Chapter 2: Get'cha Head In the Game (Or Not)

High School Musical (Seventeen Edition)
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Anyway, I'm back with the second chapter of good stuff and this time, we're gonna meet the rest of the gang! The Pledis Girlz may or may not appear, but I really want them to so I'll give them minor roles in the story. Also, I have decided to make Ailee Woozi's gal in this because seriously they look too good together to let go, so I'll make Ailee like, 2-3 years older than Woozi for this story? Dino will be paired with a random noona character, an original character who's gonna be Coups' cousin who's a few months older than Dino but I'm not too concerned with the other pairings because the main is Jeongcheol, the Troy and Gabriella duo, and as I mentioned before, I will only follow certain parts of the original storyline and pair the Seventeen members as I deem crazily amusing in order to make this more.... Seventeen-ish? Well, enjoy! 



A week has passed since the memorable New Year's Eve Party and the school term has finally commenced. Pledis High School's activities are also in full swing with the students mingling around, telling stories of their vacations and what not. Seungcheol rides in through the school gates on his pitch black Suzuki motorcycle as students immediately greet him. The basketball captain has always been popular due to his many charms and skills, hence making him the most popular student of Pledis High School. After parking his ride and greeting the excited students, an arm suddenly wraps itself around Seuncheol's shoulder. It is none other than Hansol Vernon Chwe, one of his teammates and his junior.


"Ayo Coupsssss~" Vernon holds a basketball in hand, grinning at Seungcheol. "How's vacation? You looked like you had fun in those pics on Instagram. Really though, just you and your dad basketballing the whole vacation? In a snowboarding resort?" Seungcheol laughs as he and the younger boy bump fists. "It WAS fun, excuse you. We have a big game against Monsta X, so yeah. More practice. How's your vacation?" Vernon sighs.


"Kinda okay." the younger boy shrugs. "I went to New York with my family for a few days and that's it." Seungcheol inches closer to Vernon as he smiles knowingly. "Oh~? No Diva Boo and Joshua for the rest of the vacation? Don't think I didn't see that picture Seungkwan posted on Instagram before he took it down, thanks to you." Vernon blushes as he makes one of his meme-worthy faces, his jaw dropping slightly. "C-Coups! If you bring that up again, I'm gonna kick that smart of yours, whether you're my senior or not." The black-hair boy chuckles as he ruffles Vernon's hazel brown hair, getting a 'yah' in response. He looks around him, turning back to Vernon.


"Where are the other two?" Seungcheol asks. "Don't tell me they're still not over with their 'couple getaway'--" A deep cough sounds behind him, making him and Vernon turn towards the said duo, teammates Kim Mingyu and Jeon Wonwoo, also known by the entire school as 'Meanie Couple'. Mingyu has his arm wrapped around Wonwoo's waist, grinning at the oldest and youngest. Wonwoo punches Seungcheol not-so-lightly on the side, earning a yowl from him.


"At least we have something else other than basketball to get obessed over, Captain." the emo-looking boy laughs, poking at the fact that Seungcheol is still single. "Even Woozi and Dino got themselves pretty noonas to date~" Mingyu chimes in with a teasing tone. The oldest pouts at their statements, about to retaliate before he gets interupted by loud squealing from the gates. Vernon again makes one of his faces before face-palming at the sight before him.


Driving through the gates in a roofless hot pink Porsche is none other than the school's BooSoonSeok gag trio; Kwon Soonyoung, widely known as the school's genius choreographer Hoshi, is sitting at the front seat, doing his signature pose. Lee Seokmin, known as Dokyeom or DK for short, is driving the car, smiling his wide gummy smile as he greets the students around them. And the one standing up at the back of the car rocking shades with his adorable school uniform bow ribbon? That is Boo Seungkwan, the sassiest superdiva of Pledis High School and Jeju Island's 'poster boy'.


Vernon cringes a little at the dorky sight while the older three look on with amusement. But as he scans the car, Vernon is damn sure he has NEVER felt so much secondhand embarassment all his life. Sitting next to Seungkwan is the school's gentlemanly 'American Hyung', Joshua Hong Jisoo, his other boyfriend aside from Seungkwan. Apparently, this gentleman is currently wearing a matching pair of shades and rocking his beautiful- head to 'Hotline Bling' blasting through the car's speakers. As the car passes the four jocks, Seungkwan waves both his arms at Vernon, blowing kisses at him as he speaks in his 'low quality English', as Vernon calls it.


"VERNONIE BABEH~! I mish yoh sho much!" Seungkwan coos, reverting back to Korean. "Don't just stay at the court, okay?" Joshua turns over to Vernon, pushing down his shades enough to reveal his sparkling cat-like eyes, doing a telephone hand sign as he speaks in English. "Hansol, babe. Why didn't you call me on your cellphone~?" Vernon lets out a groan of frustration as he covers his bright red embarrassed face. Seungcheol pats the younger's back. Mingyu whistles as he hears the cheesy words from both Vernon's boyfriends. "Wowie, I wish Wonu-ah could say things like that to me for once." Wonwoo, pretending to be irked by the words, pinches Mingyu on his sides.


"So much about Joshua wanting a part in BooSoonSeok, huh?" Seungcheol says, still quite amused by the whole thing. Vernon lets out a sigh of defeat. "I'm so done with those two." Vernon finally speaks up. "I totally get Seungkwan since he's such a drama queen but Josh... He's the vice-captain of the scholastic decathlon team for God's sake!" The three older jocks chuckle as they take their poor junior under their wing, walking to their respective classes as the bell rings.

Meanwhile at another part of the school near the principal's office, Jeon

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nurhusnamustafa #2
Chapter 4: Wonder what happen to Seungcheol in the past
mirrorprincepikachu #3
Don't tell jihoon and cheol have some past here, or jihoon know something about cheol past in quite sure. Poor cheol go hug and comfort him jeonghanah he need that
Chapter 4: Now im so curious about Seungcheols story~
Soonseok is too cute. I love them!
Thanks for the update
_InspiritDongwoo #5
Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS!!!!!! Tq author-nim, bless you~ You should maybe put Jeongcheol tag?^^
blahblab #6
Chapter 1: This fic is everything I need in my life