We Belong
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“Bastard!” Another slap landed on Sang Bum’s face that came from Naeun. Sang Bum can only smirk. His driver came running upon seeing his situation.

“Mr. Kim-“

“Is the car ready?”


“Let’s go. I had enough of punches and slap for today.” He replied as he took several steps forward. His driver was about to follow when he stopped.

“Everyone, I hope you enjoyed the show, it’s the end. Now get going, I hope no picture or video go around as I am not allowing my face to be on social media or any news, I can sue anyone who disobeys the rule. I know that we’re all aware of that.” And he went off leaving the Junmyeon in the scene.

It took several more moments before everyone recovered and Sang Bum’s out of sight.

“Hyung…” Sehun tried to shake Junmyeon to his senses.

“Junmyeon is there anything wrong?”

“Eunji?! Where’s my wife?” Junmyeon asked as he blinks. His wife is nowhere to be seen.

“I’ve been trying to call her but she’s not answering.” Naeun replied as she continues to dial on her phone.

“I think we should get inside first and let everything die down, I’ll let my employees deal on this mess.” Minseok spoke as he tries to get hold of Junmyeon’s shoulder.

“No hyung, I need to look for my wife.” Junmyeon said as he got out of Minseok’s hold.

“I’m sorry for all this mess, I’ll pay for everything and I’ll make it up to you.” Junmyeon said as he still looks so lost but all he can think of right now is his wife, where can Eunji be?

“Naeun get me posted if she responds, I’ll look for her. Sehun contact Jongin and Krystal and help me too!” Junmyeon hurriedly instructed as he ran towards his car. He needs to find his wife.




“She what?!”

“Eunji came and asked Leo to bring the car in the lobby and said that she’ll be going somewhere.” Mrs. Cho said which somehow made Junmyeon get dizzy.

“Did she say if where is she going?” Junmyeon asked.

“I tried asking her but wasn’t responding. She even looked like she cried so I hesitated in bringing the car but she said that she’ll be quick.” Leo replied nervously.

Eunji came earlier and instructed him to bring her car to the lobby. Mrs. Cho tried to ask if she forgot something since she’s aware of their schedule for the day but Eunji just gave her a smile as she went inside their room. She came out with an overnight duffle bag and declared that she’s ‘leaving.’ Mrs. Cho has no idea what was going on but she just nod and paid respect to her.

“Is the GPS of the car ?” Junmyeon asked. His question made Mr. and Mrs. Cho exchange glances.

“I never turn it off.” Leo replied as they immediately headed to the security room inside the unit where the CCTV inside the unit and even the lobby and the parking lot is located. It also has desktops that shows the GPS of all of Junmyeon’s car.

“Why is it black?!” Junmyeon frustratingly asks as he looks at the desktop assigned for Eunji’s car.

“Ms. Eunji must have turned it off.” Leo almost whispered which made Junmyeon shut his eyes close.

“I’m might kill Sang Bum if something happens to my wife.” Junmyeon mutters as she stormed out of the security room leaving the three nervous.



“Sehun, Eunji left with her car, she turned off the GPS so we can’t find her. Please find other sources to find her, NOW.” Junmyeon instructed over the phone as he paced back and forth on the living room, trying to think of the possible location of his wife. He’s sure enough that she won’t go to any of her past jobs as she knows that he’ll look for her there first.

“Where are you wife… where are you…”

“You’re a total bastard Kim Sang Bum…”

He continues to mumble as he pulls his hair out of frustration.

Who would have thought that this day will turn out like this?





Eunji hiccups as she wipes away her tears. Her vision is even getting blurry because of her tears.

“It’s the end now Eunji. Sang Bum blew everything away. Junmyeon must think you’re a now.” Eunji mumbles as she drives. She can clearly remember Junmyeon’s face earlier. He looks so confused, so lost, he seemed to be asking her to answer his questions in mind but was too afraid to even say anything as her apology just came out of .

“Sang Bum must be really happy for doing this to me… he’s a bullcr*p!” Eunji steps in more making her speed up.

Her mind is in a total chaos right now. She can’t even think straight. Her phone’s turned off, she turned off the GPS of the car and made sure that the people left inside the unit wouldn’t bother to follow her.

Moments later, Eunji realized that she’s been over speeding.

Eunji tries to wipe out her tears as she tries to slow down but realized that she’s closing the intersection, slowing down may cause the car from the other side to hit her for her sudden break so instead, she sped up to beat the red light.

As she thought that she’s safe, a car came honking from her blind spot making her swerve to the opposite side, only to find a barricade and the next thing she knew, she out.


“Miss excuse me, miss are you awake… miss…” Eunji can hear someone shaking her making her groggily open her eyes. She has no idea what is happening.

“What happened?” she tried to ask but the person whom she perceived to be a paramedic continued to check on her.

“We’ll carry you out of the car… good thing that the airbag worked before your head hit the steering wheel. We’ll have to bring you to the hospital.” The paramedic said which just made Eunji blink.

“Don’t carry me, I can come out.” She replied. She hates to be treated like a patient, though she basically is now. Even before the paramedic could respond, Eunji shoved her away and came out of the car.

“Miss!” and for the second time, she out.




“Naeun! Sehun!” Junmyeon came running to the private emergency room.



“Where is she?”

“I immediately had her transferred to the private ER when we arrived.” Sehun replied which made Junmyeon’s eyes shut close. His heart instantly fell when Naeun called him saying that someone answered Eunji’s phone and it’s from 119. He swear he beat all the red lights just to get in the hospital immediately.

“Has the doctor come out already?” Junmyeon asked as he can feel his heart beat so fast. He doesn’t even know what to feel as his mind is in chaos but if there’s one thing that he’s sure, he wants Eunji to be safe.

“Not yet, they’re still checking on her, when we arrived, she was unconscious. The nurse said that 119 reported her to be conscious for a few minutes before she lost consciousness when she came out of the car.” Naeun reiterated what the nurse said earlier.

Junmyeon took a deep breath as he run his palm through his face.

“Junmyeon...” Naeun can only whisper his name as she patted his back, hoping to calm him down. She exchanged glances with Sehun who can only sigh, they don’t have a single idea if what is happening inside.


Minutes felt like years until the doctor that took care of Eunji came out. Naeun immediately recognized him as she stood up making the two men follow.

“Are you the guardians of patient Jung Eunji?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, I’m her husband.” Junmyeon replied.

“She was in the state of shock making her lose consciousness. We ran several tests on her and everything came out normal. She just needs rest to recover from the shock.” The doctor explained which made the three of them weave a big sigh of relief.

“What took us long is the fact that she started to have some bleeding because of the shock but don’t worry, the baby is fine and healthy.”

The baby is fine and healthy

The baby…



Junmyeon looked at the doctor confused with what he said. The doctor seemed to pick it up immediately as he continued to speak.

“Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…”

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…


It just kept on ringing inside Junmyeon’s head as he tries to clear his mind.

Eunji… is pregnant? We’re having a baby?

A tear suddenly fell from Junmyeon’s eyes as he has finally come back to his senses.

“Where is she? Can I see her?” another tear fell.

“She’s being prepared to transfer to her private room. We are going to notify you when she’s already transferred.” The doctor replied.

Junmyeon suddenly feel suffocated.

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…


It just kept on ringing in his mind. He didn’t even notice that the doctor has already excused himself.

“Hyung… hyung.” Sehun shook him.

“Eunji’s pregnant.” He managed to whisper which made Naeun and Sehun exchange glances.

“Does she know?” he suddenly turned to look at Naeun who gave him a blank look.

“I don’t think so… Eunji wouldn’t hide it if she knew.” Naeun answered which made Junmyeon gulp.

Hide it? She hid something from me though…. Sang Bum.

“Hyung, I’ll settle Eunji’s papers first. Please stay here with Naeun, I’ll get you two some drinks and snacks when I come back.” Sehun excused himself as he knows that he’s the only one capable to do it right now, Junmyeon’s too emotional and a bit wrecked while Naeun’s too worried about her best friend.

“Thank you Sehun.” Junmyeon said.


Silence enveloped between Naeun and Junmyeon. Junmyeon’s mind is wrecked, his thoughts are mixed up that he can’t think straight.

Your wife is 11 weeks pregnant…

It just kept on ringing inside his head as he get to have a lot of thoughts. His child almost gotten in danger because of what happened, he didn’t even know that his wife is carrying a child... why must he know it in this kind of way?

“Naeun.” He called her attention.


“If I ask you some questions, will you answer me truthfully or will you say that I better wait for Eunji?” he straightforwardly asked as he turned his body to face her. That caught Naeun off guard as she managed to get a full eye contact with him, something she wasn’t able to do the moment he arrived in the hospital.

“I don’t think waiting for Eunji is going to be a good idea

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FINAL CHAPTER for We Belong is posted. Thank you so much everyone!


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Limonium #1
Chapter 30: Suji, i love them so much, its rarely any moments of them nowadays but still, reading this, makes me fall for them even more
Angel_Light #2
This story is so beautiful it filled my heart... Suji so cute
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Apink ❤️ Apink ❤️ Apink ❤️
nurarabella #4
Chapter 30: It's was awesome, I love this story so much ❤️
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful :") overall i like this story, but it makes me frustated in some parts, especially when it is about sang bum. It makes me want to kill him but i don't know what will be the reason of me to kill him. I hate him already even before the story about eunji's past revealed.
I like how junmyeon respect eunji, bring their relationship in a slow pace for eunji's sake, i like how he think about eunji before him. They're deserved each other. I hope i could have relationship like theirs in the future :").
Sylcro #6
Chapter 30: Extra très belle histoire très bien écrite j adore suji ? ?
Chapter 30: I can't believe it, im at the end of the story now? God, what a perfect family they have. I wish for their happiness to last long!

Thankyou for writing such a good story with full of fluff and right amount of conflict, I love every single chapters you wrote. Though I might say my favorite is when Junmyeon and Eunji met for the first time. I guess it gives me the most butterflies, like I knew they are going to be a great couple in the future.

I start to grow more love for SuJi otp, this is not good. Hahahaha but again, great work author-nim! Love it! And thankyou!!
Chapter 29: GREAT BABY BOY! I don't know why but Rv-Bad Boy song starts to play when I read about it.
But afterall, it's the son of Eunji-Junmyeon, I wonder how angelic he would be.
Chapter 28: Finally Seyoung can understand the whole situation she got, I thought she would never do.