chapter 2

Not Another FairyTale story

15 mins later and Jimin had manged to half-guide, half-drag Jungkook down the long winding stairs. At the bottom, momentarily forgetting himself he let go of Jungkook only for the other to slump to the floor.
"Wow, 100 years of sleep really takes it's toll on the leg department!" Taehyung exclaimed as he came round to the door helping Jungkook off the floor.
Jungkook froze and looked between Taehyung and Jimin in shock.
"100...? 100 years ...what?" He stuttered, before his eyes rolled up and he collapsed into Taehyungs arms.
"... I shouldn't have said that should I?" 
"Don't worry Tae, let's just get him onto one of the horses" Jimin replied, bringing his own horse over so they could heave Jungkook's body onto it.
After much struggle, causing Jungkook to narrowlly avoid getting several hundred bruises, they got him onto the front of the horse, his arms wrapped loosly around it's neck.
"Let's go back to that inn... We'll have to explain everything to him then..." Jimin sighed, pulling himself onto the horse behind Jungkook. 
"Poor kid" 
"Tae, he's literally over 100 years older than us"
"Still he's really adorable and young looking" Taehyung grinned as they moved back through the forest and the way they had come.
They fell into a comfortable silence for a moment, before Taehyung cleared his throat over dramatically and looked over at Jimin.
"So.... He's umm ... A 'he'" 
"Wow, really? I never guessed until you just said that just no-"
"Ok ok Jimin, no need for the sarcasm... I'm just wondering if you know how you're going to explain this to your parents"
"What is there to explain? I just ... He just happens to be a boy there's not much I can do..." Jimin mumbled his answer back to Taehyung, whilst glancing down at Jungkook (who's head was resting on his horses neck). "I just hope my dad will let him stay with us so we can help him 'find his feet'"
Taehyung hummed appreciatevly and stayed quiet for a little while longer...
Until his curiousity got the better of him.
"How did you... wake him up?" He asks hesitantly, watching Jimins reaction as they trott through the forest back onto the path.
Jimin gulped slightly, begging his face not to turn red.
"umm.. I just umm "
"You had to kiss him didn't you!" Taehyung laughed triumphantly.
Jimin refused to look over at Taehyung, but was aware his face was giving away his guilty conscience.
"Yeah well, I'm sure you would've done the same. I-I couldn't just leave him there to rot for another 100 years or so. I had to /do/ something..."
"Hey, I'm not mad or judging you Jiminie... I'm impressed that's all" Taehyung smiled warmly at Jimin before screaming slightly as he almost crashes into a tree.
Jimin laughs a little too hard, almost causing the sleeping form og Jungkook to slip of the horse.
"You'd have thought after 100 years he'd never want to sleep again.." He ponders, noticing how Jungkooks breathing had fallen shallow and faint snores were coming out of his mouth.
"You've obviously never had over 10 hours sleep and still been tired the next day" Taehyung countered.
They trotted along further, Jungkook remaining firmly asleep, until they reach the inn they had passed on the way up.
Jimin and Taehyung help to bring him into the inn (with great difficulty, since he was still fast asleep).
Once they had gotten a room, recieved several strange looks from the residents at the inn and had dragged Jungkook up what felt like 30 flights of stairs (and what was actually probably only 3).
They finally let him fall onto one of the two beds in the room (they had had no choice since there were no three bed rooms free at the inn).
"Should we wake him up he's been asleep for quite a few hours?" Taehyung asked, moving closer to Jungkook as if ready to shake the other awake.
"Just let him wake naturally... Been a long time since he's done that after all."

When Jungkook wakes the next morning, the first thing he notices is someone elses snoring coming from a bed close to his. 
Groggily he looks around, half wondering if it was his brother. He opens his bleary eyes and looks at the sleeping figure on the bed. 
He sees that it's not his brother, that it's not his room or bed and that he had been asleep for 100 years.
He yelps slightly before pulling himself into a sitting position.
It's then when he notices Jimins slumped over body at the end of his bed. He face was squashed against the bed, mouth slightly open and small hand clenched around the blanket.
Jungkook was half annoyed that the other boy was still adorable even when fast asleep.
He then notices how desperate to use the toilet he was, and slowly moved his legs off of the bed so as not to disturb Jimins sleeping frame (which can't have been good for his back or neck).
Once fully off of the bed, Jungkook gingerly tested his legs on the floor. He was still just as weak as the day before but he found he could maneuvur around the room to the door with leaning on any spare surface.
He then managed down the 3 flights of stairs with relative ease to arrive at the reception of the inn where a woman was sleepily looking out the window to her right.
"Umm?" Jungkook started tentively, causing the woman to startle.
"You gave me a fright! Is there anything I can help you with, lovey?" She exclaimed, a warm smile on her face.
"Was just wondering where your toilet was?" Jungkook asked.
"Oh that'll be out the back, love. It's just a hole in the ground..." She frowns slightly before continuing. "I've always wondered how fairy tale settings deal with the realities of medieval life like the lack of personal hyigene, the plague and how toilets were basically just gigantic piles of poo at the end of a street for several hundred years."
Jungkook nodded weakly, wishing the writer woukd stop trying to impose their own strange commentry on fairy tale historical inaccuracies and get on with the story.
So, once Jungkook had done his business (100 year pent up 'business' which can't have been a pretty sight) and then stumbled up the 3 flights of stairs.
He got to the 2nd when he was met with a tired but wide eyed Jimin.
"There you are!" He looked up then and cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. "I've found him Tae!"
"Yeah I umm went to the toilet" Jungkook says sheepishly, allowing Jimin to lead him back to their room.
"We were worried sick!" Taehyung exclaimed as they arrived. "Well, Jimin was. I knew you had to be somewhere around here"
"Taehyung, I wasn't /worried/ I was just... worried that the evil witch or fairy or whoever put you under the spell had come back.." Jimin blushed, carefully not looking at Jungkook.
"Aww look at him blushing!" Taehyung teased. Jimin retaliated by poking him in the face.
Jungkook grinned with Taehyung, enjoying how Jimin seemed to get redder whenever he accidentally made eye contact with either of the other boys.
"Jungkook, I think we should help explain the situation right now?" Jimin started tentitively. 
"You mean the fact that I've apparentky been asleep for 100 years right?"
Jimin nods and glances at Taehyung before launching into the story.
"The legend said that a princess of great beauty ('That's you' Taehyung mutters under his breath to Jungkook.) was put under a spell by an evil witch because the princess was the daughter of the evil witches brother. 
"It was said that the evil witch was angry at her parents for making her brother King when he neither wanted to be or was qualified enough, in her opinion, to be King. She had begged and begged her parents to allow her, who was the eldest, to be Queen. And for the first few years they had declined, declairing she simple couldn't become Queen as part of the laws of the land. 
"One day, however, her parents promised to try and let her be Queen with the condition that her brother would agree to give up the crown. Expecting her brother to understand her desire to be Queen, she went to him with her request with confidence he'll let her.
"Alas, her brother refused and claimed she was simply trying to steal the crown to spite him because of her jealousy over him being often favoured for being their parents only male heir. Shocked and angered, the evil witch left the castle and began to plan her revenge.
"Throughout 24 years she watched her brother rule the kingdom with little motivation or caring for the people of the kingdom. 2 years into his reign, he and his Queen had a baby boy who was their heir to the future thrown. But it was the King and Queen's 2nd born who they doted on most. 
"The evil witch also spent her years learning the darkest of the magic arts so she could get her revenge. She knew that to get her revenge would mean not killing or torturung the King directly, but instead using his beloved daughter as a weapon to destroy him. She did this bybplanning on the daughters 18th birthday to capture her and put her into a deep sleep where she would only be awoken by a kiss from a prince.
"The evil witch succeeded in capturing the princess and placed her into an abandoned tower in a secluded part of a forest for a future prince to one day find ('That's Jimin, by the way' Taehyung whispered to Jungkook again). See, the evil witch had nothing against her neice, her revenge was only in destroying her brothers heart just as he had destroyed hers. 
"After 10 years, many princes and knights had apparentky tried to find the princess only to not succeed. The evil witch disappeared, whilst the King and Queen fell into despair. After only another 4 years the King died (which isn't surprising seeing as the medieval lifestyle isn't exactly good for a long life). His eldest son became King, before the kingdom fell to a larger kingdom 50 years after. 
"The legend sort of faded after then and just became, well, a legend... No one really thought it was real to be homest." Jimin sighed slightly, with a small smile on his face as he looked over at Jungkook. "Looks like the gender terms got mixed up in the story but apart from that I've always believed it was true..."
"That's... intense" Jungkook sat with his mouth open and eyes wide with shock. 
"Really, I've always been on the evil witches side to be honest!" Taehyung exclaimed suddenly. "All she wanted was to be Queen and what it sounds like is her brother couldn't care less about the kingdom. In a better world, she would've been Queen and none of this would've happened... She may have even been a great Queen"
The other 2 nod and hum in agreement.
They understand that much of the 'evil' villians in fairy tale lituature could've been prevented if the world would be a less misongynistic place.
"The writers getting social commentary-y again" Jimin sighed.

a/n~ idk how long it's been but here's chapter 2

sorry for.. this i know it's sorta terrible

i tried to be 'funny'

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been over a month sorrrry im just bad at this ok lol


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Chapter 1: It's really nice~ please update soon