Ch.3 The meeting pt.3

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WJongin's eye lit up when what looked to be a small (smol) man answered the door. He only peeked his head out as if he was trying to hide something. Jongin giggled internally at the thought.

"Hello, can I help you with something" 

"Hi! I'm Sehun! This is my friend Jongin, he lives next door to you, can we come in?"

The man's eyes widened in surprise, it seemed he wasn't expecting Sehun to be so direct. 

"To be honest nows not a good time, but if you can wait outside a minute or two that be great," he spoke, he sounded shy but his voice was deep, Jongin thought it was really attractive.

"S-sure we can wait," this time Jongin spoke, he was shy too, unlike Sehun who had been poking him in the back pressuring him to make a move on the little man.

"Ok I'll be right back" and like that, he turned around and ran, you could hear his quick footsteps as he dashed who knows where in the house

"Whats wrong with you, we just met him," Jongin asked

"Don't be so prude Jongin, we both know you're interested in him" Sehun teased

"Meow" It was a cat, it seemed that the man had left the door opened and his cat escaped with a small baby kitten in back of her

The little kitty cats had gotten the attention of both Jongin and Sehun and so they started playing with them. They pawed at each other and the humans petted the cats.

By the time the man got back, Jongin and Sehun were on the floor playing with the two cats. 

He cleared his throat "Hey umm...excuse me, but you can come in now if you'd like, after all, you guys seem to be having fun with Kat and Whisker"

Jongin got up in a flash and Sehun, Sehun just kept rolling and playing with the cats"Ha...yeah. Well, excuse me" Jongin went in and that's when Sehun got up and followed suit.

The house was really nice on the inside, the living room wasn't that big but it fit a flat screen tv and two medium sized couches. Then there was the kitchen, the only thing separating the kitchen space, which also included the dining room, which was a wall that had a counter and some tall chairs. Where the wall continues, back there was a hallway which Jongin assumed was a hallway leading to rooms.


"Well, I think its time I introduce myself, Hi my name is Kyungsoo, nice to meet you" the man who says he is Kyungsoo reached his arm out to Jongin who took it and shook it and then to Sehun who did the same thing.

"Hi Kyungsoo, we're here to welcome you to the neighborhood and is it just me or do you also smell something chocolatey?" Sehun said and turned to Jongin then to Kyungsoo

"Oh yeah umm I was baking some chocolate cake, and I put it out about an hour ago for it to co

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thescientists #1
Chapter 3: No worries if sure we are all waiting patently for your update also im sorry for your loss, it's good you're trying to keep a positive attitude over it. Also no need to apologize for how you update! There are some people that I'm subscribed to and take months to update! Lol haha....... no? Ok sorry!^.^
Chapter 2: I like it :) you're doing well!!! :3
Chapter 1: hey ^^ I like your idea~ try and write the next chapter~
I can give you some tips if you want... :3