What's wrong?

The Deliquent's Bully

What's wrong? - iKON



The first day of school was over. To summarize, it consisted of fights, detention, and annoying love letters. Bobby sighed, this school year was going by so slow. As he was lost in his train of thoughts, he felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him into the dark alleyway he usually pass by. Bobby was slammed into a brick wall. He couldn't see the face of his opponent due to the lighting but he knew it wasn't just them two. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a few guys emerging from the shadow. 

"Well, if it isn't our little Bobby." The guy in the middle chuckled. He was wearing a familiar uniform but wasn't from his school. Bobby glared at the boy. "Song mino, can't take me on by yourself?" He croaked as the boy holding onto his collar punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Bobby fell down, gasping for air. He heard the footsteps coming closer. Bobby looked up from the ground, locking eyes with the smirking boy before the shoe came down. 


It was half an hour after 3, Hime just left after filing out some paper work in the school office. She changed to her casual shoes and stood in front of the gate. Which way was it home, again?  She glanced to the left and right. Both direction looked the same to her. She shrugged, and just went the direction her brain was shouting her to. 

After moving back to Seoul, Hime's parent found her an apartment to live in by herself for a while, since their old house was occupied. She was to finish her last years of high school by herself with occasional visits from her parents until they officially moved back to Korea. 

The path Hime was walking seemed familiar. So...it must be the right way to the apartment. It was getting dark and she was getting a bit nervous wondering around in a strange area. She pulled out her phone to type the address into the inbuilt gps when she heard a small sound. It was a quiet rustle. She could barely hear it, but it was there. She followed the noise and found herself in a small, dark alleyway. The sound disappeared. Was it just her imagination? She was about to leave when she noticed a body on the ground. Her eyes widened and her feet were glued to the ground. Was it a homeless guy? She thought until she saw her school uniform. Hime rushed over to the beat-up boy. She reached out to shake his shoulders when he grabbed her wrist. 

Shocked and confused, opened for a shriek but was muffled by the hand against her lips. The boy had an irritated look on his face. "Are you going to shut up?" Hime nodded slowly, before he took his hand off. He winced as he pushed himself up on a sitting position. There was a long silence between the both of them before Hime took off her backpack. The boy shifted his attention from the ground to the girl. He cocked a brow as he watched her play manhunt with her bag. Her eyes lit up when she found what she was looking for. She took out a travel size first aid kit filled with bandaids and alcohol wipes. The girl teared the small packet open and looked at the boy, expecting him to show her the bruises. 


Bobby stood up with a struggle. He found his black bag a few feet from where he was standing and with wobbly feet, he tried to leave. Bobby felt a hand pulling him to a stop. The girl was still here. Why does she even care? 

"Y-you're hurt," she stuttered, looking at his bruised up knuckles. In other word, he looked like right now. He was covered in small cuts and bruises all over his face and body. He tasted a hint of iron seeping into his mouth from his bloody lips. 

"Go away," he murmured and jerked his hand out of her grip. Before he got far enough, the girl threw something in front of him, startling him and making him stop in place. He turned around to the wide eyed girl. "You...you can have it!" She yelled and ran away, leaving him by himself. Bobby watched her tiny figure fading into the darkness. Looking in front of him, he saw the small item she threw. It was the first aid kit. 

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TheTakenUsername #1
Chapter 4: Bobby... AND...it's Kim jiwon
TheTakenUsername #2
Chapter 3: This is exciting! You updated very quickly! <3