Bonus 1

Work Me Out

This is the bonus you were promised. While I was writing this, I deccided to write some more bonuses because they'll make cute oneshots. Those will be scenes of different points in the Markson and JJP relationships. It's about 2.4K words. Thank you for reading and all of your support thud far. Please comment, subscribe, and upvote. @(*^*)@

“Okay now breathe. You're doing such a good job.”


Suddenly his pocket started ringing and buzzing.


“Excuse me.”


He released the client from the stretch and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the smooth screen.It was an unknown number so he just rejected it. He was in the middle of work, and if it was important they'd call back or leave a voicemail.


“I'm sorry about that. Let's get back to the stretch.”


He and the client continued their stretch routine. He was applying pressure to their leg to stretch the the thigh. Too soon, his phone vibrated again, twice.


“Excuse me once again.”


He released the client from the stretch and pulled out his phone again. Getting personal calls during was unprofessional. He only kept his phone on him for emergency purposes. It was the same number. He surmised he should answer of they'd called him three times.


“Who is this?” He demanded.


“Dammit Jackson answer your ing phone.”


“Who is this?” reiterated Jackson. The voice sounded familiar.


“It's Jinyoung you idiot.” He obviously wasn't in a good mood.


“Why are you calling me on this number? I have your cellphone number.”


“I left it at school. I had to rush to the hospital.”




“Mark got hurt at work. The person who was monitoring the stunt dropped the ball, and Mark broke his leg and fractured his forearm.”


“ARE YOU SERIOUS?! IS HE ALRIGHT? How serious is the injury? Why didn't he call me first?” Jackson was becoming more and more distressed.


So many questions, thought Jinyoung. Mark was talking to the doctor at the moment and couldn't tell Jackson himself and soothe his worries. Jinyoung was getting a headache. How did his best friend date such an annoying person?


“One he knew you'd freak out. Two, I'm his emergency contact. Three, he knows my number by heart. It's not too serious. He'll be out of work for a couple of months. We're at Grace Memorial on the sixth floor. Mark doesn't want you leaving work early so come after your shift is done.”




“Mark will ask you to leave if you come now. He's fine. He's talking to the doctor right now and is expecting a company representative later so stay where you are. He’ll be in the hospital overnight and might be discharged tomorrow or the day after.”




“I'm calling you because Mark and I wanted you to know what was up. Don't worry. I'm holding down the fort. It's not like he's dying. His casts are set so he's just sitting in bed using his good arm.”


“If you're sure…”


“I am. Come when you get off. Bring Thai food. See you later.” Jinyoung hung up before Jackson could reply.


Jackson returned to his client after using some breathing exercises to calm down.


“I'm so sorry. I was contacted about a personal matter.”


“We can end it early.”


“If you're sure… I'll give you a ticket for a free smoothie.”


Jackson worked through the day on autopilot. If anyone asked him how he felt through each session, it'd be the same answer, and it had nothing to do with the clients. He'd usually describe if it went well or if it didn't go as smoothly as he'd wanted. He normally had conversations that'd he'd relay to Mark after work, but his mind wouldn't stray from its focus on finishing and going see his older boyfriend.


Jackson showered, changed clothes, and clocked out after he finished with his last client.


“Bye Leah. I'll see you tomorrow.”


“Have a good night.”


Jackson jumped in his car, and threatened to break a few traffic laws. He was so zoned out he almost forgot the food until his stomach grumbled. He drove to the restaurant and ordered Mark’s favorite, whatever he thought Jinyoung would like, and the sampler for himself. He wasn't in the mood to make too many decisions. After receiving his order, he re his journey to the hospital.


He arrived at the large hospital. It's modern, glassy exterior concealed the truth of what was going on inside. He tried to avoid hospitals as much as possible and thus wasn't able to avoid the sinking feeling he got when he arrived. Jackson parked his car in the parking garage on the sixth floor, and walked to the elevator with dinner. The clean white walls with the bland art, that depicted the city and its attractions, did nothing to soothe the worries of the occupants and their loved ones. The harsh fluorescent lighting made his mind short and fell as if he was in an incoherent dream.


He hustled as fast he could without disturbing the food too much, Jinyoung would kill him if his food looked liked it'd been in an accident. Jackson needed to see his boyfriend as soon as possible. He needed to see he was alright. He was the light of Jackson's world.


They'd been dating for almost a year now. Mark was everything Jackson was not and more. They were complimented each other like salt and pepper. Their relationship had been so ideal that Jackson couldn't imagine being with anyone else.


Jackson made it to the nurses station with a bit of labored breathing. Stress didn't do his body well.


“Which room is Mark Tuan staying in?”


“Who are you to the patient?” The nurse cutting her eyes at him. Her nails began clicking on the keyboard. She also smacked her gum at an annoyingly constant pace.


“His boyfriend. Jackson Wang.”


“I'll check the approved guest list.” She clicked some more.


“Room 607. Go down the hall to your right.”


Jackson walked down the hall and carefully read the room numbers. 611. 610. 609. 608. 607. This was the one. He knocked on the door.


Jinyoung opened the door enough to peek his head out. Once he saw who it was, he pushed the door fully open.


“Thank goodness you're finally here. We're starving. I bet you forgot and didn't order earlier. So single minded.” He yanked Jackson into the room. Jackson shoves the bag of food into Jinyoung's hands.


“MARK!!! Are you alright?” He rushed over to his boyfriend and inspected him before exchanging a chaste kiss.


“Hey Jackson. Yeah I'm okay, just a bit sore.” Mark said as he stretched a little. He'd been cooped in this bed a little too long.


“What happened?” He held Mark’s uninjured face in his palms.


“It seems that my stunt manager didn't check the ropes and the one I was attached to was  . Luckily, I was close to the ground so my injuries were minimum.” Mark moved some items on his makeshift table in front of him to make room for the plate of food.


“I'm glad you're okay.” Jackson was given his own plate of food and sat in a chair closest to Mark and the bed.


“Jackson, how'd you know I like this dish?” Jinyoung asked from his seat in the corner of the room.


“A hunch.”


“Mark, you should keep him around.” Mark chuckled.


Jackson fussed over him as they ate dinner. It was quite a funny sight. Jinyoung, thoroughly entertained, finished eating and decided he should go home. He had work and this day has been stressful. He bid the lovers goodbye.


Jackson helped Mark get ready for sleep half an hour after Jinyoung left even though he wouldn't be sleeping for a couple more hours. He'd moved the trash and tried to make the hospital room more comfortable. Mark seemed content with not talking so Jackson started to ponder about if he should spend the night. He wanted to, but he only had some spare gym clothes to sleep in. If he wanted to sleep over he'd have to get them soon or else the hospital staff would not allow him back into the room. He also would have to stop by the small store in the hospital to get toiletries, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste.


“I’m going to spend the night. I won't go to work until I bring you to your apartment tomorrow. Is that alright.”


“Yeah, I'd appreciate it.”


“I'm going to get my stuff from the car and buy some toiletries. Do you need anything?”


“Toothbrush and toothpaste.”


Jackson went to his car and found the spare clothes. He brought them to his nose and inhaled. They smelled decent so this must have been a pair for his sleepovers with Mark. He grabbed one his water bottles as well. Luckily the hospital store was open and he was blue to buy the toiletries and some snacks.


“I’m baaaaack.” The trainer singsonged.


They ate snacks and talked about miscellaneous things. Jackson had been overly attentive. If even a slight look of discomfort crossed Mark’s face, Jackson was either by his side or asking a thousand questions.


“Gaga, stop fussing over me. I'm alright really. You'll go crazy. Especially if I'm going have this cast on for like 6-8 weeks.”


“You're going to be recovering that long?”


“Yeah. I'm getting discharged tomorrow. Even after I get my cast off, I still won't go back to work for a month.”


“You'll be out of work that long?” Jackson changed into his sleep clothes. Mark silently enjoyed the view of his half- muscular body.


“... Will you be okay financially?” Jackson asked as he placed his other clothes by the chair he'd sat in.


“Yeah. I work for a company with great injury benefits and especially since it was their negligence that caused my injuries, they're planning to compensate me well so that I don't sue.”


“Will you sue?” Jackson helped Mark brush his teeth since the latter couldn't get up from his bed. Jackson brushed his own after the other had finished.


“Probably not. I'll check the equipment I use next time. I like the company and they obviously take good care of me.”


“But they're the reason you're in the hospital.”


“No it's the fault of the employee. He’s been suspended for this incident.”


“I can't believe you're going to risk yourself again.”


Mark took a deep breath. This conversation wasn't supposed to turn into a fight.


“My job is dangerous. That's just a basic fact. The company I'm employed at has great benefits and is one of the best stunt companies in this market. They try their best to keep the employees safe. I did get injured, but my superiors are taking the proper actions to prevent this from happening again.”


“Even so, I don't want you to be injured again. What if it's more serious next time?”


Mark moved the tray/ table thing in front of him to the side and scooted over to allow room for Jackson to lay beside him. He patted the space, and Jackson slunk over to him and laid down.


“I know you're worried about me but I’ll be okay. I do appreciate your attention and concern, but I'm an adult who has to make his own decisions about his life. I'm able to take care of myself. Even though we've been together almost a year, even if we were together for fifty, I need to make my own decisions.”


“I'm only so concerned because I love you. I don't like seeing you in pain.” Jackson nuzzles into Mark’s chest. The latter carded his fingers through his hair. It was soothing. Jackson wasn't supposed to be the one being comforted at the moment, but he couldn't protest.


“I know. I even feel the same way. We love each other so we'll be concerned over each other’s well being. I'd feel the same way if our positions were reversed. Don't worry too much though. I'll think about what you said, and I'll discuss more with the company and evaluate my options.”


“I can live with that.”


“Hopefully you'll do a good job of helping me around. I still want you to take care of me a bit.”


Jackson just nodded. He now had peace of mind that Mark would be okay in the future. Even though he'd be concerned, Mark was an adult who could make his own life choices, and all Jackson could do was provide input. This was something Jackson was starting to understand about their relationship. Neither had full control over the other and that was probably for the best.


Mark shifted to get comfortable to sleep. Jackson adjusted with him but kept the same position next to Mark. Laying next to his boyfriend was so comfortable that he started to doze off.


“Goodnight my love.” Mark said as he kissed the top of the other’s head.


“Sleep well my angel.” Jackson lightly kissed the other’s collarbone since he didn't want to move. The two of them drifted off more in love than they'd been before.


The morning was chaotic. Jackson mostly had to stay out of the way. Mark was on the phone with his parents for an hour after they'd eaten breakfast. Then the doctor and nurses came into to talk about upcoming appointments and how to take care of the casts. Fortunately after those visits, the couple received the paperwork to be discharged. Jackson gathered his and Mark’s things and brought them to the car. He would meet Mark at the entrance to the hospital.


He pulled up and made sure he'd be comfortable.


The nurse rolled the wheelchair Mark was in to the car. Jackson assisted him in helping Mark maneuver into the front seat.


“Are you comfortable?” He asked Mark. Mark nodded. Jackson close the door and made his way to the front seat. Once he entered, he rolled down the window on the passenger side where Mark sat.


“Alright Mr. Tuan, don't forget about your checkup in two weeks. Goodbye.”


Mark nodded and waved. The windows rolled back up.


“Where to?”


“Let's go on a date.”


“Are you up for it?”




“Alright then date it is. I'll just text Leah that I'm taking off today.”


They drove off in the beautiful summer sun. Their relationship was better than ever and this would just be a sweet story to tell in the future.


Was it any good? I was working on a different bonus chapter, but this idea popped in my head and was finished first. I enjoyed writing this more because I was less pressured. I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway, please subscribe, comment, and upvote. Thank you. @(*~*)@

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Reedy_Bird30 #1
Chapter 5: ONe of my favorite stories for JJP & Markson!
Chau03 #2
Chapter 5: This is beautifully written. :) Great job! I enjoyed it immensely. :D
Chapter 4: Ahhh, this was really cute! Even though I'm not a markson shipper, nor a bnior shipper, I decided to give this a chance and I'm glad I did! It was really good and I'll probably check out your other stories (if you have any)! ^_^
HunieMineNahLuluis #4
Chapter 5: Wowwwww am love this couple soo much~
Like it soo cute, specially the ending
Samsal #5
Chapter 5: Awww I really like how they all seemed to get along in the end. Its like they helped complete their groups and all the confessions. It was sweet. Ill miss this story.
Chapter 4: jinyoung actually did the first move here. brave soul.
Chapter 4: Awww always include nora :)) nora everywhere :')))
floralis #8
Chapter 4: It's a cute encounter :) well done ^^
maribelita852 #9
Chapter 3: Omg I loved it !it just shows what love can do to you