chapter 3

Not Another FairyTale story

Jungkook remained in silence for a moment, comprehending the story. He remembered how his father had told him about how his aunt had gone to the 'dark side' because she was jealous of his Kingship. 
"Me and my brother used to make up battle scenes and stories behind my father and aunts fued..." Jungkook refused to look up, whilst the other 2 listened intently. "He would pretend to be the jealous older sister who ran off to a far off land to learn the dark arts whilst I would be my father, valiantly defending the kingdom or something."
Jungkook sighed and looked up. "On my 18th birthday I met my aunt for the first time. She was so angry when she barged in to the main hall demanding to speak to my father. My father refused to meet with her so she grabbed me and ran... well, flew.
"I don't remember much except us arriving at that tower and... My aunt looking at me with a hardness in but a sadness in her eyes. She said 'sorry' just before I completely out."
Taehyung and Jimin remained in silence.
"They're..." Jungkooks voice wavered slightly. "They're all dead aren't they?"
"I'm so sorry, Jungkook... But yes" Jimin came to sit next to Jungkook on the bed, putting his hand on his shoulder. "I don't know about your aunt since she disappeared after you were taken..."
"That's ok it's not your fault... If anyone it's my fathers for refusing to face up to what he had done" Jungkook rubbed his eyes free of the tears that had sprung up there. "I just... Wish I could ..." 
Jungkooks body shakes slightly as the tears begin flowing out of him. 
Neither Taehyung nor Jimin knew what to say, they could only give him a reassuring hug or pat.
"We'll look for her" Taehyung said suddenly, a surprisingly serious look on his face.
"What?" Jungkook sniffed.
"Your aunt... If she's still out there with all her immortal-magicness we'll help you find her!"
Jungkook blinked at Taehyung, no longer crying but eyes still watery. 
"Yes! We'll help" Jimin grinned, squeezing Jungkook's shoulder. 
"Seriously?" Jungkook asks, welling up again as he stares imcredolously at Jimin. "You'd do that for me?"
"Of course!" Jimin beamed impossibly wide, his eyes forming half cresent moons. 
"Well I was the one that actually suggested it .." Taehyung mutters.

After gathering their bags, having a small breakfast and getting their horses back (which had been put away into a barn for the night, something the writer forgot to mention) they began to head back onto the road.
Now he was awake, Jungkook decided he should be behind Jimin on their shared horse so he wouldn't be blocking Jimins view. (As much as Jimin protested because that felt like a personal attack on his height).
"We'll return to the castle to tell my parents and gather supplies knowledge before we'll set out looking" Jimin led the three of them down the paths he and Taehyung had come up. 
"What'll your parents say to you going off to find a potentially dangerous witch?" Jungkook asked.
"I'll... not tell them details" Jimin muttered. "I'll say we're looking for other of your relatives... Which we could do too."
"What's your families name, anyway? Might help us find them!" Taehyung asked, trotting up next to the other 2.
"Hmm not a common name that's for sure... Should be easy to find!" 
"Always the optimist Tae!" Jimin laughed. 
They rode at a leisurely pace for a few hours, before they decided to stop at a convienately placed farmhouse for lunch.
"You guys seem really close... I was never very close to anyone in our castle except for my brother" Jungkook said between a mouthful of bread and stew (because what even did medieval people eat...).
"We sort of grew up together since his father is a part of the royal guard. " Jimin said grinning at Taehyung. "Just never managed to shake him off of me"
"Oi!" Taehyung nudged Jimin playfully whilst grinning at Jungkook. "It's ok though you now have us to ruin your life!" 
Jungkook smiled back, thinking that he really didn't mind that that much.

Once they'd finished their lunch (after paying the farm house geneeously for their hospitality) they began trailing back through the forest path.
"There's another inn about 3 miles away I just hope we can reach it before nightfall" Jimin called to the other 2.
The wind had began to pick up and the sky began to grey slightly as if it was going to rain.
As if by magic, a few moments later the 3 felt the tell tale first few drops of rain.
"We better find a tree for cover or else we're gonna get soaked" Jimin shouted to the others.
"Yeh, and then we'd have to find a warm cave, strip all our clothes off and have a to stop hypothermia" Taehyung called back, receiving questioning looks from the others.
They found a large oak tree with a relativly full canopy which they could shelter from the incoming rain (which has steadily gotten heavier).
"Do you know if my brother had any kids? Perhaps we could find them maybe?" Jungkook asked once they had settled on the dry undergrowth.
The others shook their heads. 
"I don't know, Jungkook... The whole royal household went a bit crazy after you were taken" Taehyung replied, shaking his head every few moments to remove the droplets of water that were falling onto his head. "There's a knight that swears he's related to the infamous family... Though his family name is Kim so I don't know how accurate that is.."
"Kim?" Jimin frowns in thought. "You mean Kim Namjoon? The one with dimples that's constantly pining after the chef?"
"That's the one!" Taehyung chuckled. "Kind of pathetic really, every time he goes into the kitchens Seokjin throws him out for breaking a plate or dropping an onion or, and I quote, 'spending too much time staring at the head chef instead of helping prepare the vegetables'"
Both Jimin and Taehyung burst out laughing, whilst Jungkook smiled on sheepishly. 
"Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun... Mostly what I remember was usually being kept to myself in my room with a notepad" 
"Ooooh did someone have a diary?" Taehyung teased.
"No... I" Jungkook blushed slightly. "I like to draw..."
Jimin and Taehyung both 'awed' in unison, causing him to blush more.
"I'm not like a professionally it's only sketches..."
Taehyung then suddenly moved into a lying down position, leaning up on his arms. 
"Well then, could you draw me like one of your French girls" Taehyung drawled slightly, winking at Jungkook.
"No no, Tae, how many time's! No moderen references!" Jimin sighed. 
"aww you're such a party pooper" 


*mentions namjin cos i'm trash*

basically this is terrible why am i writing this lol

i might eventually re-read and correct grammar/spelling 


hope you enjoy anyway & thanks to everyone who has subscribed~

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been over a month sorrrry im just bad at this ok lol


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Chapter 1: It's really nice~ please update soon