Welcome Back

The Deliquent's Bully

Welcome back - iKON

6 Years Later

It was only the first day of Bobby's sophomore year and he already gotten in trouble. A bunch of guys from the class next to his, surrounded him when he reached the school gate, resulting in a chaotic fight. The teacher that was assigned to greet the incoming students heard the ruckus and intervened. He gave each of us a warning and promised next time, it would be suspension. 

Pushing pass the students littering the hallways, Bobby staggered to his home room. There were already a couple of students inside. Some were talking to their friends, and others were playing on their phone. Whatever. None of them interested him, anyway. Spotting his favorite seat was empty, Bobby claimed the back seat next to the window. This seat was the crossways between the outside world and the hell called "school". Bobby had always been a straight A student when he was young. In fact, he found the current lessons jokes. They were all too easy for him. However, he never really gotten the chance to show off his intelligence. He was too busy fighting, in suspension, or skipping school. At this rate, he'll probably fail high school. At thought didn't faze him, though. Unlike most of the student in the classroom, Bobby already got his future planned out. He was going to get a scholarship to college playing basketball. After all, playing sport doesn't require getting an A+ in mathematics, right?

By the time the bell rang, all of the students were in their seat. Mr. Park, took our attendance and introduced himself. Most of the student groaned, same teacher and same students since last year. Since most of them were in the same class as Bobby, they knew not to get on his bad side. There were even rumors last year saying that he killed someone. Okay, it was true that he sent some to hospitals. But, none of them died. Bobby rolled his eyes as he heard a boy he never seen before whispering about the old rumor. Pathetic. 

Home room was over in a flash and Bobby was the first one out of he door. He stopped at his locker and turned the knob of his lock. A few letters fell out as he opened it. He didn't even bother picking them up, already knowing what they were. Love letter. From girls he never seen or talked to. Yes, Bobby was feared by most of the student body but that doesn't take away the fact that he was indeed very good looking. He was confessed to many time during his freshman year by girls of all age but he never found any of them interesting. He made both boys cry by his fist, and girls cry by his harsh words. 

When the bell rang, indicating that it was break, Bobby left to join his group of friends at their usual table in the cafeteria. There was Kim Hanbin, also known as B.I., Kim Jinhwan, and Goo Junhoe. Hanbin was the cold, quiet type whereas Jinhwan was opposite. The three of them met in middle school and we're friends ever since. They met Junhoe last year, clicking immediately when he joined their fight one day after school. They jokingly considered theirselves the iKON of the school, but the teachers considered them the troublemakers of the school. 


Hime never knew what possessed her to wear such girly clothes when she was younger. They were all too...princessy for her now. After moving to America, her look and style turned 180 degrees. Unlike when she was younger, she was more introvert and kept to herself most of the time. On the weekend, she would wear thick sweaters and skinny jeans. There were no "dressing up" in her book, 

She let out a quiet sigh as she stared back at herself through the mirror. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and putted on her thick, black frames. No, the glasses weren't a fashion trend. She was basically blind without them. After all the years of locking herself in her room in front of the computer, it has taken a toll on her body. Hime cringed, looking at herself. She looked like a total nerd. How did she even manage to pull off the princess look when she was younger? 

After moving back to Seoul, Hime couldn't stop thinking about Jiwon. She was so...mean to him. She vowed to herself, that if she were to ever encounter him, she would apologize for her past behavior. But, she didn't even know if he'll want to ever see her again...

"Hi, I'm Choi Hime." She introduced, and bowed to her future classmate. It was her first day of school and luckily, it was their first day of sophomore year too, so she shouldn't be excluded that much. The teacher told her to find an empty seat, and the first seat that came to her mind was the one in the corner of the room near the window. 

The teacher's voice started to fade when the voice in her head grew louder. Hime let our a tiring sigh. This was going to be a long year, she thought as she looked around the room. Everyone already had their group of friends...it was going to be hard to fit in. 

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TheTakenUsername #1
Chapter 4: Bobby... AND...it's Kim jiwon
TheTakenUsername #2
Chapter 3: This is exciting! You updated very quickly! <3