The principal's office

Life is full of colors

"You didn't need to get yourself involved"

Yugyeom looks at the boy next to him who sighs. They were sitting down on a bench, next to the principal's office door. "But Jongkook, you are my best friend. I couldn't just stand by and let those guys insulting you. What did you want me to do instead?" he asked, wincing a little bit at the pain he was feeling. His right cheek was badly bruised, and his ribs were aching too, all a result of what happened during the last class period.

"Just nothing. Now you're getting detention because of me and it's like the first time in your life you're ever getting detention" Jongkook said with worry. Yugyeom looks away, biting his lips. "It's not a big deal" he slowly whispers, his green aura starts glowing. They both knew that it was a lie because that fight wasn't a small issue."Not a big deal?!!! Yugyeom, you're like one of the most pacifist persons I ever met and I'm not the only one thinking that. There are other students who agree with me too. You're always here to bring peace, always here to resolve any problems, to help people, to stop any upcoming fights despite the fact you hate getting involved in them.You are someone who would never dare to use violence...."


The last words sink back inside Yugyeom's mind, stuck on replay. "I promised myself to never use violence during my whole lifetime" he thought in his head.

"You even told me one day that you promised yourself to never use violence during your whole life but it seems that this oath is broken" Jongkook smiled.
"OMG! can you read in other people's mind or something?" Yugyeom brings his hands to his face, groaning. "I don't feel well Jongkook, I feel bad and guilty for hitting that student" "Why? You shouldn't because he really deserves it honestly and it's not the first time he's acting that way. He's always so mean towards any student who seems vulnerable and weak" he puts an arm around his friend's shoulders. "But why not attacking me instead? I perfectly fit that description tho" Yugyeom asks. "Hmm, dunno. Maybe because you're a giant" he responds laughing. "Even if it had to end that way, thanks for defending me" . A smile spreads across Yugyeom's face. "No need  to thank me, that's what friends do".

"Now there is only one big thing I'm really worried about for both of us" Jongkook said while sighing. Yugyeom looks at him, frowning.


Jongkook looks at him in disbelief. "Don't tell me you forgot about everything the principal told us back in his office earlier" he exclaimed. 

"I barely listened because I was too nervous about what I did" Yugyeom responds, playing with his fingers.

"Let me tell you. He said that he will call the people who are legally responsible of us. So now, does it ring a bell in your head?" 

Yugyeom eyes went big, he starts to get nervous. "Nooooo, don't tell me that.."

His words get interrupted when the door of the principal's office suddenly opens. The secretary's head peeks through the door. "Jung Jongkook and Kim Yugyeom, the principal just had a talk with your parents Jongkook and your brother Yugyeom. They are on their way to the school" she smiles to them with sympathy, she knows how they are feeling right now. It's not a fun thing having someone coming to get you from the principal office, and they are about to get severely reprimanded . The woman went back in the office, closing slowly the door.

Jongkook mumbles sorry and don't worry to Yugyeom while he pats the boy's back to reassure him. Yugyeom only looks ahead, still applying the ice packet on his right cheek. He closes his eyes as he's starting to panic about who's about to pay a visit to him in his school.

"I'm done" he thought in his head, as he's screaming from the inside.




Jinyoung walks to the living room after getting himself a snack in the kitchen. His footsteps fully stop at the entrance of the big room. He's observing his brother on the couch. Jaebum only has a blank expression on his face, no signs of any emotions. He was looking mindlessly at the TV, with only his eyes slightly big and his jaw dropped. That's it, nothing else. Junior walks towards him, wondering what he's watching on TV to leave him in that state.  He's finally close enough to see what's on the television.

He sees an advertisement on chicken wings.

Jinyoung gives Jaebum his infamous judgmental look before taking the remote control, changing the TV channel until finding an interesting program to watch. "Seriously you and your chicken addiction" he mumbles as he sits down next to the guy.

This seems to earn him a reaction as Jaebum wakes up from his trance, now looking at him.

"Huh? Did you said something Jinyoung ah?" the older of the two shakes his head few times, coming back from his thoughts. Jinyoung rolled his eyes before he lets out a chuckle.

"Hyung, you should have seen your face while watching that chicken ad on TV" the raven hair boy said before eating. 

"A chicken ad? There was a chicken ad on TV?" Jaebum asks looking clueless. 

Jinyoung glances at him with the 'seriously hyung' look visible on his face. 

"Yah, you were looking at it while not moving your body, your eyes not even blinking once. Now that I think of it, you seemed a little bit shocked too.'' He pauses in his talk, he pats his hyung's shoulder.

Listen, if you're really craving that much for chicken immediately (even if we ate some yesterday), I'm willing to go buy it for-"

"I wasn't looking at the ad, I was thinking about..... I need to go to the maknaes' school right now!!!!" Jaebum abruptly raises up from the couch, almost falling down because  of Coco's toy lying on the floor. He's running to the front door.

Jinyoung was confused, wondering why do he needs to pay a visit to the high school. "What? Wait for me hyung, I'm coming with you!!!!" he turns off the TV and went after his older brother.

Jaebum started the engine of his car. Jinyoung quickly goes inside the vehicle. "What's going on?" he asked as he looks at his hyung. Jaebum left the street and drives in the direction of the school. His hands were tightly holding the steering wheel.

"Yugyeom" he pronounces their dongsaeng's name before he sighs. Jinyoung grew worried, looking at him. "What about Yugyeom?" he asked. 

"He got into a fight with another student" 

Jinyoung was speechless, in his mind this was impossible.

"Hyung, are you sure about that? We're talking about Yugyeom. This kid is too good-natured to do something that way, it doesn't make sense" Jinyoung really had difficulty believing it. Yugyeom, he couldn't imagine Yugyeom hurting someone else.

The traffic lights turn red, JB slows down until the car stops moving. He turns his head to look at Jinyoung. "Do I look like I'm joking Jinyoung ah?" he asks.

Jinyoung observes him: his face was very serious, his eyes narrowed and his mouth formed a thin line, he was scary a little bit. But he could perceive in his eyes that he was sincere, the guy was not lying to him. After he senses his brother understood his visual cues , Jaebum continues to talk. "Look, even myself I couldn't believe it at first. But then I recognized the principal's voice and while I was discussing with him, I came to fully comprehend how real the situation was. After the call, I even looked at the caller I.D and saw the institution's name".

They spend the rest of the ride in silence, both of them trying to make sense of the situation. Arrived at the school, they quickly go inside the big building. After receiving directions from the reception desk, they walk towards the principal's office.




Both Jongkook and Donghoon's parents (the student who started the fight) arrived few minutes ago. They all went inside of the office to start ahead the discussion, to focus primarily on the two students: the bully and the victim.

As for the victim's hero, if we could address him that way, he's still waiting for his legal tutor to arrive at any moment. It didn't take that much time as few minutes later, he suddenly feels the atmosphere changing dramatically in the whole hallway. It was very strong as if it was holding on all the anger of someone.

Yugyeom didn't want to raise his head, but he did nonetheless.

His eyes meet with Jaebum's ones. His hyung looks quite unhappy and disappointed in him. Yugyeom then becomes surprised to see Jinyoung is here too. He already knew Jaebum hyung would come because he's technically his legal tutor, but he didn't expect to see Junior tagging along.

However, now that he comes to think of it, it shouldn't come to a surprise for him. It makes sense to meet the duo next to each other in that situation.

The self-proclaimed "Appa and Umma" of the family are most of the time together when it comes to deal with big issues needed to be fixed as soon as possible. Mark hyung might be the oldest but he gets sometimes uncomfortable when it comes making big decisions. He only acts as a third party, always behind your back to remind you about something and it arrives that he will act in a spontaneous way to tell them what they should do in x or y situations .That's when you come to realize how much he contributes a lot in his siblings' lives.  So when it comes to giving huge speeches about life and also advice similar to what parents usually give to their kids , JJ Project (nickname given to them since young) ace in that field. Though it's been around 10 years since they know each other, the two of them were the first ones to get adopted and been the only ones for two years before the five other siblings gradually came in the household.

As the two adults arrive in front of him, Yugyeom's body freezes.

Jinyoung starts his ranting as he starts observing Yugyeom everywhere, wanting to look at his injuries. "Are you okay? What happens to your cheek? What's wrong with you? You punching another student? Are you out of your mind? ........" and it goes on and on, Junior blue aura taking place, Yugyeom trying to reassure him he was okay. As for his Jaebum hyung....

"Let's get done with this" he said as he gives him a stern look before he knocks on the door. The secretary greets him and Jinyoung before she makes the trio enter the office.


If Yugyeom is being honest, the meeting wasn't as nerve-wracking as he thought. Except, Jaebum hyung ignored him. He didn't bother looking at him during the whole time. He only focused on discussing with the others.Yugyeom only talked when he felt the need to. Jinyoung hyung was great, giving him his full support with only the few comforting smiles and looks he discreetly gave to Yugyeom every time the maknae turned to look at him. Also, he did relax him every time he squeezes softly his shoulder when his body stiffen. His blue aura did play a role too, the sight slightly calming down Yugyeom.

Results from that meeting: Jongkook got nothing since he wasn't at fault. Donghoon got severely punished with suspension of three days and detention after school for three weeks. As for Yugyeom, he only got detention after school for one day. It's the first time that he did something, so knowing perfectly how he usually behave well, the principal didn't feel the need to punish him more.


As they exit from the school and walks to the parking lot, Jaebum's mouth was forming a thin line. He keeps quiet, still giving the cold treatment to the high school student. Jinyoung glances at Yugyeom, worried about him. Despite all his efforts to hide it, the young boy's sad puppy look was still clearly visible.

"Yah Im Jaebum!!!!" Jinyoung screams loudly, startling Yugyeom.

Jaebum, who was walking ahead of them, slows down and turns to look back at them. Junior walks quickly the few meters that separate them.

"Look at him" he said but Jaebum looks away. "I said look at him, look at your little brother" Jinyoung repeats with more emphasis.

Jaebum briefly looks at Junior before slowly looking behind him. Yugyeom immediately looks away when he  suddenly feelsJaebum's intense stare on him. 

"See, you're scaring and hurting him right now. I know why you're acting so serious and so cold towards Yugyeom, I know what you're thinking about. However, try to not be too harsh on him. We both know how this kid is fragile and can get quite sensitive easily. So please, stop it with that attitude. You're not only hurting Yugyeom but yourself too".

After Jinyoung is done, they stay like that for a while, exchanging no words.

The first one who decided to act is Jaebum, he tosses his car's keys to Jinyoung. Jinyoung looks at him confused.

"My shift at the shop starts soon so I need to leave now. I'll take the bus, drive him back at home" Jaebum explains before he walks away.

Jinyoung only sighs as he's observing his hyung's retreating back. He turns around and with his arm, signals Yugyeom to come towards him. He smiles to the maknae, who returns the smile but it doesn't reach until his eyes form crescents.

"Let's go home, Jaebum hyung needed to leave quickly for his shift at the shop" Junior throws an arm around Yugyeom's shoulders as they walk to the car. "He's mad at me, he really hates me right now" Yugyeom said in an almost inaudible voice, but Jinyoung was still able to catch what he just said. "No, he's not Yugyeom" he responds calmly. "He's not?! How could you be so sure about that hyung? He basically ignored me during the whole meeting. He gave me the cold treatment since he came to my school. The only times I got looks from him, they were so cold and serious. He didn't care if I was okay or not" Yugyeom shouts before he gets in the car.

*He did care about you silly boy*

Junior shakes his head, smiling to himself as he remembers seeing a certain degree of concern behind those narrowed eyes that seemed to not contain any emotions.


There is a subtle look Jaebum gave to Yugyeom when the latter was talking to the principal. It was present only for a short time before being replaced by a stern look.

However, Jinyoung managed to be observant and quick enough to catch it before it goes away. 

Also, he noticed the way Jaebum clenches his fists tightly every time he witnesses the little evil smirk Donghoon gave to Yugyeom. At some point, Jinyoung had to contain the snort that threatens to comes out when he saw the way Jaebum was looking at the student.

Yugyeom might think that red aura presents on Jaebum is targeted to him, but it was not the case. It was aimed at Donghoon only.

The look directed to the boy was a scary glance that serves as a warning that could easily be translated into "You dare to lay a finger on my baby brother again or even look at him with that ing stupid evil smirk of yours again, and I'll make sure you regretted your whole existence on Earth".

Jinyoung was unfazed by it, the result of living under  the same roof as Im Jaebum for a long time. He already remembers how bad his temper was back in the days. Reminding it still sent shivers down his spine. His anger was no joke years ago, he's glad that the guy managed to change.

Right now, it seemed that the Donghoon kid was not a big fan of Jaebum's look. He gulped hard as Jaebum was throwing daggers at him, he was giving the poor kid one of his coldest and serious stares. That menacing stare revealed to be a brilliant success as the boy didn't dare to look at Yugyeom anymore, he even started shaking nervously a little bit on the chair he was sitting on.

"See, now you're shaking violently. Why did you felt the need to behave that way in the first place huh?" Donghoon's mother said, looking at her son.

A big smirk spreads across Jaebum's face after hearing that.




Jinyoung gets in the driver's seat and starts the engine.

"Yugyeom, trust me when I'm telling you he's not holding grudges against you. Rather than that, it's completely the opposite. He is... He is mad at himself" he explains when he suddenly feels vibrations coming from his cell phone. Yugyeom is confused.

"Mad at himself? Why would he be mad at himself? It's not even his fault what happened today" he mumbles as Jinyoung takes his cellphone from his pocket.

He received a message from Jaebum.

Don't worry, I'll talk to him later

Jinyoung smiles softly after reading it. "That, only Jaebum hyung can tell you even though I have a good idea why" he said to the maknae before leaving the parking lot, driving back home.




Later on that night, Yugyeom was in his bedroom watching a k-drama  on his laptop. He was comfortably lying down under his bed covers, focuses on the episode of the drama. Suddenly, someone knocks on his door.

"Yes!" he responds loud enough, his eyes still glued on the laptop screen. He hears the click of the door, someone opens and closes the door behind him. He then hears clear footsteps walking towards his bed. They stop in front of it.

"Can we talk?"

Yugyeom raises his head and sees Jaebum looking at him.

"Oh yeah, sure" Yugyeom said looking down quickly, he pauses the video and puts his laptop aside. The mattress dips as Jaebum sits down on the bed. Yugyeom's green aura starts glowing, as he's looking at him expectantly. Jaebum only sighs at the sight of it.

"I'm not here to scold you or to give you any type of scolding Yugyeom. It's useless because we both know that you will not repeat again what happened today right? That you learned your mistake and I'm pretty sure that you don't wanna go to detention again, am I right?" Yugyeom slowly nodded, still not staring at his hyung.

"Yugyeomie, look at me please". Yugyeom listens to him, he glances up to meet Jaebum's gaze. His eyes show to him how much he was truly sorry and worried too.

"I'm really sorry, deeply sorry for the way I acted towards you this afternoon"

"Just why?!! I felt hurt by the way you decided to completely ignore me. Like you didn't acknowledge my presence. Only Jinyoung hyung cared about me. As for you, you looked as if you hated me" Yugyeom said looking down.

"Wait!!! No, Yugyeom I don't hate you!!!" Jaebum exclaimed as he holds Yugyeom by his shoulders. "I don't, why would I hate you?" He nudges him, gives a soft squeeze to his shoulders. "More like I was mad at myself and that Donghoon guy, but let's put him away for now" he said.

He's greeted by a pair of brown eyes that fixed him with a confused look.

"I feel guilty as if it's my fault". Yugyeom now looks at him very surprised, he's about to protest.

"But hyung, it's not your f-"

"You know how bad my temper was in the past, it was the hell. Back in high school, I wasn't really a model student despite not failing in any of my classes. Everyone did find it quite incredible and unexpected, knowing how rebel I was. I did a lot of bad things such as skipping classes or insulting some teachers I hated so much. I did fight with fellow classmates, I went several times to the detention. I went to parties Umma and Appa didn't want me to go. There was alcohol there so I did underage drinking.  Everyone suffered badly at some point because of the way I was back in back in those days. So whenever I think about that time period, I'm not very proud of myself. I don't know how many time I wished to go back in time and restart anew. Like, Umma and Appa did receive calls from school sometimes because I got in trouble. But with you all? This never happened. I remember that time our parents sit down with me to have a big serious talk. That's why I changed the way I behave, that big talk and because of the car accident. With the bad things I did in the past, I promised myself that none of my dongsaengs would follow that path too."


"We all have piercings except Bambam and Jinyoung" Yugyeom suddenly interrupted Jaebum in his story. 

The older of the two barely managed to hide the smile that threatened to spread on his whole face. He only shrugs at the younger's words.

"Well, I see nothing bad with piercings. Even our parents said nothing about when I had the two before they die. Now it's seven, I don't know how I managed to represent unconsciously the seven of us."

"Anyway, when I received that call from your principal earlier... It was like a nightmare"


"So, yeah. In my mind, it's like this meant to signify the start, the trigger event for bad things happening in the future. But, I know how I overreacted. It was wrong for me to think that way as if you would turn that way. It's not like you're the one with temper issues" Jaebum said the last sentence with a smile.

"Yeah, for sure" Yugyeom giggles before he playfully pokes his hyung's arm. Jaebum only looks affectionately at him.

"Thank you" Yugyeom then said, surprising his brother.

"For what? Oh, let me see... For scaring the out of this Donghoon guy?" Jaebum asks, laughing.

"What????" Yugyeom's eyes were big. Jaebum smiles sheepishly as he rubs his neck with his hand.

"Well, I kinda gave him a big warning to not... you know"

"Oh! That's why he didn't want to make eye contact with me after a while...'' Yugyeom was pensive before laughing out loud. 

"Hahahaha, thanks for it but I wanted to thank you for something else" His brother looks at him, raising one eyebrow.

Yugyeom looks away, his green aura increasing in intensity. The maknae clears his throat. "Hmm, Thank you for taking care of us" he shyly said.

He's waiting for something, some kind of reaction like a scream or a groan or some hand to grab his neck teasingly when few seconds later....

"Aww, our little Yugyeomie is so cute when he's shy!!!!!" Jaebum cooed as he hugs tightly his giant baby brother in his arms. He was smiling happily, as Yugyeom was barely going through hardships. He only breaks their embrace when he hears some protests of a certain person that claimed he needs to breathe. Yugyeom quickly goes back under his covers with the laptop. JB chuckles as he ruffles the maknae's fluffy hair, earning a whine from him before he leaves the bed and walks to the door.

"Jaebum hyung" the younger said as he turns the doorknob.

"Hmm." he looks back at his giant baby enveloped in the covers. 

"Goodnight" Yugyeom simply said with a big smile.

Jaebum grins before opening the door. "Goodnight Yugyeomie, don't stay up too late alright?"

"Okay." Yugyeom replies before resuming watching his drama's episode.

Jaebum smiles at the sight in front of him before opening the door and getting out from the maknae's room.

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Nachtice #1
Chapter 5: Aw that was a great chapter! I really love that Yugyeom stood up for Jungkook, there friendship sounds like a good one. But Yugbum was beautiful.
levixoc #2
Chapter 4: lol mark can never have a peaceful nap with bambam around
their interaction is so cute, hope to see more between mark and the others
Nachtice #3
Chapter 4: Aww Markbam is so cute! Poor Mark can't catch a break in the nap department, you're such a good big brother. And haha, poor Bambam there at the end!
levixoc #4
Chapter 2: Love how Jackson and jb immediately shut up after seeing mark
Yay a got7 family fic
Can't wait for the next chapter
trichelle #5
Chapter 2: I think it's cute that they are a family!! :)
Nachtice #6
Chapter 2: Aw I love them all but Mark you are aces!
Nachtice #7
Chapter 1: Sounds good I'm excited!