Children of the Grave

Tearing Down the Wall

Down in the depths of the ruined castle, lay the echoes of battle. The rocky walls of the dungeons deep were scarred, serrated from the moving conflict ahead. Metal clashed with bone and screeches surrounded the narrow corridor as a hideous creature was impaled by a long, glowing blade. The woman who owns it could only scowl at the blood that splattered along her longsword, and beyond to her ragged cloak from days of adventuring. 

This world was not kind to her.

She had been travelling in search of a way out of this setting, one of medieval fantasies and insane knights as they traversed this same path, only to find themselves in ruin as their travels only brought creatures and illusions that led them astray. They were either too brash, too arrogant, too naive, or just not cunning enough. This woman was too ruthless to be any of those, and so she tread along just fine, at least if the voices would stop bothering her.

Well that was an anti-climactic duel.

“Shut it, Kisum,” the woman says, wiping the blood off the sword as the creature dropped dead. “This is my story now.”

You may have my body, but that doesn’t mean you can silence me so easily.

“But since I do have your body, who’s in control?” 

The voice in her head remained silent, and with a satisfied smirk, she moved in the castle. The woman, her form being Kisum’s, had travelled this far in hopes to find a portal back to her world, or at least an easy path back through other worlds. Knowing the nature of fanfictions, she knew there were numerous and convoluted paths to the same end, but she at the very least, there is an end. She still has a chance to set things right, to stop this madness and bring him away from this curse. The reverberating steps moved the world past her as she could only move forward, not because she had nothing to turn back to, but because she has everything to look forward to.

More creatures blocked her way just as she found an opening to what seemed to be an open room.

The woman leapt to battle, bringing down a furious strike onto the first pathetically rotting creature as it groan horridly in pain. The rest she slew with twisting slices and unrelenting beheadings, their essence smeared all over her as they too dropped in pain. She walked past them, thinking nothing of it as she walked into a moonlit courtyard. The open area was cobbled with undergrowth between the stones, with some low walls that surrounded a little garden in the centre. Within the garden were more weeds than luminous, bell-like flowers, but within the very middle stood a statue of a man with a hand outstretched. 

This was too easy.

What are we waiting for?

The woman put a finger to her lips, lowering the hood of her cloak afterwards before looking up. She grinned when saw a fireball falling from the sky, heading in her direction. She rolled to the side when the fireball was close enough, as the impact would have taken her out easily. She stood with agility to look at the new foe as the flames subsided, leaving heavy smoke that obscured the vision of her enemy. 

The glint of another blade gave her a split second to react.

She stepped back quickly as the sword swung through the heavy smoke, the opponent instantly right in front of her. The blade just barely made it to the tip of her nose, but was sure to swipe off a few strands of hair. The woman responded with a jump forward, her sword raised as it swung down on her foe. The enemy, now visible out of the smoke in the form of a cloaked cassock, threw a fistful of black powder at the protagonist, blocking her vision as he gave a knee to her gut. The woman coughed in pain before she was knocked away by the side of his sword.


“Not now, Kisum,” the woman said quietly. “I’m fine, I just underestimated our enemy.”

She blinked and the enemy was in right of her, his sword raised above her. She dodged to the side as the blade cleaved through the cobbled stone. Kisum gulped on the inside, shaking in her boots at the sight of the fearsome adversary. 

I think we should run…

“But how am I going to open the portal without his blood?”
Excuse me?!

The woman stood and stabbed when the dashed to her, but he stopped short of the blade and swiped it away before shoving against her with his shoulder. She was pushed back, but she barely had time to weave around the slashes her enemy gave. She kept eye on the sword that swung around her, reaching to where she was before only to find air only to seek her more with fervent hunger. The sword began glowing a vivid indigo, and the slashes became faster and faster. She could barely keep up before she had to give the man a stab. 

She grazed an arm, but left herself open to his blade. 

“Kisum, now!”

The woman felt her insides shift out from behind her. She knelt as the sword impaled her chest, but once her eyes closed, they opened again right behind where her body was stabbed. Kisum smirked, scythe in hand before she swung the magnificent weapon across the man. He ducked to dodge, before rolling away from the second fighter. He stood up defensively, raising his sword as a ward against the new fighter.

Kisum finally took her body back, but the first body crumbled to dust. She couldn’t have imagine that giving her body for pure power would lead her to this, but she needed a reason to use it anyway. She jumped forward with her scythe raised, but before the man could move, she already swung in the direction he was going to roll to. Her blade caught up with his torso, but it reached him just enough so that it only cut through his cloak. She saw the darkening of his chest as the blood began seeping through it and pushed further to stop him from attacking back.

The man threw more black dust, but it did nothing to Kisum when she twirled so that the dust hit her back instead. She continued the twirl and used that momentum to swing the scythe forward, this time the slice being a bit deeper in his chest. She wasn’t done though, as she couldn’t stop the momentum and let the scythe spin her to attack. 

That’s enough Kisum, we can leave!

Kisum looked to the blade and saw the blood shining against the moon, and so she ran to the statue.

“But are we ready to go back?”

We’ve already been displaced from the story long enough, and the Bias won’t stop until He’s dead.

“I get He’s important to you-“

Then ask no further and swing the scythe at that statue!

Kisum did as she was told, and the swing made the blood fly onto the statue. The rapper buckled as the ground shook beneath her, almost knocking her down, but certainly tripping the running enemy. Once the quake stopped, they both fell anyways, with the man falling right on top of Kisum. And in line with this style of fanfiction, the enemy landed in a very compromising position right on top of the rapper. 

Kisum punched the hood off of the man, only to find out it’s not a man.

Yezi growled at her exposure before she punched Kisum in return. The smaller rapper squeaked before moving her head so that the fist drilled through the ground. Both rappers struggled against each other, the smaller trying to get up while the crazy dog keeping her down. The author within Kisum rolled her eyes and reached out a ghostly hand into Yezi’s mind.


Both rappers fell unconscious from shock due to the intensity of the scream in their minds.


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