she wanted to talk to me durinull of g lunch. The clueless Seulgi thought in her head.

"To inform me about the detention. Yeah, it was not about the letter. Its was about  detention. Stop thinking about the stupid letter, Seulgi!" She mumbled under her breath while entering the room.

I should really try to apologize. Today, not tomorrow ! Don't try to run away, Seulgi!

She took one last glance to Wendy, before sitting down on a table, quite far away from the other students and Wendy.



Wendy had made sure she would come early to the detention room. She had wanted to look more decent and made a stop to the ladies room in order to make sure her hair was tidy enough. Wendy could not stop herself from looking at Seulgi. Her eyes were glued to her, like magnets. However, the latter was too oblivious to notice anything and seemed much more interested in whatever she was writing. Wendy really wanted to go to her and try to begin a conversation but it was not recommended for her to talk to the students in there. She was just supposed to check if they were all present and if they were behaving well.


Truth be told, Seulgi was indeed not paying attention to her surroundings, but that was because she was debating in her head whether she should ask Wendy - someone she did not know that much - to help her get close to Taeyeon or not. Sure, the latter had invited her to come to the music club, but she did not really know if she could just go there like that. Wendy was also part of the club, maybe they could go together? But before that, she would have to get to know Wendy. But not getting to know her as in using her, no. She genuinely wanted to know her and maybe become her friend. Seulgi really liked making new friends but somehow, she got a little bit nervous about it. 

After all, she had already left a horrible first impression on her.



Everyone was making their way out of the room except for two, Wendy and Seulgi.

Wendy bade goodbye to all of them and saw Seulgi walking towards her.

Well, here goes nothing. Wendy thought.

"Erm... You're the president of the student council, right?" Seulgi shyly asked as she was in front of Wendy.

"Yes, that's right." Wendy asked with a skeptical look. What kind of question is that? Shouldn't she know me?

"That's why you wanted to see me earlier during lunch, isn't it? I'm sorry if I was rude and didn't let you finish your sentence. Please don't punish me, I can't stand any more detention." Seulgi said dramatically while bowing.

Wendy lightly giggled after witnessing her, making Seulgi lift her head. The sight of a nervous and shy Seulgi seemed really cute to her.

"It's okay, Seulgi." She smiled at her.

Seulgi was relieved after seeing Wendy's reaction. The latter did not seem angry nor mad at her.

"Y-you're not upset?" Seulgi asked her cautiously.

"No, it's okay." Wendy replied, still keeping a smile on her face.

"Good." Seulgi whispered in relief.

An awkward silence then engulfed them with Wendy avoiding Seulgi's eyes. Seulgi was about to make her way out of the room when Wendy called out to her.


Seulgi then turned around and faced Wendy who had also stood up.

"Erm... About... About earlier, during lunch..."

"Ah, that ! I know, you wanted to tell me about detention, right?"

"Erm... Y-yes! Exactly!"

I can't tell her about the letter... Why does it feel like she doesn't know about it? - Wendy

"Okay." Seulgi smiled at her.

I was right, it was not about the letter! - Seulgi

"Also... you know, Taeyeon Sunbaenim told me about the music club. Do you think I could really come?"

"Of course! Just come when you have some time." Wendy was happy the girl would come. It meant she could get to know her better.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."



When Seulgi came back home, she was exhausted and only wanted calm and peace. After all, it had been a long and stressful day for her. However she could not blame anyone but herself.

"Where were you?" Her mother asked her as soon as stepped inside the kitchen. "I was worried, you weren't answering your phone nor responding to my messages."

"Yeah, sorry. Got detention." She mumbled the second part.

"Why?" Her mother heard her and frowned at her.

"Got late."

"It's okay. I've already told you to raise the volume of your alarm, right?"

"Yeah, I know." If you knew why I was late and how I failed what I wanted to do. You'd be really disappointed... or laughing at me!

"Here, eat it." Her mother put a plate on the table and Seulgi quickly sat on a chair to eat.

Once, she was finished, she went up to her bedroom and threw her bag near her desk before jumping on her bed.

She reflected on what had happened during the day. So much happened in just a few hours. She was determined to know who had received the letter. Maybe she could just stay near the locker all day... But she would go to detention once again and get scolded by her mother if she was punished again.

She sighed, knowing it would be difficult if that person did not show up from themselve in front of her.

At least, she knew she would be able to get close to Taeyeon since Wendy told her she could also come to the music club.

Then suddenly, an idea came to her. Wendy was the president of the student council, right? Then maybe she would happen to know who owned the locker number 389!




The next day, Wendy was already inside, talking with Irene and Joy and relating the previous evening to them.

"She's clearly playing with you!" Joy nearly screamed. "I really can't stand her!"

"Or maybe she's just a huge coward who can't confess her feelings directly to you. You know since she used a letter rather than talking to you." Irene spoke up.

"Or maybe she wasn't the one who wrote it. She never spoke a word about it to me."

Wendy was quite disappointed. She could not find any other reason as to why the bear-like girl seemed so obvious about the letter and her.

"It even seemed she doesn't know me at all!" She added.

"But why didn't you tell her about it yesterday?" Irene asked her. "You two were alone, you could've talked comfortably."

"I guess I was just tired..." Wendy sighed. "And as I've aready told you, one of the first thing she said was 'you're the president of the student council, right?'. I didn't know if she was joking or not..."

"Well maybe-"

"Good morning, class." A voice interrupted Joy. 

They had been so engrossed in their conversation that they had not noticed the teacher come in.

"We'll talk later." Wendy mouthed to them.



Seulgi made sure she came earlier than the previous day. She did not want to get stuck in detention again. She also wanted to tell Amber and Krystal they were wrong about Wendy. She was not the one who received her letter.



When it was recess time, Wendy was discussing about physics to her friends when Joy suddenly nudged her. 

"Oh, Seulgi's coming this way! She's coming! Good luck!" Joy quickly said before grabbing Irene's arm and dragging her else where. She did not forget to shoot a glare at Seulgi when she passed by her.


"Hi Wendy!" Seulgi greeted the girl, ignoring the other girl's murderous glare.

So the girl who can't stop glaring at me is friend with Wendy?

"Oh, hi Seulgi!" Wendy could not deny her heart skipped a beat when she saw Seulgi running towards her with a beam on her face.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine and you?" Even though you're confusing me....

"Yeah, I'm good! Erm... it may be a little bit unexpected and unwanted but... I have a favor to ask you ! I know I'm asking you a lot of things with the music club and all... but I promise it's the last time!" Seulgi enthusiastically said. "For real!"

"Sure, what is it?" Wendy said, giggling at her behavior.

"Well, it's quite embarassing..." Seulgi blushed a little and Wendy could not help thinking it was cute.

"Come on, you can tell me." Wendy wanted to pinch the other girl's cheeks.

"First, promise me you won't laugh."

"Of course, I won't!" Wendy could not help laughing.

"See? You're already laughing!"

Wendy then playfully slapped Seulgi's arm.

"Ouch! Okay, I'll tell you. Erm, so... Well I kind of wrote a letter. A love letter more precisely." Seulgi quickly shot a look up to Wendy but quickly diverted her eyes when she saw the serious look on her face. "It was for Taeyeon Sunbaenim." She admitted while blushing, missing the way Wendy held her breath afger hearing the name. "I wanted to put it inside her locker yesterday but somehow, I ended up putting it inside the wrong locker. And as if it was not bad enough, I don't know who owns that locker and maybe they're actually laughing at me or they're thinking it was for them and... I... I don't know really what to do. It's so embarrassing..."

Seulgi noticed the twinkle in Wendy's eyes had completely disappeared and was replaced by what seemed to be sadness. Or was it disappointment? She was not sure but she knew she disliked the frown on the other girl's face.

"Yeah, so..." Seulgi carried on before clearing , not knowing if she should continue or not. "Since you're the president of the student council and all... I was wondering... Could you look for me who's the owner of the locker number 389?"

The only reply Wendy managed to do was a nod. She felt like someone had put on her shoulders heavy weights and it made it difficult for her to breathe properly. She was clearly disappointed and wanted to cry. Hard. Really hard.

Tears brimmed her eyes but she made they would not fall in front of Seulgi. After all, she was tge one who had hoped too much.

She was like a child whose fairytail had come to an abrupt end, without notice. She should have listened to Joy. If she had, she would not have been feeling so much pain in her chest.


"Thank you, Wendy. I knew I made the right choice by asking you." She carefully looked at Wendy and it looked like she was refraining herself from moving. "Well and i guess I should also thank you for not laughing at me..." Seulgi awkwardly chuckled, noticing Wendy still had her lips tightly pressed.

"Yeah..." Wendy finally managed to breathe out. "Well, I'll see you later." She awkwardly said before walking away from Seulgi.

"Wait Wendy!" The said girl stopped in her tracks and turn towards Seulgi, her head facing the ground. "Are you alright? You seem really down all of a sudden..."

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just.... Just tired, I guess. Don't worry, I'll search for you who actualy owns the locker." Wendy said, her voice void of any emotions, and walked away without turning back.

Seulgi watched her as she was going away from her and wondered why she was feeling guilty all of a sudden. 

It was not her fault Wendy's smile had abruptly disappeared... Right?


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Hi! Okay... I know, I know. I should have updated a long time ago but I couldn't... It might take some time again but I swear I will update as soon as possible !


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Jelty6 #1
Chapter 6: I really want know next chapter.
I really like it.
Please update soon
Chapter 6: ItS OkAy!! Update whenever theres time then i guess?

U aint dead right????
mei-chan4556 #3
Chapter 6: I really like to read this fic, update soon!
Elichika2610 #4
Chapter 6: I just read this fic and it so great...pls update..i really want to know the ending...its really good story line srsly
fnusteffi #5
I stumbled into this fic and im hooked!
garensuhanazono #6
Chapter 6: My heart hurts at this omg I hope krystal and amber quickly found out the truth and tell seulgi about it..
Chapter 6: Ooooooh, my heart aaches! It's taking too long, Krystal already knows the truth. Just spill it out. I don't see how Seulgi could make it up, but anything is possible. Wendy is so precious T.T
Chapter 4: Oh, poor Wendy! I know exactly that feeling. It can't be helped.
Chapter 1: I can't believe I've never read this fic before! First time seeing it. I'll get to it right away and I hope my Seuldy heart can take it because the plot looks awesome.
starzrus #10
Chapter 6: OMG AN UPDATE. Thank you for updating! Like a month or two ago I was actually trying to find this fic but I couldn't (subbed to too many).

They're getting really close to figuring out... or well Krystal is on the ball. It's getting spicy