
chocolate frog, love?










Baekhyun skips his way onto the Hogwarts Express causing some to frown and some to smile at the 12 year old boy with the hand-me-down bag and large spectacles. He sits down in a small cable car and takes out his books for some early reading.

Never really the type to make friends, Baekhyun is the sixth son in a generation of Ravenclaws and most can easily tell why. Just by looking at the boy, and each one of his brothers, it takes even the dumbest to know that he’s a Ravenclaw in his large bag weighing him down.

He lightly swings his legs as he muses over a paragraph about Hungarian Horntails, he briefly looks up to see another boy, probably the same age as him, cloak flying with his mussed up raven hair.

Baekhyun knits his eyebrows over how tired this new boy is.

The boy opens his mouth to speak and a squeak comes out.

He flushes, clears his throat and tries again.


“Hi.” Baekhyun replies, cautious at this unfamiliar face.

The stranger’s face flames.


“I love you, goodbye.”


After finishing, the stranger runs out the other way, and the only thing Baekhyun can do is stare.


A lady with a cart rolls by seconds later and smiles at Baekhyun.

“Chocolate frog, love?”




Baekhyun does not see this stranger again until all of the new students stumble around, pushed to face the Sorting Hat. He catches a glimpse of this stranger--he is at least half a foot taller than most--but decides to ignore him.

Baekhyun is unfazed when the Sorting Hat croaks out a loud, “Ravenclaw!”, but to be honest, neither is anyone else in the room.

He watches as the stranger walks up with a, “Park Chanyeol!” and he muses over the name, and isn’t very surprised to hear the Sorting Hat yell a, “Hufflepuff!”











Baekhyun is pushed into the Ravenclaw house few moments later and he admires over the nice renovations Hogwarts has made, but his thoughts are interrupted when two boys, probably fifth years, shove him over to the side to see his brothers.

His brothers smile and pat him on the back.

“Ha, little Baekhyun! I was hoping that you’d be put into Slytherin or something. Ooh, but that would ruin the generation of Ravenclaws in the Byun line, wouldn’t it?”

Baekhyun slaps his brother and walks out of the room.

He comes face to face with another boy, probably a sixth year, who smiles widely and introduces himself as the male Ravenclaw prefect and leads him to his dorm room.

When he gets there, the prefect pats him on the back, and pushes him into the room, but someone is already there.

The someone in the room calls himself LuHan and tells Baekhyun that they’re roommates now. LuHan has already decorated his portion of the room, filling it up with Ravenclaw banners and frames of his parents along with his clothes in the closet.

Baekhyun doesn’t have much with him to LuHan’s dismay, but he pulls out the chocolate frog that he had purchased on the Hogwarts Express.

They rip the small package open together, and as LuHan holds the frog and bites off a leg, Baekhyun holds up the card.

“Albus Dumbledore!” LuHan exclaims after looking over Baekhyun’s shoulder, chocolate all over his cheek.


Baekhyun frowns.







Baekhyun forgets all about the Chanyeol incident until he sees him in Herbology.

The teacher in the front, or Mr. Neville Longbottom, tells them to sit anywhere they’d like, so Baekhyun slides into a free seat next to LuHan and spots Chanyeol across the room.

Mr. Longbottom clears his throat before stating that this class is being shared between Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, and immediately gets started on their lessons.

Baekhyun throws glances at Chanyeol throughout the class, studying the boy and wondering about the strange confession.

He hears LuHan chuckle in the seat next to him.

Baekhyun turns.


LuHan smiles.

“You keep looking at that Hufflepuff kid over there. What’s his name? Chanyeol?”

Baekhyun glare-nods.

“Baekhyun, I have no problem with that, but a Hufflepuff? It’s okay though, I really like this Gryffindor. Second year. Full name, Kim Minseok.”

Baekhyun groans and wants to scream, “I did not ask for this,” but instead decides to watch his teacher explain the class curriculums for the year.


Chanyeol sneaks Baekhyun a glance at the end of class without the other noticing.

Chanyeol goes red.






The year flies by really quickly, and LuHan and Baekhyun are now best friends, which surprises Baekhyun, and LuHan is officially in his first relationship with that Gryffindor second year that he had been obsessed with since day one.


Baekhyun forgets about his confusion with Chanyeol, and goes home with his brothers for the summer.







Baekhyun fixes his bag the following fall, tapping his feet waiting for the Hogwarts Express. His brothers stand around, talking to different people at the station as the whistle blows, making Baekhyun look up.

Baekhyun boards the train and finds the cable car he was in the year before, by himself again.

He does not look up until he sees a shadow loom over him, and blinks in confusion to see Chanyeol there, again.

“Hello.” Chanyeol says.

“Hi,” Baekhyun tries, wondering if he was going to get an apology from the taller.

“I love you,” Chanyeol says, and then walks out of the cable car, face red.

He pops back moments later. “Goodbye.” Chanyeol adds, then finally leaves.




Second year was a big blur for Baekhyun, because it was very, very typical, and really wasn’t anything special. All that had happened was that he had made a new friend, LuHan’s Gryffindor boyfriend, and Jongdae, a Hufflepuff in his Potions class who was put next to him.

Baekhyun steered clear of Chanyeol, and Chanyeol the same.




Sitting in his cable car, he is reading on the cable car as he passes trees and rivers when he hears a knock on the door. Baekhyun turns around, and Chanyeol has grown a little bit.

Taller, broader shoulders and a more rugged jaw.


“Hi,” Baekhyun says, praying for a different line to come next.

“I love you, goodbye,” Chanyeol says and runs away.


Baekhyun wonders if maybe this is really just a lame dare.


Third year was a little bit more special. Hogsmeade was the most incredible adventure for him, a world full of colors and shrieking delights at every corner.

Baekhyun was not the most social, and LuHan would drag him to shop after shop after shop, biting back the bitter cold with their blue and gray scarves wrapped around their necks, drooping down their cloaks. Pockets of candy slowly began weighing them down, toffees, chocolates, magical candies they had never ever heard of, and finally, butterbeer.


That was the highlight of Baekhyun’s third year, though.




Baekhyun walks onto the train station, a fourth year now, coughing and with a runny nose. His mother had done nothing to help him, for she was furious at him, and Baekhyun and his brothers were too terrified to try anything.

Whipping open his new book--not a hand-me-down this year--he began to skim the lines when Chanyeol popped in.



“I love you, goodbye.” Chanyeol says, and then throws a yellow scarf at the shorter boy.

Baekhyun stares at the little gift, and when unraveling it, a little note falls out, wrapped by the scarf.

        ‘I’m not really sure what I can do, but muggles say that this works for a sore throat?’

The note reads in basic, messy handwriting, and a little wrapped candy with the words, “cough drop” printed on it falls out.

Baekhyun pops it in his mouth and wraps the scarf around his neck.




Baekhyun’s fourth year seemed to be more tiring than usual. Potions used to be his favorite class, but his fantastic teacher had gotten replaced by a grumpy old man who had been jinxed when he was younger, causing him to occasionally jump in the middle of class.

Not very smart, considering that he taught Potions, and the students usually had to react fast enough so that something he had tipped over wouldn’t accidentally fall into his potion.




Baekhyun’s fifth year had brought some changes.

First of all, Chanyeol’s message now was delivered with a gift. Baekhyun had stepped into his cable car, and ran into Chanyeol immediately after.

“Hello,” the taller had begun, voice much, much lower than before.


“I love you,” Chanyeol started, and threw him a pair of navy mittens. “Goodbye.”

Second, LuHan had broken up with his Gryffindor boyfriend. Both of them had sort-of broken apart in the last year, and decided that this was the best thing to do.

LuHan was sad, yes, and it was awkward, yes, but the two remained good friends, making Baekhyun relieved, because Minseok had also become a good friend of Baekhyun during the five years that LuHan was dating him.

Baekhyun had whistled when LuHan told him the news.

“Five years, Lu? Wow, that’s crazy.”

Third, his parents had decided to go on a crazy trip back to Korea over the winter for Christmas, so Baekhyun was stuck at Hogwarts for the winter.

In the beginning, Baekhyun had sulked about it, but after having an incredible Christmas dinner with roast turkey, he decided that Hogwarts was a great place to stay.

Baekhyun decided to spend his days at the Hogwarts library, with its large chandeliers creating a soft yellow glow on all of the books lining the walls.

Baekhyun runs into Chanyeol there and wants to run away when he hears Chanyeol call out his name.

“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asks. “I thought that you don’t stay here for the winter.”

Baekhyun holds his book to his chest. “I normally don’t but I can’t go home because my parents are vacationing in Korea right now.” Baekhyun clears his throat. “What about you?”

Chanyeol frowns, and puts down his book. “I’d honestly rather not return home.”

A pregnant silence forms between them and Baekhyun clears his throat and sits next to the taller man, and the two read in silence. Chanyeol speaks up.

“My family is one of the people higher up in the Ministry of Magic and has Slytherin practically running in his veins. My mother is the same, but they’ve never treated me very well. My only friends were these house elves, and all were sweet and treated me well. That’s why I’m a Hufflepuff, and that’s why most are surprised, since my family is of a strong Slytherin background.”

The faintest of a smile dances on Chanyeol’s lips and Baekhyun looks up at the taller male and actually gets a good look.

Chanyeol’s raven hair frames his head in loose waves, and he’s wearing a fluffy turtleneck underneath his robes. Chanyeol looks up and they make eye contact.

“At you can escape your family. With five brothers, they follow you everywhere you go.” Baekhyun mutters, sarcastic.

Chanyeol’s eyes curl up into half moons and he laughs, and Baekhyun’s heart flutters a little in his chest.


The librarian comes over and tells them to be quiet moments later, and they both hush down and share a smile before disappearing into their novels.




While all of Baekhyun’s friends are out, he spends all of his time with Chanyeol, and the two grow in their relationship from “strangers” to “friends”. Baekhyun finds out that Chanyeol is actually a Hufflepuff Keeper, and he takes Baekhyun to the field as he flies around on his broomstick.

Baekhyun sits by himself in the empty stands as the sun falls, two scarves wrapped around his neck--a Ravenclaw one and the one Chanyeol threw at him, while his hands, covered in the Chanyeol mittens cup a hot drink as he watches Chanyeol fly around. Baekhyun waves his wand, making the Quaffles zoom towards the hoop as Chanyeol flies around, blocking as he goes.

Baekhyun thinks he just swallowed a couple hundred butterflies when he sees Chanyeol’s smile after the taller flies down, Hufflepuff scarf streaming behind him, cheeks tinted red.

“Let’s go inside. The sun is going down, yes?”






After LuHan comes back, Baekhyun and Chanyeol still talk, but not as often anymore, since LuHan has found someone else to crush on, and Baekhyun has to spend almost all of his time helping LuHan track down this boy.

They barely speak at Hogsmeade, and they literally bump into each other at Honeydukes, but that sums up their relationship.

And it isn’t that Chanyeol has no other friends, he had others as well, so their moments together slowly decrease, but that still didn’t help Baekhyun ignore the way his stomach flipped whenever Chanyeol sent him a smile.






Their sixth year, Baekhyun walks into his cable car, finally brother-free, and takes out another book. Chanyeol walks in later.

“Hello,” he begins.

“Hi,” Baekhyun starts, ready to say more, but Chanyeol shushes him.

“I love you, goodbye.” Chanyeol teases, this time, and walks out before Baekhyun can say anything.

For the first time since Chanyeol had started saying that, Baekhyun turns a vibrant red.




Chanyeol and Baekhyun are ecstatic that they’re taking quite a few of the same classes that no one else is taking that year, and they slide next to each other. Chanyeol has grown bigger, and they are more familiar with each other’s presence, so Chanyeol enjoys putting his chin on the shorter’s head for fun.

Baekhyun frowns at that.

LuHan also has managed to hit it off with the cute Slytherin he had been talking about for a while, named SeHun.

Baekhyun frowned when LuHan told Baekhyun that SeHun was two years younger, frowned when he saw that SeHun was much taller than him, and walked out of the room when SeHun and his roommate begun kissing.

But LuHan looked happy, so he was okay with the new person.


This gave him more time to spend with Chanyeol and Jongdae, who Baekhyun realised were lively and laughed a whole lot more together than when apart.

This also meant that Baekhyun tried to squeeze his way whenever Chanyeol and Jongdae were together just to see that smile of Chanyeol’s.


He was slowly, slowly, very slowly starting to fall in love.




Baekhyun had asked his parents to stay for the winter again, and his parents, to his surprise, agreed when he told them that he had made some friends that he wanted to spend time with over the break.

When he slid down next to Chanyeol in the library, Chanyeol grinned, large and cheesy, and asked a, “Why?”

Baekhyun had simply smiled in return.


So the two spent their winters together again, the second year in a row, and Baekhyun decided that this was better than spending time with anyone else.




This year, he had also gone to Hogsmeade with Chanyeol and Jongdae, after LuHan decided that he wanted to go with SeHun. Baekhyun had frowned, but smiled when LuHan had excitedly wrapped a green scarf around SeHun’s neck and pulled the younger down to kiss him on the nose.

Also, Baekhyun and Chanyeol???

So, Baekhyun wasn’t too upset by that.

The three of them walked into the Three Broomsticks and ordered three butterbeers, but soon after Jongdae also had left them to go talk to the Gryffindor prefect, his boyfriend.

Baekhyun had sputtered when Jongdae introduced the prefect moments later as “Minseok”, but before anyone could say anything, Jongdae whisked Minseok off, hand in hand.

This left Baekhyun alone with Chanyeol. As Baekhyun swung his feet, sipping butterbeer, and as Chanyeol leaned over the counter, sipping butterbeer, the two friends created small talk.


The night had ended with Chanyeol’s pretty eye smiles and barks of laughter, and Baekhyun thought that everything was just perfect.


Just perfect.




The end of the sixth year rolled around, and Baekhyun had decides to ask Chanyeol about the strange, “I love you” messages that he had left every year one day in the library.

Chanyeol smiles. “I’m not sure. I saw you from the window outside, thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and decided to go for it.”

Baekhyun knits his eyebrows.

“Just like that?”

Chanyeol smiles. “Just like that. Love at first sight, they call it.

“But do you still like me, even right now?”

“Even right now.”

Baekhyun frowns.

“But from what I’ve acquired, love is a strong trait, and to be honest, shouldn’t be thrown around like that unless you knew what you were saying and getting into, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol’s eyes turn darker.

“Baekhyun, I hadn’t really experienced love my entire life, and neither have you, so when I first saw you, I said what I thought, are you really blaming me for a bloody compliment?” Chanyeol bites.






Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff flaws, together at the same time.



What a disaster.








The two don’t speak at all, even when the year ends.







Baekhyun comes to school his last year with his bag draped around his arm, and a book in the hand of another, as he waits for the Hogwarts Express roll in with a loud whistle.

The noise doesn’t faze him anymore, but he cracks a smile at some of the first years who jump at the noise, fiddling with their books and their cloaks.

Baekhyun settles down in his usual cable car when he sees Chanyeol walk past him. Baekhyun grabs the taller by the hand, causing raven-haired male to jump.



“Hello?” Chanyeol asks.



“Hi,” Baekhyun breathes out, missing the deeper tones to Chanyeol’s voice.



Chanyeol’s mouth curves in a way, about to say something like, “I’m sorry,” but Baekhyun stops him and shakes his head, and Chanyeol tries again, but is silently shushed another time. Chanyeol gets it, and his lips quirk.





“...I love you, goodbye,” Chanyeol says, and Baekhyun pulls him into the small cable and throws him arms around the taller as he presses kisses on his mouth over and over in what seems like relief and joy all rolled into a big messy jumble, but that is what their kisses are like.


And they keep kissing and kissing and kissing, holding on to each other so tight, until a throat is cleared and they both stop to see a young lady pushing a cart.





“...Chocolate frog, love?”










have fun i hope you liked this trash tbh okay have fun peace out and sorry i proabbly screwed soemthing up kiss kiss 

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Chapter 1: i thought so. xiuchen in the end ;)
soulforbootay #2
Chapter 1: the cutesttttt
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww~~~ that was sweet~~~
MiszCJung #5
Chapter 1: It ended with a kiss x) ^^
juicypichi #6
Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thank you! I really appreciate this!
Beauty_xoxo #7
Chapter 1: I wish I had the experience too every year of the same person confessing><
suju-blue-elf #8
Chapter 1: Hhhhhh the end was so funny!!! it was bizarre :v
Chapter 1: Oh my god i si very loved it!!! ^^
Chapter 1: this was so cute , i loooved it ;;