Chapter 2

Kitty Love
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Helloooo! I'm up with chapter two!!!! Sorry for posting it so late, I had promised 00:00 KST but I had guests over and well they just left so yeah XD

Please enjoy!!!! ps the choker Wonwoo wears is a tattoo one with an amethyst drop, but there wasnt a pic with him wearing one so yeah, this was the closest I got *Points to the Wonwoo picture in the chapter*



He kicked the male boy off his bed.

“Ahh!” screamed the guy and opened his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. “Why did u do that Master Mingyu?!” he asked pouting a little while rubbing his now sore .

“M-Master Mingyu?” asked Mingyu startled. “W-Who are you and why were you sleeping with me?!”

“Well, I’m Wonwoo and you were the one who invited me to sleep with you last night master.” Said the boy

“What? I invited my CAT to sleep with me not you! I don’t even know who you are!” said Mingyu startled.

“Well I AM the cat.” Said Wonwoo rather calmly. “See?” he said pointing to his choker or rather his cat’s choker.

“Well you could have stolen it…” said Mingyu deadpanning.

“Hmm maybe this will help you believe me?” said Wonwoo and magically grew brown fluffy cat ears and a tail!

“W-WHAT IN THE WORLD?!” said Mingyu shocked.

“I’m a special kind of a human with cat powers, I can turn into a cat at will or just have the ‘hybrid’ like cat ears and tail…” he said swinging his tail.

“That explains why you were doing those ‘human’ like activities when you were a cat… I thought it was strange that a cat would voluntarily enter a bath tub full of water.” Said Mingyu completely over that fact that the person sitting in front of him is a cat hybrid… Leave it to Mingyu to take in things rather easily and weirdly.

“Yes Master.” Said Wonwoo smiling a pearly white smile “My parents are normal though, they don’t even know that I’m a hybrid…”

“Ohhh but won’t they be worried if you went missing? And why were you in that alley all alone in the rain?” asked Mingyu.

“They won’t…. they aren’t alive anymore…” said Wonwoo sadly.

“Oh I’m sorry…” said Mingyu feeling bad for asking such and insensitive question.

“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault… My father just went crazy and killed my mom a week ago and tried to kill me too but I hid well in the house so he couldn’t find me so he just killed himself…” said Wonwoo sadly “And I ran far far away from my house in my cat form …and now I have no place to go…”

“Ohh you must have been through a lot…” said Mingyu reaching his hand out to his hair.

Wonwoo purred happily. “S-sorry! I guess I get like that when I’m in my cat form!” he said avoiding eye contact with me.

“It’s okay Wonwoo” said Mingyu warmly. “You can stay with me, here… I could use some company and you do seem like a nice person… so why not?”

“Really?!” asked Wonwoo surpised “Thank you master Mingyuuu!”

“Hehehe your welcome Wonwoo, but please knock off the master thing! I’m your friend from now on!” said Mingyu hugging him. “I’ll be by your side from now on...”

“Thank you Mingyu…” said Wonwoo returning the hug. “Also the master thing is a cat instinct. I’ve never shown anyone my hybrid from before and you’re the first.”

“Wow I feel honored” said Mingyu chuckling. “ummm also can you please put on some clothes?” He said turning crimson.

Wonwoo was literally shirtless and his lower half was covered with a blanket and Mingyu didn’t want to know whether or not the male in front of him was wearing any clothes underneath at all.

“Umm… I think it’s because of the transformation?” he said Chuckling an awkward chuckling obviously being a little embarrassed about being in front of a y chocolate eyed canine teethed male.

“You’ve never noticed when you transformed before?” asked Mingyu curiously.

“No…” said Wonwoo shaking his head. “The first and last time I transformed on my own was in the bath tub accidentally…also it was probably my animal instinct that transformed me into a cat when I tried to flee from my house.”

“Also I think I’ve gotten a lot more cat-like due to this…” he added

“Ohh guess your feline side is coming out.” I said “Anyway, I’ll go and grab you some of my clothes which you can wear for the time being till we go out and buy you some when we go shopping later today.” Said Mingyu getting up and getting some clothes from his closet.

“Umm you don’t need to go through all that trouble! I can just stay in my cat form-“ started Wonwoo before he was cut off by Mingyu. “The whole time?! Nonsense!

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 5: omg! yes!yeaaaaasszz! go forth and bring meanie ! lol. cant wait
chancumber #2
Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter ><
chancumber #3
Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter ><
ritz_7522 #4
Chapter 2: COME TO ME WONWOO I'LL CALL YOU ADORABLE ALL THE TIME, I SWEAR, .... Mingyu screaming tho...XD
ritz_7522 #5
Chapter 2: COME TO ME WONWOO I'LL CALL YOU ADORABLE ALL THE TIME, I SWEAR, .... Mingyu screaming tho...XD
ritz_7522 #6
Chapter 1: Screaming Mingyu MUAHAHAHHAHHHHAAA kennot get over it..... the choker tho T.T
wonhan_trash #7
Chapter 5: I WANT A MEANIE
gay-pop #8
Chapter 2: this is soooo cute ahahahaha
Chapter 1: Omg mingyu's alarm is same as me
NamHaNa #10
Why aren't you updating this ???? I want to know what's happening next!!!!