chapter 1

Not Another FairyTale story

"We've been riding through this god damn forest for 300 years, where the hell is this tower supposed to be?"
Taehyung whined from his horse as he trotted along beside Jimin.
"It can't be far from here... " Jimin replied, stretching his neck to look beyond the block of trees in the hope he'd see a tower looming out of the foliadge. 
To be honest, the idea that there was even a tower in that part of the woods was a hundred year old myth (told by what some called an 'unreliable drunkard'). Jimin still held on to the chance that there was a tower holding a beautiful princess, sound asleep just waiting for his kiss...
Taehyung often ridiculed him for being such a hopeless romantic. When he did this, however, Jimin would use the 'don't-you-forget-I'm-the-prince-and-could-therefore-have-you-executed' threat that soon shut him up.
"You've said that for the past 3 hours!" Taehyung groaned, slowing his horse down. "Just face it, Jimin, we're not going to find ur magical tower or mythical princess"
Jimin sighed, he knew Taehyung was right.
"Fine... We'll start heading back to that inn we saw earlier to rest for the night. Then we'll g-" 
"Wait!" Taehyung shouted. Jimin turned to look at his friend, a frown on his face.
Taehyung was pointing at something over his head to the left, a strange gleam in his eye.
"What?" Jimin asked, as he spun his head round to look at what Taehyung was pointing at. "I don't see anything"
"That's because you have to make yourself taller, shorty" Jimin glanced round for a second to send Taehyung a glare before stretching himself taller. 
He gasped as he noticed the unmistakable spire of the top of a tower.
"Tae.... I don't believe it! We- we found it!" He turned to beam at his friend.
"Well then, Your Majesty, lead the way" Taehyung said in his most knightly voice.
The causiously made they way through the trees towards the tower, both not quite sure if this was real or if they were dreaming.
After what felt like hours of battling with lower hanging branches and piles of fallen leaves, they came into a clearing with the tower looming overhead.
They both stood in silence, looking up at the grand structure in awe.
"Well, to be honest if I could choose one place to spend 100 years asleep it probably would be this" Taehyung said, grinning widely at the tower then back at Jimin (who's mouth was gaped open).
"Should we-" Jimin started, his voice unnaturally higher than usual. He cleared his throat. "Should we go forward?"
"No, we should just take a picture and then head off home?! Of course we should go forward" Taehyung exclaimed incredulously.
"Take a picture?" Jimin frowned.
"Yeh, the laws of history never fully apply in fantasy worlds so why not throw in a bit of modern technology to help a joke work"
"I see"
They then began edging tentatively towards the tower, almost expecting large spikes or hoards of knights with spears to come out of the woods either side of them.
But nothing happened, and soon they were beside the tower, squinting up into the sun as they tried to take it all in.
"So how do we get up?" Jimin asked nervously.
"Was sort of hoping you'd thought of that..."
They stood in silence before Jimin jumped of his horse and began walking briskly around the tower.
Luckily for them, on the opposite side was a large, black door.
"Phew! Thought we were going to have to do the whole 'let down thy hair' thing"
"That's Rapunzal, Tae, if anything this story is based off of Sleeping Beauty"
"Ah okay"
"So do we just... knock?" Jimin looked warily at the door. 
"You could try it? Might be the wrong tower" Taehyung joked, though he had the same nervousness as Jimin.
Jimin raised his fist and tapped gentle on the door.
Taehyung tutted and proceded to bash his hand hard against the door 3 times.
No answer, silence.
"Maybe no ones home? Is Sleeping Beauty the one with the Evil Witch?
"Most of them have a witch, Taehyung!"
"Yeah but is it an /evil/ witch?"
Sighing at his friend Jimin began examining the door more closely. 
"Shame we don't have an axe" He mumbled.
"What like in The Shin-"
"Taehyung, please, all your modern references are ruining the Historical and Fantasy ambionce!"
Jimin drew his attention back to the door when  a strange clattering came the other side of the tower.
Both men darted to the source, and to their surprise found a tangled of thick rope. 
One end if the rope hand from a small window right near the top of the tower.
Taehyung and Jimin looked at eachother, both with an uneasy expression on their faces.
"Looks like someone is home after all..." Taehyung said weakly.
"Do I have to climb that?"
"If you want to meat the y lady at the top, then yes" 
Jimin groaned before starting to caustiously put his slightly clammy hands on the rope.
"Boost me up, Tae"
"Sure thing, Capt!"
Jimin clung to the rope as Taehyung pushed his weight onto his shoulders.
Slowly but surely, Jimin began to climb up the side of the tower, using the edges of the bricks as footholes.
He was 3 quarters of the way up and decided to look up. He was shocked to see that no one was standing waiting for him.
He almost slipped down with the sudden fear that came over him at the thought that this was infact a deadly and dangerous trap. He realised, though, that going down now would be just as dangerous as continuing up.
So, reluctantky, he continued heaving his body up the tower. Sweat was coming out of every possible pore, and all of his muscles were aching.
But as he pulled himself though the window (without looking into the room first incase their was a mad axeman waiting for him, a classic story hero's mistake) all he felt was relief rush over him.
He shakely stood up, finally taking time to look at his surrlundings.
It was.. Well, very empty.
Empty shelves, empty floor space. There wasn't even any candle holders or rugs or any sign of life. 
Jimin's heart sank slightly, as he made his way through a doorway to his left.
To his disappointment, there was just another empty room. The one didn't even have shelves and felt almost prison cell like.
Jimin shivvered and exited it quickly.
It was as he returned to the main room when he heard Taehyungs loud and slightly panicked shouting.
"I'm fine Tae! It'd completely empty hear!" Jimin called down.
He heard Taehyung shout something back, but wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.
It was because he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.
It was breif, and he definetly couldn't say he hadn't just imagined it.
So he moved towards the opposite end of the main room where there was another doorway. From the opening it looked like it was much the same as the previous room.
But as Jimin got closer he realised what he had seen moving.

It was a curtain, draped over a small window.
(it's an important historical fact here to note at this time all 'windows' were just holes.)
It was the curtain that he noticed first, feeling slightly less creeped out but the strange empty tower.
That is until he looked futher into the room and saw the figure on the bed.
Jimin screamed, which was perfectly understandable given the circumstances (although Taehyung would laugh about how wimpish he was the rest of their lives).
The figure was layed down, hands resting together on it's chest and eyes closed tightly shut.
The figure was breathing, Jimin noticed, although it was very shallow and almost undetectable.
The figures lips were skightly parted, and it was wearing medieval robes that were defintely and literally 'so last century'.
It's important to say here that the figure was very much male.
Thoughts of confusion were whizzing around Jimins head as he tried to remember if perhaps he had heard the myth wrong or whether there was some mistake made in the retelling, perhaps a simple typo where 'he' was mistaken for 'she'.
He was then presented with a futher dilemma. 
If this was the princess (well, prince) under enchantment then he needs to be freed, which would mean someone would have to kiss him.
And that someone, given the situation, would have to be Jimin.
Jimin's inner termoil presented itself as 2 figments of his imagination on either of his shoulders. 
Taehyung was the good angel; which surprised Jimin more than anyone, whilst Yoongi (Jimin's other knight friend who claimed that he couldn't come on the journey because he was 'sleeping') was the bad angel, which surprised no one.
"You have to save him!" Taehyung screamed in his ear (Jimin was reluctant to accept this since he could just climb down the rope if he wanted Taehyung's voice ringing in his ears. Although having to present his dilemma to the real Taehyung woukd be mortifying and he really didn't want to give Taehyung more material to mock him with).
"You don't have to do anything, you came here expecting some hot girl and instead you get a strange looking boy" Yoongi countered, sounding bored.
"I wouldn't really call him strange looking.." Jimin frowned, looking at said boy. "Besides I came here to /save/ the person remember?"
"Yeh! Plus it's not as if you haven't thought about kissing a boy before, remember that time we were really drunk and you told me how you'd like to kiss Yoon-" Taehyung began excitedly, before he was interuptted by Jimin coughing.
"Anyway. I think I'm going to have to listen to Taehyung on this one" 
"When don't you listen to Taehyung?!" Yoongi grumbled "I don't even know why you have a bad angel you never listen to me"
With that both disappeared and Jimin was left with the choice he had made.
Gulping, he moved towards the boy.
It was then that he thought perhaps he should check that he wasn't just simply asleep and not in an enchanted sleeping spell.
So Jimin gently shook the boys shoulders.
Nothing. Jimin gulped again, looking at the boys mouth and thinking about what he was about to do.
Taking a deep breath and wiping his now very sweaty hands on his trousers, he leant forward until he was almost touching the others face with his own.
Being this close he was able to see how the enchantment had made the bags under the boys eyes a strange blue colour.
Jimin gulped again before squeezing his eyes shut and pressing his lips against the other.
At first it was strange, like kissing a statue. 
Then the lips beneath his began getting strangely warm (or perhaps they were just strangely cold before hand and now were a normal temperature).
And, much to his surprise, the lips began pressing up into his.
He was so shocked that he couldn't move, until the figure under him began snaking his arms around Jimin's neck.
Springing away from the boy, slightly breathless, Jimin watched the boy stir.
He slowly opened his eyes and, blinking, began looking down at himself.
He brought his hands up to his face, as if surprised he still had them, and then racked his eyes around the room till they fell on the figure of Jimin (who was trying to blend into the wall, rather unsuccessfully).
He continued to stare at Jimin with a blank look on his face until hi brought his hand up to his lips.
"You... Were kissing me?" He asked, his voice hoarse from unuse.
At this point Jimin could lie and claim it was a mysterious pixie that came, kissed him then ran away.
But his bad angel never got the time of day so his only option was to tell the truth.
"Yes?... " He muttered, trying not to look the boy in the eye.
"hmm" Was all the other said, in a disinterested tone. 
They were in silence after that, the boy still examining all his self and surroundings with his eyes. They landed on Jimin again, but this time the boy smiled.
"Thanks" He smiled wider.
"Parden?" Jimin was taken aback by the boys smile.
"Thank you, for saving me?" The boy replied, slowly pulling himsekf into a sitting position. "My names Prince Jungkook, by the way."
"Oh um uh..." Jimin mumbled, his brain slow in processing everything that was happening. "M- My name is Prince Joomi- I mean Jimin"
Jungkook then laughed, causing Jimin to sink futher onto the wall with bright red cheeks.
"It's nice to meet you, Prince Jimin." He held out his hand to Jimin, who took it tentively. 
They shook hands, and both let go a little too late to be normal. 
Jimin then remembered that Taehyung was still outside the tower and might currently be running all the way to the inn they had passed on the way to get help (he would be running because a panicked Taehyung often isn't the smartest one who would remember that they have horses).
He quickly ran back to the main room to look down the rope and see Taehyung attempting to use one of the horses as leveridged to get himself up the rope (he can't be that panicked, Jimin thought, he has some sense still).
"Tae!" Jimin called down, causing the other to still his actions.
"JIMIN!! BUDDY! I WAS WORRIED WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU FIND THE LONG HAIRE- WHO'S THAT?" Taehyung yelled unnecessarily loud up, glancing at Jimins left.
Jimin turned and Jumped as he saw Jungkook standing there.
He was no aware that Jungkook was quite a bit taller than him, and was currently using the edge of the window as a support.
"Legs are really weak, can't seem to even stand straight." As if to illustrate this, Jungkook let go of the window and immediateky began to topple towards Jimin, who caught him.
Jungkook leant back on the window as he muttered and embarassed 'thanks' to Jimin.
"Tae, you might need to be ready to catch Jungkook if he falls off of the rope" Jimin called down to his friend.
"WHO'S JUNGKOOK?" Taehyung shouted back.
Jimin rolled his eyes and began to pull himself over the window.
"Wait!" Jungkook said, stopping Jimin before he was completely over. "Wouldn't it be better if we used the stairs and front door?"
"We already tried the door, it wouldn't open" Jimin frowned, slightly annoyed this guy who had been asleep for 100 years until about 10 minutes suddenly thought he was cleverer than him and Taehyung (admitadly, he probably was cleverer than the latter, but he'd never say that to Taehyungs face).
For some reason Jimin decided that he wanted to prove the infuriating boy wrong so he swung his legs back into the room and began to search for the stairs.
He soon found them at the far end of the main room, and he quickly ran down them (watching out for any uneven surfaces in the stone steps, because tripping up woukdn't be his ideal thing to do).
He soon found himself at the bottom, facing the otherside of the big door they had stood in front of earlier.
He was suddenly presented with the sinking feeling that he and Taehyung hadn't actually checked if the door would open.
It was also as if fate had similar soul crushing ideas in mind as he tried the handle and the door swang open easily.
Groaning in frustration, he stepped out of the door and walked round to where Taehyung was.
"How did you? You were... and now you're... " Taehyung gasped incredulously. "Did you learn to apparate?"
"Taehyung, what have I told you about modern references?" Jimin scolded, looking up at the window in the tower to see Jungkook smiling smugly down at them. "And I just.... used the door"
"The door? But it wouldn't open we tried it before?" 
"No we only knocked on it, Tae."
"yeah... " 

After Jimin had returned to Jungkook (slightly flustered, although he would blame it on having to go up the stairs) he half lead him and half carried him down the stairs where they were met by Taehyung.
Once they had done they introductions, Taehyung looked slyly at Jimin before turning to Jungkook.
"So... How was it you woke up, Jungkook?"


i started a new fic when i have 1000 others to complete i knoW i'm sorry

but i wanted to write cute fairytale/fantasy jikook so really can u blame me

jsyk this hasn't been read through (it's 1am) and its not finished yet either but yh

hope you enjoy the mess that is here (and if anyone comments on spellin and grammar just... i know ok i'll sort it out soon maybe possibly idk i'm tired)

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been over a month sorrrry im just bad at this ok lol


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Chapter 1: It's really nice~ please update soon