NBA store (Episode #1)

Life is full of colors

Jaebum looks at his watch and reads the time, something he's been doing constantly in the past hour. He lets out a relief sigh upon seeing the arrows indicating it's 8:45 pm now; there is only 15 minutes left before he's done with his day and he can finally go back home.

Today is Saturday, many customers came to shop inside the NBA store during the whole day. The lunch time exhausted the young man, particularly when he argued with that certain guy who claimed he could still get a total refund on his items he wanted to return even though yesterday was the 14th day since he purchased them (so the last day for it). This results into a very tired Im Jaebum who gets easily irritated for stupid reasons. He's daydreaming right now, thinking about his comfy big bed waiting impatiently for him.

His thoughts get disturbed when he hears the sound of a ringing bell, which only makes noise every time a customer comes in. Jaebum curses mentally whoever decided to cross that door.

Who the hell enters a shop when it is about to close very soon??!!??!!!

"Duh, lots of people hyung. Take me for example" Bambam would probably respond because the Thai boy did it so many times in the past, especially when it was one of his days where he felt the need to visit as many fashion stores as possible.

Few seconds later, Jaebum feels it: he feels a familiar figure walking inside of his workplace. He even gets a glimpse of what seems to be the color orange, something that is definitely not unknown to him.

What's wrong with me? I'm now hallucinating things, I must be too tired... or is it the lunch Junior prepared for me? It did taste quite weird, I hope he didn't decide to poison me even if I joked about burning his whole library the other day. I need to concentrate right now, stay alert until I'm done with that person 

He looks back at his textbook discarded on the counter before he picks it to continue studying. Usually, no one comes by the NBA store that late so Jaebum became used to either study or arrange clothes on the racks.

"Anyway, if that client really needs help, he/she knows where to find me" he thought in his head..  When few seconds later, he starts hearing far away this client speaking in Korean (with that accent he knew too well), he can't believe it.

"Noooo, nooo don't tell me it's who that I think it is?!!!! " His guess reveals to be 100% correct when he comes face to face with the late customer few minutes later. "Seriously?" Jaebum whispers as Jackson waves happily towards him, walking to the cashier with a big smile on his face. His orange aura surrounds his body, he seems to be in a happy mood.

"Annyeong Jaebum hyung" the youngest of the two says, dropping the shoe box on the counter. "What are you even doing here? And at this time?" JB shoots him a glare. "Hey, I came to pick you up" Jackson responds, sending him a wink.

"Says the one who still hasn't got his driver license"

"Hey, I'll get it very soon for your information. It's not easy for everyone to get on their first try like Mr. Im Jaebum"

"Jackson, you are about to re-started your driving test for the 7th time"

"So what, don't tell me you already forgot how I slayed the theory exam"

"Still, you're re-starting your practice exam for the 7th time"

"That's just a little detail. And Yeah the 7th time... goes with Lucky 7. So I might get lucky to pass that exam"

"In your dreams, you can't even drive for your own sake Jackson, you're the worst driver that I know in my entourage"

The man in question steps back, looking at him dramatically offended with a hand on his chest. "For real, at least give me some supporting words instead of doing the opposite"  he said as JB takes the box in his hands, rolling his eyes fondly."Yes, fine! I took the bus to come here and I thought that I could at least make you feel less lonely during the whole road back home and I needed to buy new sneakers, can't use the other pair anymore for my basketball practices and matches".

"Okay, let's get done with this and go home" JB sighs as he scans the barcode with the device in his hand and the price shows up on the computer screen. "So, it's going to be 187.75$" JB responds looking at the screen attentively before looking back at Jackson. Jackson's eyes increased in size and his jaw dropped, he looks at his hyung.

"Wait!!! That's the price I get after receiving my discount??!!!???!!!!" Jackson's scream resonates  in the whole store. "Yah! Don't scream in the store!!! And which discount are you talking about? It's not like we're doing something like 25% off on shoes or any other special offers right now" Jaebum says impatiently. He looks at his watch and sees it's 8:56 pm, he takes big breaths in order to try calm down . "But I thought that you would give me a certain type of discount. I was kind of expecting something honestly" Jackson crosses his arms. Jaebum was getting angry, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he explodes.

"And why should I?" he asks as polite as possible, as he clenchs and unclenchs his fists repetitively. "Pfft, because I'm your brother and as your brother I deserve a discount.  I should get a family member discount at least, come on" the Hong Kong native whines to his hyung.

Sometimes, this guy really loves to play with JB's nerves or fails sometimes to take the time to think before speaking. But what people can do about it? We're talking about Wang Jackson.

3,2,1.... That's it, JB could not take it anymore. His red aura suddenly envelops his whole body as he looks menacingly at Jackson.


"Not even a little 10% off on my"

Jackson gulps hard as he takes few steps backward, raising his hands in the air. "Wow, okay fine I was just asking jeez. What did you just said about not screaming in the store? And if I'm really a client as you pretend, it means that I don't deserve to be treated that way. I could always drop a complaint". "Don't you dare" JB responds in a low and scary voice, glancing at Jackson with that "I will kill you" look.

It didn't take that much time for the younger to immediately takes his credit card from his wallet to pay for his shoes.  



"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Jackson says as he takes his keys and unlocks the door. "Sure, what is it?" they enter the house and JB closes the door behind him. The atmosphere in the car was pretty tense at the beginning during the road back home but then JB  took the initiative to end it with apologies towards Jackson for the way he shouted at him and then everything was good, the scene at the store completely erased from their minds. They went back to their own selves, joking around and talking about random stuffs.

"Well... have you ever thought of visiting a doctor?".

After removing his shoes, JB's body freezes. "Huh?" "Yeah, seeing a doctor. Have you ever thought about it?" JB looks at him as if he was crazy before walking towards the living room, discovering a cute giant baby dozing off in front of the TV.  His tired expression was completely put aside to show his smiley face, looking fondly at his dongsaeng."Yugyeomie, wake up. Your bed will make a better place to sleep comfortably, without risks of getting aching muscles the next day" he shakes his body softly, smiling seeing the maknae reacting to his gesture.

"Who knows, maybe you do hypertension" Jackson just enters the living room. Yugyeom's green aura glows a little bit, he looks at both of them confused. "What Jackson hyung is talking about Jaebum hyung? Are you sick?" Yugyeom asks concerned, standing up from the couch slowly. JB frowns as he glances Jackson before looking at Yugyeom. "No, I'm not sick. Don't listen to what Jackson is saying" JB responds before pushing him out of  the living room. Yugyeom whispers goodnight before climbing up the stairs clumsily. "You're always shouting, screaming, groaning. I was just wondering if you were in a good health. You know, it's not a bad idea to consider registering for a therapy on Anger management issues, maybe taking some advice in order to control your" "Jackson..."  "See, that's  exactly what I'm talking about! I'm only trying to help you but you're about to yell at me for getting worried about you" Jackson exclaimed at the sight of the red light, which disappeared from JB  in a couple of seconds.

Mark could hear everything from his bedroom upstairs, busy studying for an upcoming exam in Macroeconomics. "Cannot even work in peace at this time" he groans standing up from his desk and walking out of his room. Jaebum and Jackson were so busy arguing with each other that they didn't pay attention to the purple glowing from the stairs. Mark slowly walks in a relaxed way, not in a hurry  to get to these two. It's not like he has something to do, he has so much time right now to shut up his two dongsaengs.  He arrives at the entrance of the living room and clears his throat, loud enough so both guys hear him. Jaebum and Jackson turn their heads and see their hyung looking at them with his arms crossed. They both stop talking immediately. The purple aura was so intense, so mesmerizing as it gives off energy that evokes tranquility, peacefulness, silence. As their gazes slowly soften, a little smile appears on Mark's face.

"It's getting late, stop it if you don't wanna wake up the others. Is it really crucial for you two to discuss on that topic? If it is, you're welcomed to continue next morning as long we are not still sleeping" he speaks quietly, his soft voice sounds like a sweet melody in his brothers' ears. "I hate it when he uses that tactic" JB thought in his head. Anyway, he was exhausted physically and mentally. He really wanted to sleep as soon as possible. "Alright then" JB managed to say before pointing his finger at Jackson. "You, I'm not done with you. Don't try to run away from me tomorrow".

"Goodnight Jackson ah, goodnight Mark" "Goodnight Jaebum ah". After JB went upstairs, Mark looks at Jackson smiling. "What did you do this time?" he chuckled as he puts an arm around Jackson's shoulder. As they walk together towards the stairs, Mark could only shake his head and looks at him fondly as he's listening to the whole story. 


Author's note

So that's the first chapter, leave comments on what you think:)  It will takes a while before I make another update as my family planned to travel for a week overseas, so the next time I'll upload something will probably be at the very end of the month or beginning of July. Thanks for subscribing, I really appreciate that, I still think it's not that good but seeing people still deciding to give a chance to it really makes me happy, thank you <3  

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Nachtice #1
Chapter 5: Aw that was a great chapter! I really love that Yugyeom stood up for Jungkook, there friendship sounds like a good one. But Yugbum was beautiful.
levixoc #2
Chapter 4: lol mark can never have a peaceful nap with bambam around
their interaction is so cute, hope to see more between mark and the others
Nachtice #3
Chapter 4: Aww Markbam is so cute! Poor Mark can't catch a break in the nap department, you're such a good big brother. And haha, poor Bambam there at the end!
levixoc #4
Chapter 2: Love how Jackson and jb immediately shut up after seeing mark
Yay a got7 family fic
Can't wait for the next chapter
trichelle #5
Chapter 2: I think it's cute that they are a family!! :)
Nachtice #6
Chapter 2: Aw I love them all but Mark you are aces!
Nachtice #7
Chapter 1: Sounds good I'm excited!