
The Deliquent's Bully

A/N : Hime doesn't know Bobby is Kim Jiwon

Today - iKON

The deafening alarm rang throughout the almost empty house. No one was home except for the boy sleeping in his bed. Bobby reached over to his desk and tap the snooze button on his phone. The noise paused until he eventually had to get up for school. 

Bobby stood in front of the mirror, buttoning his shirt and fixing his tie. His face was decorated with purple spots and long, thin, red lines due to the unexpected fight yesterday. These kind of things happened often. Usually, Bobby was prepare for this kind of thing but his mind wasn't in the game. 

The 17-year-old picked up the small, plastic box sitting on his desk and stared at it. Memories of what happened after the brutal beating came back. He visualized the girl, small, glasses and a ponytail rummaging through her bag. She had the same uniform as him, too, so she must be a student there. Bobby wondered why he never saw her before. But, he was never interested in girls enough to remember them. He threw the white box on his bed next to his black backpack. He was going to find her today and return it. The first aid kit was in the same condition it had been but had a few dents from when she grew it. He didn't open it, though. There wasn't really much he could've done with a few alcohol wipes and band aids. 

While walking to school, Bobby could feel the imaginary extra weight on his shoulder. He was well aware of the kit. When he arrived to the gate, he leaned his back against the wall and checked every girl that walked back. Some blushed at his attention and some even waved. Bobby ignored the one that didn't resemble the mysterious girl. 

The boy waited for a few minutes until the school bell rung, indicating home room was starting. He pushed himself off the wall and continued to class, wondering where the girl could've been. Was she late? Or did she already get to class? 

All Bobby could've do all day was think about her. She was...weird. Usually, if a girl found a messed up guy laying on the cold hard ground she would've either run or call for help. But this girl took the initiative. Yes, her hand was trembling but she was surprisingly brave. Bobby could've help but smile a little. 

"You seem happy today," Jinhwan grinned. Bobby was always moody, so it was rare seeing him with a smile on his face. "I'm not," he rebuttals, the smile slowly disappearing. His eyebrow scrunched together, deep in thought. "Hey, have you guys ever seen a tiny girl with thick, black glasses?" Bobby asked, while looking around at his friends. They all shrugged. 

"That's very vague," Junhoe observed while eating a fry. "Why are you looking for her?" 

There was an awkward silent until a small laugh was heard to his left. "Do you like her?" B.I. Smirked. Bobby outwardly denied, saying he had only met her yesterday. The boys cooed, "Love at first sight?" earning a glare. 

Hime woke up late that day. Luckily, her teacher gave her a second chance since it was only the second day of school. She bowed deeply to her teacher after he scolded her a little. 

"I forgot to charge my phone," she banged her head against her locker. Immediately, her fingers rubbed at the faint red mark. Ow. Hime closed her locker after stuffing her backpack with the many textbooks. 

The last bell rung. Hime didn't have any after school classes so she went straight home. Once again she was faced with the reoccurrence of the fight. She passed by the alley without looking, hoping not to see anymore bodies when she bumped into a hard wall.

She rubbed her nose gingerly and frantically bowed at the figure in front of her. She peeked through her bangs to see the same young man the other day. He seemed very surprise to see her here again but he hid his expression very well.

"Oh, you're that boy from before..." Her voiced trailed off, contemplating what to say next. The boy just stared at her. She watched as he reached into his pocket. He held his fist in front of her face and she winced, fearing to get hit. She opened her eyes one at a time to see a white plastic box. It was the first aid kit she threw at him. "Here," he said. She opened her palm and he placed it there. She looked up at him, quirking a brow. Why was he giving it back? 

There was an awkward silence as they both had a staring contest. No one blinked until she heard a voice calling for him. "Bobby!" The voice was right behind them. She turned around to see 2 boys from her school running up to them. One of them winked at her and the other one smiled. The boys for a while and Hime just stood there, feeling slightly awkward. Finally, the boys patted Bobby on the shoulders and told him they were going ahead. 

The boy called Bobby stuffed his hands into his pants pocket, wanting to say something. He opened his mouth but hesitated. He never thanked someone before, even if they weren't much of a help...

"Thanks." It was short. Simple. He didn't even wait for her reply when he spun on his heel and went to catch up with his buddies. 

Hime stood here, staring at the back of his head as he walked away. She felt her face warming up as it turned a bright pink. 



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TheTakenUsername #1
Chapter 4: Bobby...'s Kim jiwon
TheTakenUsername #2
Chapter 3: This is exciting! You updated very quickly! <3