Chapter 6

Mr. Bipolar



“Eomma! She’s not my girlfriend! How many times do I have to tell you.” Minhyuk whined as he came out to greet me.


I decided to go visit Minhyuk and see how he was doing because he had been sick for a few days now. I told him about Hoya and what happened in school.


“Wait wait wait-- is the new guy hot?” Minhyuk asked.


“Who? Hoya?” I asked.


“Well, who else would I be talking about?” Minhyuk yelled out excitedly.


“Oh well, yea, I guess you could say he’s hot.” I answered as the image of Hoya’s thick eyebrows and sharp jawline came into mind.


“Do you have a picture?” Minhyuk asked.


“Well, I do have his Kakao, maybe he has a picture of himself on his profile.” I said as I took out my phone to check Kakao.


“Wait- you have his kakao?! How?” Minhyuk yelled out again.


“I thought I just told you a few minutes ago. We exchanged Kakaos yesterday when he introduced himself to me.” I said as I showed Minhyuk a pic of Hoya’s profile pic.


“Damn- those eyebrows though. I want eyebrows like that.” Minhyuk said in awe.


“Haha he’s straight so don’t even think about it.” I said jokingly.


“Hey! Who said I was interested! He has nice eyebrows for a guy though. I’m straight too!” Minhyuk frowned.


“Hehe yeah sure. Don’t worry, you’ll see him when you get back to school. You’re feeling much better now right?” I asked.


“Yeah, it was just a little cold. I just needed some rest.” Minhyuk assured me.


“Myungsoo was sick yesterday also. I went by his apartment to take care of him last night.” I said.




“Yes! Shhhh. Why are you yelling?!” I said as I quiet him down.


“Ok, sorry. As you were saying?” Minhyuk said.


“Well, yeah.. So I went to his apartment and I found out that he lived by himself. Nothing happened really. I wonder if he feels better after eating the medicine I left him.” I sighed


“Oh shoot- I have basketball practice today. Want to go with me?” Minhyuk asked as he started changing into his basketball uniform.


“Yea, I’ll tag along, I’ll be cheering you on!” I yelled as we got ready to leave the house.


“Oh yea I have something to tell you. Hoya and L is going to be there also. They joined the team. Today’s the tryouts.” Minhyuk said.


“Wait, what?!” I screamed I  tried to walk back to my house.

“Nuh uh, you’re coming with me. Come on, run or we’re going to be late!” Minhyuk yelled as he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.


I arrived at the basketball and immediately I saw Myungsoo and Hoya. I pretended that I didn’t see them and sat on the bench. Hoya was the first one to tryout and then L was after him. They passed the tryouts and was finally accepted into the basketball team. As soon and L and Hoya heard their names being called and accepted into the team, they dabbed in victory. I laughed out loud when they did that but I suddenly stopped after they both saw me.


The team was allowed on a water break and suddenly I saw a classmate come to our court.

“Hoya oppa, I have something to confess to you.” The girl said shyly.


“What is it?” Hoya said as he was wiping off the sweat on his face with a towel.


“Oppa, I like you. Will you please go out with me?” The girl screamed out.


“Thanks for your confession but I already have a girlfriend.” Hoya said apologetically.


“Oh, well. Who is she?” The girl said frantically.


Hoya started walking towards me.


“She’s my girlfriend, Lee Boyoung.” Hoya said as he pointed towards me.


I was in disbelief and all I did was stare at him with my eyes wide open. Minhyuk and L did the same. Suddenly, I could hear running footsteps coming towards L. It was Hani. She was carrying something in bag and running towards L.


“Oppaa!! I brought soup for you!!!” She yelled as she ran out of breathe.


Then, Hoya said something in my direction.


“Boyoung, you’re my girlfriend right?” Hoya said in my direction.


I didn’t know know what to say but I could see in Hoya’s eyes that he needed my help avoiding this girl. I looked back at L because I didn’t want to hurt him with the answer I was going to say. L looked back at me with concern but was distracted again by Hani.


“Yea, I’m his girlfriend.” I replied to Hoya and the girl.


After I said that, all eyes were on me even L’s and Minhyuk’s.


“I don’t believe you are his girlfriend. Prove it to me.” The girl said a bit angrily.


“I-” Before I can say anything, Hoya walked towards me.


He put his hands towards the back of my head. And gently pulled my face towards his lips. Before his lips could touch mine, he whispered, “I’ll make it up for you later.” Then, he suddenly pressed his lips toward mine.


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sirenei #1
Chapter 5: Oh my god.
I ship Hoya with boyoung.
I ship myungsoo with her too.
What happened to my life?

What is my life?
This is amazing btw
Yeol177 #2
Chapter 4: Omg he confessed and kissed her again
Yeol177 #3
Chapter 3: They kissed omg
mierolzafri #4
Chapter 3: Kissss already!!!!!
mierolzafri #5
Chapter 2: I think L is bad and Myungsoo is good person...isn't it...anyway..good chapter...and keep updating...
mierolzafri #6
Chapter 1: Keep updating