Chapter 1

Kitty Love
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One rainy day, as Mingyu was returning home from his usual club practice, he noticed a dark brown coloured cat curled up in a ball in an alley shivering. Him being the cat lover he is couldn’t bear to watch this cute little being suffer, so he bent down and picked the animal up, hugged it against his chest in hopes of keeping it warm and ran home.

On reaching home, he ran for some towels and dried the cat, and petted its head and carried it to the kitchen. “Hi, I’m Mingyu nice to meet you! So little kitten, would you like some milk?” he asked the kitten as he placed a kiss on its head. As if understanding what Mingyu said, the cat meowed softly, its eyes shining with excitement. “Hehe I’m on it kitten” said Mingyu and got some plain milk and some chocolate milk out of the fridge. He was about to pour the plain milk into a bowl for the cat, but suddenly, the cat jumped out of his arms and onto the counter and rubbed its head against the bottle full of chocolate milk as if it indicating that it wanted that instead of some regular milk. “You want that kitten?” asked Mingyu amused and he got a happy meow from the cat. “Alright, I’ll pour that into a bowl for you” He poured it into a bowl and placed it before the kitten who eagerly began to drink it.

What a weird kitten… thought Mingyu as he watched the kitten drink up the chocolate milk…

Wait! Is it okay for a cat to drink chococlate milk? He thought to himself… but considering the fact that the cat specially wanted to drink the milk, he decided to let it go. Afterall it was the cat’s choice not his, so he wouldn’t be held responsible if the cay fell ill.

“Okay kitten, I’ll go for a quick bath, please behave while I’m gone okay?” He said petting the cat on the head in return earning him a satisfied purr from the cat and then gathering his clothes and entering the bathroom.

As he soaked in his bath tub, Mingyu’s mind wandered to various places…He wondered about how a life with a cat as a pet would be, whether or not he’d be able to take care of one, the expenses, the stuff it would require and what would he name the cat…

All that thought process was cut short by a soft meow.

Mingyu’s head darted towards the door…There stood the kitten, purring softly and its paw. He had left the door open and it had wandered in.

“Do you want to join me kitten?” he asked chuckling at the cat.

The cat just walked up to the bath tub and jumped into it surprising Mingyu in the process.

“I didn’t know cats liked water?!” exclaimed Mingyu rather surprised. “But then again you’re a special one aren’t you?” he said picking it up and nuzzling his nose against the cats in affection.

The cat purred and played with the soap bubbles and then pointed its paw to the shampoo bottle.

“I guess you want me to shampoo your coat?” asked Mingyu smiling not at all affected by the fact that his CAT is in his BATH TUB asking to be SHAMPOOED.

Guess he was past that phase now.

He squirted some shampoo on both is hands and started to massage it into the kitten’s coat. The cat purred happily clearly enjoying this.

Then Mingyu accidentally pulled on the cat’s tail while applying shampoo and th

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 5: omg! yes!yeaaaaasszz! go forth and bring meanie ! lol. cant wait
chancumber #2
Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter ><
chancumber #3
Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter ><
ritz_7522 #4
Chapter 2: COME TO ME WONWOO I'LL CALL YOU ADORABLE ALL THE TIME, I SWEAR, .... Mingyu screaming tho...XD
ritz_7522 #5
Chapter 2: COME TO ME WONWOO I'LL CALL YOU ADORABLE ALL THE TIME, I SWEAR, .... Mingyu screaming tho...XD
ritz_7522 #6
Chapter 1: Screaming Mingyu MUAHAHAHHAHHHHAAA kennot get over it..... the choker tho T.T
wonhan_trash #7
Chapter 5: I WANT A MEANIE
gay-pop #8
Chapter 2: this is soooo cute ahahahaha
Chapter 1: Omg mingyu's alarm is same as me
NamHaNa #10
Why aren't you updating this ???? I want to know what's happening next!!!!